
Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

"You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries.." Lee Ha Eun was bewildered by the words said from the unknown man in front of her and yet why does she feel like she could trust him? With nowhere else to go and her newly born baby with her, she couldn't be picky and decided to follow this man. But who would have thought she would become the wife to the CEO of the most renowned and powerful business company in the whole of South Korea, Kim Corporation's Kim Min Joon. Why has this powerful man chose her to marry? What was he trying to do? Was it just by a mere chance of luck that brought this two together or were they destined to be by each other side? Who knows but one can be sure that everything has it's reasons.. "Why is my heart beating like this for him? Have I possibly fallen in love with him?"

Kyunggie12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Fake Husband

Haeun was currently inside a cab, eyes red from crying. Just with one look, the taxi driver knows she had just fought with someone. So to try and ease her sorrow, he opens Dotify and played songs that are cheerful.

But it didn't help ease her at all. Instead, she started crying again. The taxi driver began to panic and wonder what he did wrong. Eventually, he decided to just let her be since it was better for her to let it all out.

When she hail for a cab earlier, Haeun told herself to be strong and not to think about it anymore. But her plan went to vain when she heard the song that was being played through the speaker.

It was the song Minjoon once played for her while she was in the hospital. She was bored that day when it happens and he suggested to have a mini karaoke session to kill time, to which she agreed to.

Honestly, she was expecting him to choose some popular dance song but he unexpectedly chose a song from the 80s. The song was a ballad and is almost similar to a sad mellow song she heard before.

But the lyrics of that song was what attracted Haeun to it. A story of a boy and a girl meeting at a crossroad, trying to achieve each of their dreams. They tried so hard but everything failed, not knowing that the answer to achieving it was to work together.

The message of the song was so strong that she just can't seem to forget about it. And with Minjoon singing it, she felt like he was trying to hint something at her.

So now, hearing the song was like bringing back a painful memory that she doesn't want to remember. She hated it that even at moments like this, she was still thinking of Minjoon.

He lied to her and even try to make her fall in his trap again. She really couldn't believe he was that kind of guy. She had believed in him and it turns out, it was all a part of their plan.

She really can't believe she was so stupid to almost fall in love with him. But what would have happened if she did? Will it really be the end for her?

Many things started to flood her mind and without realizing it, she had stopped crying. When she did, the cab had arrived at the place she wanted to go.

She quickly wipes her tears away and paid the driver, thanking him as she went out of the cab. She then stood there as she looks up at the building in front of her.

"It's only been less than two weeks but why do you feel so unfamiliar to me? But honestly, what the hell am I doing here? It's not like I can enter. Well, it doesn't harm to try."

Haeun mumbled to herself as she walks to the front gate of her house. Technically, it is her ex house since she was kicked out of it. But regardless, it was still her house and everything looks untouched from the outside.

As she stands in front of the gate, she breathed out softly before pushing the gate open. To her surprise, it did open while making a squeaky sound. She didn't expect the gate to get that rusty while she was gone.

Seeing that the gate was unlocked, she was sure that the front door wouldn't be lock too and she was right. But as she enters the house, she was shocked to see that every piece of furniture she uses to have was all gone.

Most of the furniture in that house was bought by her while she was working at the furnishing store and seeing it all gone, it made her really mad.

She felt it was unfair that all her furniture was taken away even though it was her husband who didn't pay back the money that he borrowed.

Haeun had worked her ass off to buy all those furnitures and it was all gone, all because of a guy who claimed to be her husband. Which apart from those few months after they got married, he didn't act like one.

Feeling frustrated enough, Haeun starts to roam around the house, in hope of cooling herself down and maybe find some of her stuff. But to her disappointment, she found nothing except for dirt and ashes.

But just as she wanted to walk out, she heard voices from the second floor and that made her froze in her steps. She was intrigued to see who it was but she was scared at the same time.

Unsure of what to do, she stood still for a moment and try to make out what those people were talking about. But unfortunately for her, all she could hear was mumbled voices.

