
Our New World

So this is a Zodiac story of sorts, but its not like based solely apon them being a part of the Zodiac.

Draven_Nyx · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Gaia

Gaia laid awake in the bed made of old, tattered blankets. Staring at the moldy popcorn ceiling, she moved her right hand laying it across her forehead.

She thought of everything that was wrong. The world was on the verge of World War 3.

Gaia's chocolate brown eyes yearned for sleep, or even the slightest bit of rest. But no such luck. Gaia hadn't gotten any remotely decent sleep for many years, she could hardly remember the time when she was able to slumber during the night. She could never let her guard down, trusting anyone, even family could  easily get you killed. It would be like trusting a mercenary with your life, who knew you had a billion dollar bounty on your head. It wouldn't end well for you.

She had forgotten what it was like to dream. Exhaustion and tiredness were things she had to unwillingly become accustomed to.

Gaia closed her eyes. Suddenly a wet cloth covered her nostrils and she was forced to inhale the chemicals.


Gaia was laying on a couch when she opened her eyes.

Everything that wasn't close was blurry. Gaia looked around to see a fancy array of couches and cushioned arm chairs with tables adorned with wine & wine glasses, pastries & bowls of frui. Gaia darted up, racing towards the food, she hadn't had anything nutrients in days. As she shoveled the pastries into her mouth, she grabbed a handful of grapes off of their vine and piled them into her mouth.

"Just like a rat."

Gaia whipped around, footsteps from the next room alarmed her. Gaia ran to the couch she was previously laying on, slamming herself back onto the soft cushions, quickly closing her eyes.

The steps came closer, stopping right in front of her.

"Ahem.. Lady Gaia.. I know you're up."A man who sounded probably in his early to mid-twenties spoke.

Gaia still did not move.

"I'm quite surprised that the syrum lasted not quite long. Only 20 minutes. Such a disappointment. It should have

worked for hours."The voice continued, she noticed the strange way he talked.

Curiousity got the best of her.

"Syrum?"She said slowly, opening an eye, then both as she sat up.

Suddenly she saw the window, as the night-time sky blurred past.

"Where am I?"She asked.

"All you need to know Milady is that you shall be taken care of where we do travel  to."The man in a tuxedo smiled softly.

She stood up suddenly, darting towards the nearest exit.

The man quickly pursued Gaia, grabbing her wrist, still trying to be gentle.

Gaia struggled trying to get out of his grip.

"I'm sorry Miss. My name is Layne."


Name: Layne Ryan

Height: 6'3"

Species: Demon

Occupation: Arie's best friend and personal servant.

Age: 23

Constellation Sign: Orion


Layne wrapped his arms Gaia's neck, putting her into a choke hold.

He knew Ari would kill anyone else if they tried to do this to his beloved Gaia.

She dug her dirty fingers into Layne's arms, trying to pry him off. Just as soon as she did that his grip got tighter. The air left her lungs. And just like that she lost consciousness.


"You could have killed her!!" A scream jolted Gaia awake. Upon opening her eyes, she was introduced to a fancy home, the likes of which she'd never seen before. And a handsome green-eyed boy was telling at her earlier assailant.

"She's valuable!"

"She is a fucking human!" Layne screamed.

"I will make her my own."Green eyes said calmly.

"She is still just a wretched human."

"Being human is the key. She is the last one of her kind. You know the ancient prophecies . If humanity was ever on the brink of extinction, the last remaining human...The one vessel would be bestowed unimaginable gifts."

"Gifts how could I have gifts?" Gaia thought.

"If I claim her. Imagine the things the Clan could accomplish."

To be continued...