
Our New World

So this is a Zodiac story of sorts, but its not like based solely apon them being a part of the Zodiac.

Draven_Nyx · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Luna

Luna held out her right arm, then dipping her ring finger down, as she balanced on the large metal beam. That blocked the senses of the Mafia guards. It wasn't their main base, but it was as good as start as any.

Even though Luna had used her kinetics, she still tried to use stealth. The only reason they sent her, a pupil, instead of a trained professional, was because of her kinetics. And she was the 3rd top of her class, so it wasn't like they were sending in a newbie.

She balanced walking across the beam, she grasped the it, dropping down about 24 or so feet, she had guessed. Luna landed almost perfectly queit. A low, low tap. She internally beat herself up over that, regardless of them not being able to hear, see, smell, or feel her. She quickly reminded herself that to operate properly as an Assasin, she needed to keep a cool and focused head.

She took a deep breath, then stepping forward.

Luna reached over to her left side, unsnapping her ninja star carrier. She took out three. Taking in her surroundings, as she snapped the holder closed. Luna threw the first star at a guard standing post to what Luna had assumed was the main control room.

It pireced his neck, the guard on the other side of the door, flinched back, raising his gun, aiming it in Luna's direction.

Luna resisted the urge to laugh. This definitely confirmed the fact that this was more of a pawn base than anything. If this had been a major base, it was of at least the lowest stander, the guards wouldn't have reacted that way. But Luna figured there was some information she could get from here.

She threw the third star at the other's neck, and it pierced through his skin.

Plus they would have been more armored. This was actually really out of character for the Hell Scorpion Mafia. Luna watched as the blood dripped down the dead bodies. For a second Luna spaced out, but she quickly refocused, then ripping out both stars. She nonchalantly whipped the blood onto the body's clothes.

Luna walked back over to where she had dropped down fron the beam. She ran toward the wall, climbing up 8 or so feet before pushing off, jumping to a column-beam, then pushing off again, and grasping the large beam. She swiftly pulled herself up. She gave herself a moment to bask in her proudness. Luna smirked.


"So the huma- ahem.. The package Ari wants...-"

"Yeah.. And you're so fu-"

Luna couldn't make out any full sentences. And she had begun to feel light headed and nauseous.

Her vision had begun to blur. She shook her head trying to stay with it. But she couldn't.

A loud thud, filled the room. As Luna's unconsious body fell to the floor.

"Ahhhahaha.. So this is the rug-rat that's been leaking secrets.."A tall burly looking man bellowed, grabbing a handful of Luna's black hair, pulling up her limp head.

"We gotta report this to the boss."Another guard who was tall, thin and had a nervousness to him squeaked.

"We ain't gotta turn er' over just yet. Let's have a little fun first."The man yanked her still unconsious body up by her hair, then slinging her body over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Uh..Uhmm. I...don't... I don't think we should. Do.. I don't think you should do that."The thin nervous man stuttered.

"And what'r ya gonna do bout it."the big man laughed walking to a closet room with her.

"D-d-d-d-d-don't do a-a-anything her.."the smaller man said mousily.

But by then the other man had already locked the door.


To be continued..