
Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

"You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries.." Lee Ha Eun was bewildered by the words said from the unknown man in front of her and yet why does she feel like she could trust him? With nowhere else to go and her newly born baby with her, she couldn't be picky and decided to follow this man. But who would have thought she would become the wife to the CEO of the most renowned and powerful business company in the whole of South Korea, Kim Corporation's Kim Min Joon. Why has this powerful man chose her to marry? What was he trying to do? Was it just by a mere chance of luck that brought this two together or were they destined to be by each other side? Who knows but one can be sure that everything has it's reasons.. "Why is my heart beating like this for him? Have I possibly fallen in love with him?"

Kyunggie12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Trust Me

Minseok was quietly walking behind the two ladies in front of him as he was trying hard not to laugh. Honestly, he almost laughs a few times.

But since he knew that he will look suspicious to Haeji if he did, he manages to hold back his laughter with much strength.

He wondered if anyone were to be him, would they be able to keep a straight face to the scene in front of them.

It seems he will never know but he was sure they would never be able to hold back as much as he did.

Since he knew what both of them were up to, it was hard for him to pretend that what was happening between them was normal.

Haeji was making up stories about how close they were when they were young and Haeun was just following with the flow of it and acted surprise with what she heard.

To others, it might look like a touching and sweet scene between cousins who had both miss each other when one was lost.

But to him, it was a hilarious skit of a psycho that was greedy for power, thinking that she got everything in the palm of her hand but in reality, her 'little sheep' was the one under control.

He seriously couldn't wait for the moment Haeji found out about everything and be embarrassed to death. Maybe she might even take her own life if she couldn't handle the shocking truth.

As he was quietly imagining how Haeji would react in the future, he was suddenly pulled back by his collar and harshly pushed up against the wall along some empty corridor.

"Yah! What the F-" His sentence was cut midway when he realized who was in front of him. He can already feel himself going through hell in a moment.

"You... Tell me what the fuck is going on right now! Why the fuck is Haeji linking arms with Haeun and is freely walking around as if she's not covered in blatant rumors about us getting married?!"

Minseok could already sense the burning heat of hell from Minjoon eyes as he shouted straight in his face.

There was no greeting nor apologies for pulling him forcefully by his collar. But instead, he was faced with a raging pair of eyes that would burn him into ashes if he were to look into them longer.

Minseok tries his best to reply but nothing seems to come out of his mouth. It was as if his mouth was glued shut and he can't open them no matter how hard he tried.

"How long does it take you to reply to me? Do I need to give an hour or something?! I don't like people wasting my time and you're doing exactly that! Don't you want to live?! So answer my damn question, you fucker!"

His whole body trembles in fear when Minjoon suddenly punches the wall in anger, just a few centimeters away from his face.

He could swear that if the wall was made of wood, it would have made a huge hole in the area he punch at or even wreck the whole wall.

He honestly was thankful that it wasn't his face that got punch. His face would pretty much be all messed up and bloody right now if it did.

"I... I don't know... I'm only just following what they ask me to do. I have no idea what they're planning."

Minseok stuttered in fright, trying his best to reply to Minjoon before he rages again. He knows Minjoon won't let him go that easily but he also knows Minjoon wasn't stupid.

If his face or anywhere that was visible on his body was hurt, Haeji and Haeun would suspect something and they would turn suspicious of him.

Minjoon wouldn't want that since that was the biggest reason why Minseok is in that situation which he is currently. Because why else would Minjoon drag him to an empty corridor?

"They? What do you mean by they? Are you saying you're working for the both of them?! How come? I thought you were Haeji's man! Since when you made a pack with Haeun too?!"

His voice roared throughout the entire empty corridor as Minseok almost drop down to the floor from his knees going weak.

He felt so stupid and badly wanted to slap himself so hard for saying something idiotic.

It was all because Minjoon was pressuring him for answers. If not, he wouldn't have made such a mistake and slipped up so badly.

Now it was definitely over for Minseok. Minjoon would surely harass him so badly until he spills out all the details.

As Minseok was dreading his life choices and regretting all he had done, something just crossed his mind and made him lose all concentration.

"I know this is not the time to ask such a question but how come you know about Haeun's existence? She has been missing since years ago and only now has Haeji found her. So how come, you, someone from the Kim family, could know about her and could even recognize her?''

After using all his courage to speak up and ask Minjoon about Haeun, Minseok could finally find his strength back in his knees and relaxes a bit.

From the look on Minjoon face, he could tell that Minjoon was slightly taken aback from his question about Haeun. But he was quick to revert back to his original cold facade.

"Why wouldn't I know about her? I'm Kim Minjoon. There's nothing I don't know about and won't get to know about. Likewise with the current situation. Since I don't know anything, you will have to tell me everything. Do you get where I'm going at?"

Minjoon creepily grins at Minseok as he stares right into his eyes. Minseok couldn't do anything but to just nod his head and gave in. He's not strong enough to keep playing this game with Minjoon.

Honestly, he thought he could avoid answering Minjoon's questions if he diverts his attention by asking about Haeun. But it seems to fail miserably.

