
Our paths that crossed

H_Adnan · Fantasy
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10 Chs


- Shehryar - 


I was so mad at Romessa's cousin after our little phone call, how dare he threaten her after planning on using her, I will make sure his life is hell. After asked Romessa his name, I headed to my study, Danish Abbasi you messed with the wrong person. I called my secretary, "Hello sir" "Adnan, I want all the information you can get me about Danish Abbasi, aged 25" "got it sir, I will email all information within the next 20 minutes" "good" with that I put my phone down, I got some work down while I was waiting for Adnan's email.

*ting* It was Adnan's email, let's see what he has found out about him, Danish is currently working in my company, small world but makes my job easy, what's this I see he's currently having an affair with a pre-school teacher, he's brought her to our company events as his wife, he has applied to go to other countries 20 times since the age of 18. Interesting, I'm not going to be firing him, I called Adnan " hello sir, I believe you have seen the information I have sent you" "yes, good work Adnan, I want you to do something next, I want you to give Danish all the past files and cases, all the solved ones and incomplete ones, tell him to overtime if he doesn't complete them, and if he doesn't complete 50 by Friday, cut his salary by half" "understood sir, I will let him know immediately" then we had a brief overview of the company before I ended the call.

That's one thing done,as I was busy in my thoughts there was a knock on my door, "come in" it was Ameerah and Ayesha, "sorry bhai we were looking for Kaif, we were playing hide and seek" that was Ayesha telling me. "I see ladies, but no ones comes into my study, so no Kaif here" I informed them. Before they left "girls, how is your api feeling?" "oh api looks sad, she trying to do her work, but she looks like she's about to cry" I knew she would feel down after that phone call, what could I do to cheer her up "ladies, is there anything your api likes? " now they were looking at me and trying to think "any food or-" "api really likes Nahri" Ameerah said "yea, she loves it, especially when's grumpy" Ayesha agreed. That's it, for dinner I could get Nahri. I thanked the girls and headed out to get Nahri.

-skip time - dinner time-

Romessa had come down stairs, she looked so happy to see the Nahri, the way she looked so happy and cheered up like before made my heart flutter, it looked so cute. After dinner, while Romessa and Khala were in the kitchen, I had called the girls. "here you go girls" I had given both of them bangles each, at first they didn't accept it, but I told them it was a thank you gift, so they took it, they really liked them as they giggled on there way out.

*end of flash back*

I was laying in bed deep in thought, finally tomorrow they are going to there mother's house, we are going to leave at 3, I need to find the right moment to give Romessa her gift, I had seen her wear a black watch everyday, so I had bought her a watch, but this one is silver and pink, it was custom made and one of a kind, perfect for a doll like her. Now I just need to wait for the right moment to give it to her.

- next morning -

It was such a hectic morning, after breakfast Romessa went to her room to pack their bags, I went to my room to take a shower and change, I went for white salwar and kameez, it keep it clean and fresh, I put on my shoes and grabbed my things and headed downstairs. All of their suitcases were downstairs now, we were just waiting for Romessa and Ayesha now.

The plan was that I would go with the girls in one car, and Haadir will be in a car with Khala and Zaid, Haadir and Zaid had grown a cool friendship and wanted to be in one car, since Khala had to stop to buy something on the way, she said she would go with Zaid. I loaded up the car and Ameerah had sat inside, I had turned on the AC and she probably fell asleep by now, just then Ayesha had ran out followed by Romessa, I was stunned, she looked so pretty, she was standing in front of me like an angel, in a baby pink salwar and kameez, she had a white hijab on and white slippers, she looked gorgeous and I was shamelessly staring at her. "Um, Shehryar are we going ? the others left 10 minutes ago" I snapped out "oh yea, yea let's go" I opened the door for her, I looked so flustered and I knew she knew that, as she was giggling. Soon we were on our way 

"The girls really fall asleep when the AC is on" Romessa said, "let them sleep, it's good for them". we weren't talking most of the way, it was silent but a comfortable silent. "Romessa, have you ever liked someone that you wanted to marry them" I asked that out of nowhere "that was out of nowhere, but" Romessa said "but yea, once" I felt something break inside of me, I think I went through the five stages of grief and how a teenage boy feels like after being dumped, even though I've never been dumped in 20 seconds, "do you wanna know who" Romessa asked, I swallowed and nodded my head, "do you know Jungkook of BTS, him and probably the whole group since I can't choose between the members" i started lauging, I think I remembered to breath after that, Ammi used to stan them, and I would often listen to them with her. "I've heard of them, their songs are good too" still laughing "Not funny, you listen to them?" "yea I used to listen to them with my Ammi" "do you not listen to them anymore?" "not after Ammi passed away, she used to stan them, they made me remember her" I saw her face go down "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that" "no problem, it's been a year now, I'm learning to move on" "what about your dad?" she asked. I don't know why that question bothered me so much but it made me mad "let's drop it here, please" she understood and stayed quiet

Soon enough she fell asleep, we were 20 minutes away now, many of the roads were still closed so we had to take many turns and ways to make it. She looked so innocent and cute when she's asleep, her long eyelashes, her rose cheeks and soft lips. I looked away, I can't look at her like that, khala is about to look for another girl for me, and Romessa probably has someone better than me for her. 