Feeling annoyed that nothing was going her way, she decided to just be brave and slowly walk up to the second floor. Knowing her house well, she was sure the people were in her bedroom since it was soundproofed.

As she slowly made her way to her bedroom, a sight of something made her stop halfway. It was her husband's house keys and wallet. She was sure it was his since she bought the wallet for him as a gift and had attached a handmade keychain on his keys before.

Seeing those things made her smirk since it can only mean one thing, her fake husband is here. Only that lying husband of hers would put his wallet and keys on top of the shelf, even though she told him a thousand times not to.

Haeun then walks towards her bedroom, slowly opening the door and peek inside. Her blood immediately boils with anger as she saw what was happening.

Though she knows something like that was bound to happen, she didn't expect to see it right in front of her own eyes.

The Husband she thought that only loved her and cared about her. The Husband that was her everything and the very reason she left her family, was thrusting hardly inside another woman.

She couldn't believe that even after he made her furniture get taken away and got kicked out of the house right after she got discharged, he still got the guts to be fucking another woman on her bed.

Feeling her anger continue rising as she watches them, Haeun knows she has to do something to calm herself down. She couldn't just let him have his fun when he had lie to her and made her miserable. She obviously has to get revenge on him and she knows exactly the best way how.

Haeun quietly observes around the room until she saw the thing she needed. She didn't expect it to be placed quite close to her. Maybe this was God's way of helping her out.

She then slowly and quietly as she can, push the door further open and crawl her way inside the room. Knowing that they were busying fucking away, she knew they won't notice her there.

So she quickly took the gun and pocket knife from the top of the cabinet, right beside the door. She then cautiously approach Minseok from behind.

As she stood right behind his back, Haeun pounced on to him as she pointed the gun at the women and had Minseok in a headlock with the knife by his neck. She laughs when she saw Minseok being shocked by her appearance.

"Why are you so shock, honey? It felt as though you saw someone from the dead. Why? Didn't expect to see me, did you? I did too but who would have thought you would still be here, fucking this woman, on our bed. Wait, it's actually my bed right?"

Haeun press the knife closer to his neck as she speaks, till blood slowly started dripping down from it. But she didn't care. Why would she when she experience more pain then he currently is.

"Baby.. I can explain.. It's not like what you thi-" His sentence was cut short when Haeun started pressing the knife deeper into his neck.

Knowing how Haeun was, Minseok knew she was seriously mad at that point of time. Since he wouldn't dare to continue angering her, he decided it was better for him to just keep quiet.

"Explain what?! That you being my Husband is all part of Lee Haeji's plan?! That you don't exactly love me and was just being a watchdog for Haeji?! Is that it?! Is that what you wanted to explain to me about?!"

Minseok's face turns white as a sheet when he heard what Haeun had said. He didn't expect her to find out about it so soon. How did she know? From whom did she knew it from? What exactly happens while she was gone?

All those questions appeared inside his head but he doesn't dare ask her any of it. Because at that point in time, he knew he was going to be dead.

It wasn't because Haeun had a knife at the side of his neck but it was the fact that he knew how deadly her skills were.

He kind of regretted ever teaching her those skills before since she wasn't actually one that was interested in learning it. But he insisted because he doesn't know when someone will try to attack her. And with Haeji still wanting Haeun alive, that was the only choice he got.

When he first started teaching her, he could already foresee how talented she was going to get. It was as if she was a natural born killer. And as she got more practice, Haeun became more skilled than he ever did, to the point of being able to take him down within seconds.

So naturally, he would feel fear at that moment. Because even if he did manage to escape, he knew there was no way her shot would miss, especially when she was dead serious and angry with him.

Hi guys! It's me again and I deeply apologize for the delay of this update.

As you guys know, I'm working and I really don't have that much time to actually update anything.

So far, I've been using my spare time to write some chapters for you guys. So, you can expect a really slow update for this story.

But don't worry. I'll finish this story till the end even if it takes a really long time.

I'm really sorry and thank you for supporting this story thus far. Love you guys!

Yeonsoo09creators' thoughts