
Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

"You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries.." Lee Ha Eun was bewildered by the words said from the unknown man in front of her and yet why does she feel like she could trust him? With nowhere else to go and her newly born baby with her, she couldn't be picky and decided to follow this man. But who would have thought she would become the wife to the CEO of the most renowned and powerful business company in the whole of South Korea, Kim Corporation's Kim Min Joon. Why has this powerful man chose her to marry? What was he trying to do? Was it just by a mere chance of luck that brought this two together or were they destined to be by each other side? Who knows but one can be sure that everything has it's reasons.. "Why is my heart beating like this for him? Have I possibly fallen in love with him?"

Kyunggie12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Fake Announcement

While the atmosphere within Minjoon's house was peaceful and calming, that wasn't the case back at the main house. It was chaotic and full of mess, with the house phone ringing nonstop since earlier. Mrs. Kim was pacing around and panicking, as she awaits the arrival of her husband and children.

As minutes passed, the front door was pushed open and in came Mr. Kim with his eldest daughter, Minjee. They weren't used to seeing Mrs. Kim that panicky since she's usually the type that is quite calm and composed. So when they saw her like that, they didn't need to think twice but rushed to her side.

"What's wrong, Mother? Did Minjung stir some trouble again? Or did something bad happen to Haeun? You usually aren't like this. You're making us worry, Mother. It must be something serious for you to suddenly call us in for a family meeting." Minjee asks her as soon as she spotted both of them walking towards her.

From her expression, she seems worried and restless, as if telling them that the problem at hand is quite big. Without Mrs. Kim telling them anything and just continue to pace around, they felt that it was useless to talk to her when she's still in that state. So, they just made their way to the living room and seated down, waiting for the rest of them to arrive.

"I think this is about Brother Joon. I mean, both you and I are here and dad is here to. So isn't it obvious that she's waiting for Bro Joon? But what could it be about? I don't think this has anything to do with mom wanting him to marry Sister-in-law faster right? I mean, yeah I would love for that too but that won't make mom as panicky as this. So I'm guessing this must be about that rumor."

Both Mr. Kim and Minjee felt their heart stop for a second when Minjung suddenly spoke up out of nowhere. She was behind one of the curtains, looking outside for any signs of the arrival of her favorite brother. It wasn't her intention to gave them a shock but well, she did enjoy seeing their reaction.

"My god, Minjung! Just where are your manners? Can't you just come out normally rather than scaring us like that? Do you think it's funny? What if Father had caught a heart attack just now? Are you gonna be responsible for it? Just what are we going to do then, huh?"

Minjee scolded her as she tries to keep her cool. She was one that doesn't like to be scared by others and she totally hates it when they caught her getting frightened by just their voices. Especially by Minjung, since she likes making her lose her cool over stuff like that. She knows Minjung would definitely kill to get her reaction on camera one day.

"Can you both just stop? I'm fine here, so can you guys just stop fighting? But that doesn't mean I agree with your actions, young lady. Your sister is right. You shouldn't just start a conversation just like that. It's rude and it isn't something a lady should do. Now, tell me, what rumor were you talking about?"

Mr. Kim spoke up just as Minjung wanted to retaliate to what Minjee had said. She was annoyed that her Father stops her from fighting back. She was sure that she's able to win this argument if only her Father had allowed her to. But now that it was impossible for her to do so, she had no choice but to give in and let Minjee win this time.

She glares at Minjee for awhile before sighing out loud and rolls her eyes. "You guys really don't know about the rumor? Just what have you guys been doing all day? God. I bet even those people in the office know about it." Mr. Kim cools himself, not wanting to rage at Minjung. He then gave her one look, which immediately made her sigh again and nodded her head in defeat.

"Fine. It's an announcement about Brother Joon's marriage to that witch, Haeji. According to the rumor, Bro Joon will be getting married next month because he had made that witch pregnant. Obviously, we all know that's a big fat lie since he got no time to waste on that ugly ass witch. But other people don't know him as well as us, so yeah."

"Now, everybody is thinking that that witch is pregnant with Brother Joon's baby and is soon to become the First Lady of our family. I tried numerous time to put down the rumor but nobody believes me. They said I was just jealous of that ugly ass witch and told me to grow up. And mom also didn't believe me when I told her about this earlier in the morning. Now look, the rumor had been spread everywhere and there's nothing that we can do."

Minjung was slowly raging in anger as she spoke, her eyes filled with hatred. She was partly angry that people don't take her seriously and always fault her. But who can she blame? She technically bought that upon herself when she constantly pranks people and lies to their faces at times. It was obviously her fault but that was just how she rolls.

She is the kind of person that is playful and cheeky. It's just in her nature to play and joke around with everyone. So when she is serious, nobody takes her seriously since it doesn't look convincing to them. That's why, seriousness is not her forte and she never wants to be that kind of people that is uptight and boring, like her sister, Minjee.

"We get it, Minjung. You hate Haeji but you don't have to be that angry. You need to cool down and get yourself together. We have a problem to solve, so you being all angry like that will not help us at all. Now, the biggest problem is, where's Joon? I believe Mother had called him since earlier but there are no signs of him anywhere at all. Where could he possibly be?"

Both Mr. Kim and Minjee started calling up Haeun and Minjoon but neither of them picks up their calls. The line got through every time but no matter how many times they called them, no one answered. And to make matters worst, Mrs. Kim just couldn't stop pacing around and it was making everyone head hurt from seeing her walking back and forth since earlier.

"Do you think your brother knows about this? Maybe he's not picking up any of our calls because many people are calling him too. Let's try calling Mr. Song. He drives them around so he should know where they are and what they are doing. Let's just hope your brother is not outside right now. That would bring him a whole lot of trouble."

Minjung didn't waste any seconds as she immediately dials up Mr Song's number. The line got through but just like the call with Minjoon, there was no answer. She didn't give up and tried calling him again. As if luck was on her side, Mr. Song answered the call.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Song. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you driving or anything but I'm in a state of emergency right now, so I hope you can help me answer some questions regarding my brother. Do you know where he is currently? I tried calling him but he's not answering his phone and I'm really worried about him. I thought that maybe you might know where he is since you usually drive him around."

With a gentle and polite voice, Minjung asks Mr. Song as soon as he picked up the call. She didn't mean to be rude but they were in a dire situation and every second's count. So, she had to do that but she was sure Mr. Song wouldn't mind since he is probably used to it by now.

"Well good afternoon to you too, Miss Sunny. I'm not currently driving at the moment, so you can be rest assured that you're not disturbing me. As for young master, he just when out with Lady Haeun and her baby. I heard they're going to Mr. Soo's boutique at 'M' Shopping Mall. I wanted to drive them there but he insisted on driving there himself. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

As Minjung had put the call on speaker, everyone had heard what Mr. Song had said, even Mrs. Kim. All of them couldn't believe what they just heard. They didn't expect Minjoon to go shopping when Mrs. Kim had specifically called all of them in for an emergency family meeting. They didn't know whether he just didn't care or was just taking everything too lightly, thinking that it's just going to be a small matter.

Minjung then thank Mr. Song before ending the call and look at the rest of her family members. "I believe we have to do something about this, pronto. If Sister-in-law hears about this, our plan of having Brother Joon married this year will be gone. I can assure you guys that if Sister-in-law leaves because of this, Bro Joon will be single his whole entire life and I would definitely not let the Lee family get away with it. So, any ideas?"