- Romessa - 

I felt someone tapping me, I opened my eyes to see Shehryar, I realized I had fallen asleep, I fixed my position and saw that we were outside ami's house, "we're here" I excitedly chanted. Ameerah and Ayesha had also woken up by now, we got out the car, Shehryar said we could get our bags later and that Khadija Khala and Zaid are behind us, so we should go in.

I knocked on the door. The door opened reveling Ami, I immediately hugged her. I was really close to my nanny(mother's mom) that I called her Ami,  I was so happy to see her I started to tear a bit. As I walked in looking for mama in the rooms, but she wasn't there. "Ami where is mama?" ammi sent Haadir and the girls inside their room, she then brought me into the living room, followed by Shehryar, Khadija khala and Zaid. "Romessa beta, listen to me carefully and calmly" it felt like my heart was going  to explode any second, I quickly nodded, "ami tell me what happend, where's mama, you look stressed what happend?" "Beta, your mama is in the hospital, she was waiting for you guys and then she fainted" I felt like my world collapse "wha- what, no this can't be right, I have to go see her right now" I wqs loosing sense, I didn't kno what was happening around me, I was too lost and all I wanted to do was go to mama, the only sense I had was me wearing my shoes while Shehryar carefully brought me to the car and we were on the road again.

I feel like crying ant second, but I can't, I don't cry not knfront of mama, I promised her. Sheh was driving really fast and I wanted to tell him to slow down but I had no voice inside of me, so I gently tapped his arm, he looked and understood what I was trying to tell him. We arrived at the hospital in almost 10 minutes thanks to Shehryar's driving. We ran inside the hospital, and asked for my mom, they told us she's stable now and has been moved to the general wards. Shehryar and I then made our way there. When we got there, I saw my Fatima khala and Mahid bhai, my eyes frantically went to mama who was now laying in bed, probably sleeping. I went up and hugged my khala, she told me due to mama stressing and not eating, she is ruining her health and has to be careful, she also hasn't been sleeping well, and the doctors had to give her sleeping pills, hearing all this I nodded. Mahid bhai and Shehryar stood behind me listening to mama's condition.

After khala had informed me on everything, I had told her to go home wince she'd been here for almost 2 hours and that her child must be waiting for her, I told Mahid bhai to bring her, I also told Shehryar to go home, since Khadija khala must be waiting for him but insisted om staying and not leaving me alone, he said he already told Khadija khala of him staying here with me, and she said she'd go home with Zaid. Since I had no energy to argue back, I just nodded and stayed quiet. Mama was going to be asleep for almost 12 hours, since her body is in-between of being asleep and unconscious.

We had been in the hospital for 5 hours now, I was in between deep thoughts and being absolutely wrecked. Shehryar had been either sitting beside me or pacing up and down. I felt bad, because me, he has to go through it too. I've caused him so much trouble already and I still am. Khala had come back with her husband, I said aslam to both of them, they told me and Shehryar to go eat. We agreed and walked to the car, I was so tried and sleepy at this point, when we almost got to the car, Shehryar draped his jacket over my shoulders, when I looked at him he didn't look at me instead " I think we should go this restaurant I know close by, it has good food" I just nodded, I was too tired rn and all I wanted was something to keep me awake aka. Food.

We had gotten simple rolls, since I just wanted to eat something and get back to mama, we were done and back to mama in less than an hour, when we had reached the ward, Mama was awake now. "Mama, mama how are you now?" Mama hugged me and we started crying "I'm okay beta, are you okay, and how are the rest of my children" "they're all fine mama, they are at home with ami" when I stepped back from hugging, mama saw Shehryar, "Aslam Aunty, I'm Shehryar" "Walikum slam beta, how are you here" I then told mama all about the Nikkah which she knew about, and then us running away and Shehryar had helped us. Mama was a but angry with out solution of running away but she was glad that we were home now. The doctors said that mama could be discharged in the morning. I had to practically force Shehryar out, I told him he should just come home tomorrow, and that I'll text gim when we are home. After alot of convincing, he left but after giving a little bag. The bag was filled with chips and jellies and all sorts of snacks. I was smiling as I was looking at the things, this is perfect.