
Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

"You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries.." Lee Ha Eun was bewildered by the words said from the unknown man in front of her and yet why does she feel like she could trust him? With nowhere else to go and her newly born baby with her, she couldn't be picky and decided to follow this man. But who would have thought she would become the wife to the CEO of the most renowned and powerful business company in the whole of South Korea, Kim Corporation's Kim Min Joon. Why has this powerful man chose her to marry? What was he trying to do? Was it just by a mere chance of luck that brought this two together or were they destined to be by each other side? Who knows but one can be sure that everything has it's reasons.. "Why is my heart beating like this for him? Have I possibly fallen in love with him?"

Kyunggie12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Beating Heart

Everyone calls it a day after they had managed to talk and get to know more about Haeun. Minjoon's family went home as both Minjoon and Haeun went inside their room. It had been a long and tiring day for Haeun as she immediately plops herself on the bed.

So many things happen and she felt so exhausted that she might fall asleep anytime soon. But the only thing that was keeping her awake was the fact that she has yet to wash up.

When she saw Minjoon searching for a few stuff on the shelves, she wonders what he was searching for. But right at that moment when she was looking at him, Minjoon turns his head and both their eyes met.

Haeun quickly looks away as she became flustered, embarrassed that he found out she was looking at him. When Minjoon saw it, he smiles widely as he stops searching and walks to Haeun, sitting gently at the other end of the bed.

"Were you curious? Why didn't you just ask rather than sneaking a glance like that? But I find it cute though. Do you know your ears are red right now? Haha... If you're so curious, why don't you help me? I need to find a black thumb drive."

"It contains an important file inside. I was sure I put it somewhere on the shelves but I guess I might misplace it. But if you're tired, it's okay. You can go can take a bath first and I'll be up in my study room."

Minjoon was gently playing with Haeun's hair as she was covering her face in embarrassment and facing her back towards him. He knew she wanted to pretend as if nothing had happened, but he still wanted to tease her about it.

It was fun seeing her being all flustered just because of one accidental eye contact. If possible, he wanted to tease her more but seeing how late it already was, he didn't want to keep her up any longer. He knew what a tiring day she had gone through, so just a little teasing for her tonight.

"Erm, is it really important? If you are really in a rush for it, I'll help you find it. But you have to promise me something. Will you do it?" Haeun timidly turn around and face Minjoon shyly. She's actually was still feeling embarrassed from earlier on but she knows that it was common courtesy to look at someone when you talk to them.

Minjoon immediately had a smile on his face when he saw the flustered Haeun, hiding her face behind her hand and peeking out from it to look at him. She was being so cute that Minjoon had a huge urge to just squish her cheeks and kiss her. But he knew better, that it wasn't the right time yet for such physical contact with her.

"Okay, what is it? I'll think about it after you tell me what is it that you want me to do. Because you know, sometimes I just can't stop myself from doing certain stuff even if I've already made a promise not to. It's like a habit of mine. So if I think I can do it, I'll promise to you then. Will that be fine with you?"

Haeun spends a moment to think about it before nodding her head and sitting up on the bed. She felt it was making her more flustered with Minjoon looking down at her like that. It felt like he could anytime just held her down and kiss her. She wasn't exactly thinking about it but Minjoon face was making such an expression, that it made her self-conscious.

"I need you to promise me that when I'm helping you search for the thumb drive, you must never be right behind me. Even if I can't reach anything, I will call for you for help when I need it. So never lurk up behind me and stay at least two arm's length away from me at all times. Is that possible for you?"

After hearing what Haeun had said, Minjoon somehow felt the need of wanting to do what she asked not to though. He doesn't know why but what she was asking was kind of suspicious for him. He has this feeling that she ask for such a thing was to distance herself from him and he was dying to know why.

While Minjoon was pretending to consider her request, Haeun was quietly praying that he would agree. It's not like she doesn't like him being close to her but after the incident where Minjoon hugs her while she cries, it seems like her heart can't keep still somehow.