Any longer and he swore he would get a heart attack before Minjoon ripped him up to pieces. So before that happens, it was better for him to just tell Minjoon everything he wanted to know.

"Fine. I gave up. I will tell you everything and anything you want to know.. So where should I start from?"

Minseok looks down in defeat and slumps against the wall. Minjoon smirks in delight at the sight of it and sigh, stroking his chin as he pretends to think up what to ask of Minseok.

"Well. Shall we start with your original master first? Let's see. How about what she's planning to do. Let's start there.."

While Minseok was being interrogated by Minjoon, Haeun and Haeji were too busy immersing themself in acting like a family that they didn't realize that Minseok was gone.

It wasn't until they're about to enter the lift that they realize Minseok wasn't following behind them. Haeun was the first one to notice as she looks around to find him.

"That's weird. I was sure he was behind us just a second ago. Maybe he went to the toilet. You just wait here, okay? I'll go look for him."

Haeun gave a big smile and grip Haeji's hand gently as if assuring her that she will be alright and will be back soon.

Haeji then returned the smile and nodded her head, releasing the hand that was on hers.

Slowly, Haeun started to walk as she looks back towards Haeji, each time she took a step forward. The seemingly touching scene was honestly excruciating for both of them.

Neither wanted it to be dragged any longer but both wanted to make it seem as real as possible. So, it went on for quite some time until Haeun's back was nowhere visible.

Within a millisecond after Haeun is gone, Haeji's expression changed as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"That damn bitch! How dare she touch me as if I'm on the same level as her! If it wasn't for the sake of getting rid of her, I would have crushed her like the little pesky insect that she is!"

Haeji didn't hide any feelings of hatred towards Haeun as she continues to grumbling to herself about her like there was no tomorrow.

The same goes for Haeun as she disinfects her hand with a small bottle of hand sanitizer that she just recently bought, knowing she will have a lot of skin contact with Haeji.

Though she knows it won't do anything to clear of Haeji's filthy sins off of her hands but at least to her, it helps release off some conscience of her being in contact with someone as such.

As she was finishing sanitizing her hand, she spotted Minseok from the corner of her eyes and was about to call out to him when the sight of Minjoon stop her from doing so.

'What is he doing here? And why the hell is he with Minseok?! Does he know Minseok? But how?!'

Haeun just can't stop asking herself all these questions as she stood frozen at the entrance of the empty corridor.

She was contemplating whether she should just walk away so Minjoon doesn't see her or hide by the corner and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Either of those have their pros and cons and she just doesn't know what to do. If what Minseok had told her was the truth, shouldn't she make Minjoon her biggest ally then?

But Haeun was still unsure whether to trust Minseok words. Those memories that just came back, it doesn't match anything that Minseok had told her.

Maybe because she hasn't gotten back her whole memories yet that everything is still unclear. Nonetheless, she needs Minjoon on her side.

Since he's obsessed with her, she needs to take this chance and grab hold of him, even if he might be a threat to her plan.

"What are you guys doing? And what the hell are you trying to do with my husband, Minjoon?! Trying to make him a liar like you too?!"

Haeun's voice caught both of them off guard as they look at her in shock. Both Minseok and Minjoon stayed frozen quiet as they think up of what to say.

Honestly, they know there was no way for them to tell the perfect lie that was in sync with each other. But they know they had to say something or the situation would get worst.

"Haeun, look. This is all a misunderstanding. Please let me explain. Everything from start to finish. After that, if you still want to hate me, I won't force you then. So, please. I'm begging you. Just hear me out and trust me this once.."

Minjoon slowly walked towards Haeun as he spoked and kneeled in front of her, with remorse splattered all over his face.

Haeun felt deep pain and sadness as she watches him kneeling in front of her. It was as if she could truly felt the sincerity in his words and his actions.

But knowing that all this might just be a lie to make her heart soften for him, she controlled herself back since she wasn't going to risk her plan of getting back at Haeji and her family.

"Fine. You have five minutes since Haeji will become suspicious if I'm gone too long. And you don't have to kneel like that. It just makes you look more pathetic."

Hearing that Haeun just gave him a chance made him extremely happy and delighted. Minjoon was sure Haeun would reject him again and walk off without hearing his explanation.

Since Haeun gave him a chance, he didn't want to waste it and told her everything. About how it happens, why it probably happen and what he was going to do about it.

After hearing his story, Haeun somewhat can see where this was going and what was going on. And if she matches what Minseok had told her before, she can already foresee what Haeji was planning on doing.

"Hmm. I see. That's interesting. We will follow through her plan then. But, we need to give her a little present at the end of it all. So how about this.."

Surprise! I decided to do a mass release of 5 chapters or more in total, over the weekends. I know I have been MIA for so long but I have finally settled everything and would be able to update at least a chapter a day. So, do look forward to the next update on Monday. FYI, I only update on weekdays as weekends I have other stuff to do. So please enjoy the first 2 chapters today!

Yeonsoo09creators' thoughts