
Our Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

"You.. Marry me and I'll make it that you will live a life without worries.." Lee Ha Eun was bewildered by the words said from the unknown man in front of her and yet why does she feel like she could trust him? With nowhere else to go and her newly born baby with her, she couldn't be picky and decided to follow this man. But who would have thought she would become the wife to the CEO of the most renowned and powerful business company in the whole of South Korea, Kim Corporation's Kim Min Joon. Why has this powerful man chose her to marry? What was he trying to do? Was it just by a mere chance of luck that brought this two together or were they destined to be by each other side? Who knows but one can be sure that everything has it's reasons.. "Why is my heart beating like this for him? Have I possibly fallen in love with him?"

Kyunggie12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

A Big Inconvenience

Unlike the chaotic atmosphere that was happening outside, there was a room that was peaceful and quiet, with only the sound of classical music being played softly.

But a sudden sound of a phone ringing interrupted the peaceful atmosphere. Haeji was suddenly awakened from her slumber, groaning as her head was throbbing from drinking too much wine the night before.

She wasn't exactly the type to get a hangover from drinking wine but maybe because she also had gotten a couple of other drinks too, that made her got it that morning.

Since she wasn't feeling too good and wasn't in the mood to answer any calls, she didn't think twice about declining the call. She then sighs in relief when the room was back at its peaceful state.

But when she thought she could continue her beauty sleep, her phone rang again. And it didn't stop ringing even after she declined the calls multiple of time.

After realizing that the calls don't seem to end, Haeji finally gave up and answered the call with full of frustration.

"What the hell do you want from me this early in the morning?! Don't you get what it meant when I reject your calls?! It means I don't have time to entertain your shit right now! So now, excuse me as I'm going to continue my beauty sleep. And don't you dare call me again!"

Haeji didn't even give a chance for the caller to even say a word. She immediately hangs up the call and proceeds to snuggle inside the warm comforter.

She honestly can't believe someone would dare call her in the early morning. If they knew her contact number, they would have also been informed not to call before one in the afternoon.

So whoever that caller might be, she was sure it was someone unimportant. Because if they were, they know that they shouldn't displeased her in any way. And if ever they try calling her again, she wouldn't let them get away unharmed.

Haeji then slowly started dosing off since she expected no more annoying incoming calls disturbing her. But when her phone rang for the hundredth time that morning, she immediately went nuts.

She swore she was going to hunt down whoever that was calling her and make sure to torture them to the extreme. As she was about to scream at the caller, the call suddenly ended and a message came in.

"I tried to call you many times but you didn't pick up. And you shouted at me when you did answer. But you will regret you ever did that cause I was just trying to help you. Check the news. Dad accidentally did something stupid again. You owe me a month of Moonbucks Coffee for this."

The message was short and simple. And even when the number was totally unfamiliar to her, Haeji knew who it was from.

Her brother rarely ever texts or call her cause he's always busy. Even if he isn't, he's not exactly a sociable person. So when he does text or call, it's usually something important.

Haeji immediately took her laptop that was on her bedside table and quickly open up the news. Her face instantly turned pale in horror as she read the latest headline news.

How could this happen? What was her dad thinking when he said those words? She had already come up with a big plan that will end everything with just a single move but her dad just had to destroy it.

Of course, it's always her family that's pulling her back. Even when she clearly told them not to get involved, they just had to.

And exactly what on earth was her Mother even doing? Wasn't she supposed to stop her dad from doing anything unnecessary? If it keeps on being that way, Haeji was sure that she'll never get to accomplish her goal.

Frustrated with the situation as it was, Haeji decided to give her mother a call.

"What do you want? I'm currently busy cleaning up the mess your dad had made. It was really a mistake to leave him with his friends for some catch-up session. If I knew such a thing would happen, I would have locked him up inside the house yesterday. Such a useless prick!"

Her mother started ranting at her about her dad. Honestly, Haeji felt like asking her to shut up but knowing her mother's temper, she didn't dare.

Her Mother might look nice on the outside and even sound just like any normal mothers would. But once her patience runs out, she will turn into the devil she once was.

Haeji has seen before how horrifying her mother could be and she swore to be just like her. Someone that people will be scared off with just the mention of your name.

Though obviously her mother's true nature isn't known to the public, people of the underground world would clearly know of her legacy.

She was known as the devil who once killed an entire family and got away with it, with the case ended as suicide.

Her Mother naturally was skilled at it since she secretly once join a gang and train with them. Thankfully, her Mother chose her as the next person she will pass down her skills to.

Haeji actually thought it would be her brother but when it turns out to be her, she was jumping for joy. She knew she needed those skills if she wanted to reach the top and now, she was almost close.

If only her dad didn't ruin it for her, it could all be settled in a month or so. But now, she has to move a step back and go with her contingency plan instead, in which she would only do if all her plans fail.

"Mom, don't worry. I have a plan in mind to fix this. But, we have no choice but to sacrifice our greed for now. Will you trust me on this?"

There was just silence from the other side of the phone as Mrs. Lee thought about it. Though she was scared that her daughter's plan would fail, she had no other choice.

Her husband had made matters worst and even if the Kims would somehow agree to take responsibility, she was well aware of the fact that her parents would not let the marriage happen.

As long as they don't see for themselves their precious grandchild's dead body, they wouldn't be satisfied. And no marriage or any sort of celebration would be held till then.

She knows how persistent they were and if she were to go against their words, Mrs. Lee can already picture the poor and miserable life she will have after her parents throw her out.

So she definitely can't let that happen. If only she wasn't careless and had properly taken care of her brother's child from the start.

This was all because of those two worthless scumbags. If they would have just followed and killed that child, everything would have been hers and she wouldn't have to worry endlessly like that.

"Fine. But what exactly are you planning to do? Don't tell me you are going to do 'that'? That's going to be dangerous for us in the near future. What are we going to do if we got found out? I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail because of a petty mistake like that."

By now, Haeji was already out of her bed and pacing around the room. She took a few minutes to think about what her mother had just said.

She fully understands what she meant by it. It was going to be dangerous for them but to completely settle the mess that her dad had created, that was the only way.

"We've got no choice, mom. It's either this or nothing else. We really have no reason to explain why such a thing happen. But don't worry. I will make sure we'll never get found out. You just have to follow my lead."

Mrs. Lee sighs as she agrees to her daughter's plan. There was really no way out with what had happened and what Haeji had suggested was the best way they could settle the problem.

But if all else fails, she just has to kill them all and make her husband take all blame. Because in the first place, he started this so obviously he's obligated to end it.

After Haeji ended the call with her mom, she quickly dials another number in. The call went through as she waited for the call to be answered.

And after a few rings, the call was picked up but there was absolute silence from the other side of the phone.

Haeji felt something was off but quickly ignored it as she assumes it was just her imagination playing with her, with all the pressure she was facing.

"Have you arrived in Seoul yet? I need you to do something urgently for me. But first, is that wench with you? Nothing happened to her right?"

She cautiously asked the person on the phone, scared to let anyone hear their conversation.

"B-Boss.. I didn't expect you to call me this early. Yes, I'm at Seoul now and is currently with her. She's all good and healthy. What do you need me to do, Boss?"

The caller's voice was soft and shaky as if he was scared of something. Haeji didn't think much about it as she thought maybe it was because he was hiding somewhere at that moment.

"I want you to bring that wench to me. Dress her up nicely and treat her well. Don't forget to dress up too. I have something very important that I need both of you to do."