So now, whenever Minjoon looks at her or was close to her, her heart starts to beat faster and she starts to get flustered. Knowing how he is, she knew he can read into her expression and this wasn't a good sign for Haeun.

She doesn't want him knowing that her heart is beating irregularly for him. It would be embarrassing and she knows she wouldn't hear the end of his teasing if he found out. That was the only reason why she requested such a thing from him. Not because she hated him, but more like she's started to like him.

"Fine, I'll do as you say. I'll promise to keep my distance and not lurk behind you. I'll only come to help you if you call for me and if not, I will continue my search for the thumb drive alone. Far from you, or at least two arm's length from where you're standing. So, shall we search for thumb drive now?"

Haeun wasted no time and stood up after Minjoon made his promise. At least for now, she can keep some distance between them. She also needed to calm her beating heart and cool her flushed face, making this the perfect chance for her to do so. She then proceeds to start searching the area by their bedside.

While she was busy searching away, Haeun didn't realize that Minjoon was quietly observing her. Honestly, there wasn't any thumb drive that got lost. He just wanted to create an opportunity to ask Haeun about her ex-husband.

He knows it was a sensitive topic to her and it would be so weird to just bring it up suddenly. But he thought if he were to ask her ever so slightly while searching for the 'missing' thumb drive, Haeun would feel less awkward about it.

It's not like Minjoon didn't have any information on him but through his findings, there wasn't much about him that could be found. And since Haeun was the closest person to him, he might get some useful information to track the guy down, with the thought of wanting to pay him back for his 'good deeds' towards Haeun.

"Hey, I was wondering, what kind of life did you live before this? Like before you were kicked out and before I found you. I'm kinda curious actually.. What did you work before? Where did you stay at? What kind of friends you have? Can't you share with me? I want to know all about you."

The question was kind of sudden but Haeun didn't think much about it. She felt it was normal for someone to be curious about a person they've just known. So, she thought about it for a while as she continues searching for Minjoon's thumb drive.

"Erm, I kind of live a simple life. My family wasn't rich like yours but we do live a happy life together. But when I married my husband, I've got to experience some luxuries since he earns a lot from his job. To be honest, I wasn't all that happy with him. I wanted him to quit his job but he insisted on staying and we fought."

"We actually fought many times because we couldn't agree with each other. It was because I usually gave in and agrees with him that we were able to stay together for such a long time. He hated the idea of me working but he barely gave me enough money for expenses. He will only give me extra when he was in a good mood or after we fought, it was his way of apologizing to me."

Haeun had stop for a moment, thinking she had found the thumb drive. But alas, it was actually a lighter. Minjoon could see the dejected look on her face as she realizes that it was a lighter instead. He laughs softly but Haeun seems to hear him, so she continued on and pretended not to have heard his laughter.

"When we just got married, he bought a two-story house at Ilsan as a wedding gift. We live comfortably and quietly, but that was until I found him having an affair with our neighbor. After that incident, the whole neighborhood knows about it and keeps belittling me for not taking good care of my husband. But I continue to remain strong since he made a promise not to do it again."

"Now that I look back on it, I feel kind of stupid. I should have fought back with all those people that look down on me. It wasn't my fault that my husband had an affair, it was his since he wasn't being sincere to our relationship. Maybe this might be for the best. I should have left him long ago but I kept giving him chances. Why was I so stupid and stayed with him?"

As Haeun wanted to laugh at her stupidity, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head. It was like thousands of needles piercing her brain, making it hard for her to breath or even stand properly. But as she was about to faint, few images flash across her eyes before the room starts spinning and she was gone.

Minjoon saw something was wrong and immediately rush to her side, just in time to catch her falling. He then quickly call for an ambulance as he saw Haeun lying unconsciously in his arms. He didn't know what to do, he could only just wait till the ambulance arrived. He can only hope that nothing serious was wrong with her.