

Empress_Bims · Urban
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13 Chs

Rhapsody 4

I should have followed the messanger immediately he told me that the CEO sends for me but I quickly want to finish tidying up what I am doing on the laptop….. after about going to 30 mins.

I walked majestically towards the CEO's office I got to the door and made to knock on the door when

I heard moaning sounds and knocking sounds a first I think maybe the CEO is watching some pornography or some advertisements but as I strained my neck I heard it clearly love making.

What an unfilial CEO how can he be doing such things during office hour I reasoned angrily, I want to walk back and come later but my inner mind is feeling jealous and angry.

"C'mon Mura why being angry its not like you know the CEO anywhere before" yes I don't know him but still my adamant side still want to enter

"whats there?? Did I influence him to be having sex in the office? Its not a big deal" I reasoned and opened the door.

I heard the sounds more clearly now . where are they? I cant find them nor the CEO on seat…. I looked and found them facing the back I can only see the CEO back side and the lady facing back too giving him, doggy style

"who is there? I heard the man asked his voice seems so much familiar but I don't know where I had heard them before.

"s….s….sory sir I entered by mistake" I said stuttering I don't know why but I don't seem to comprehend why that voice seems so familiar to me and that scent I don't know I left the office hurriedly


That voice sounds like the one I heard in the morning but I don't think it can be her never and I don't want to face her or else my Big man will be open I heard the door shut Vivian stood up

"baby you should have locked the door or you should have instructed nobody to enter" she complained

"I am sorry I don't know she will come in" I apologized

"anyway lets contine" she said

"continue you said?? I asked her surprised I don't believe that she still wants anything more after being caught

"vivian this is office hour lets call it a day here I will come to your house after work" I pecked her

"no I want more" she pouted

"I will defininetely give you more than you can take in the night you know what I can do" I teased

"wont you escort me?? She asked irritatedly

"ohh sure sure I will escort you" She picked

her bag and l escorted her outside

"lets have lunch in your office before I leave" she said on our way our

"no baby I am late I have a lot to do "

She complied grudgingly and followed me, I noticed the staffs looking at her stangely but I don't care we passed the programming department ;

"ohh babe lets say hello to our new programmer I haven't met her since I came she had been busy" I told her and she followed me

On getting to the door I opened the and met the lady facing the keyboard, her hair is covering her face as she bowed her head typing away madly, she had decoreated the office in her own taste, everything blue, blue cup, blue footmat, blue tabkle cover, blue had paint ....just like my Mura

"hello there" I greeted her but she doesn't raise her head she just nodded

"i have been expecting you since morning where were you?? I asked her

"I have been to your office sir but you were busy: she said in an arrogant and ,mocking tone the voice sounds so familiar to the one I have heard in the office and also the one I heard in the morning.

"lift up your head let me see you your voice seems familiar" I asked '

"am sorry not now sir, if I lift a finger off this keys now everything that I have hijacking since morning will be gone just gimme some minutes" she said aging more focused on the keyboard

"okay take your time pending the time I escort my girlfriend out"

I said and walked out with Vivian, after reaching the exit, Vivian left I made to turn to my office but I noticed a bicycle parked

I saw the bicycle that the lady that I bumped on in the morning….this calls for alarm I guess she is the one… I rushed to her office but I on getting there she is not there I went to the receptionist desk just after her office

"did you perhaps see this new staff pass here? I asked

"yes sir she said is going to the toilet? She said

The toilet? I will wait for her I don't know why seem interested in this woman she seems close to me whenever I herd about her....

30 minutes after she is not yet back from the toilet did she go to give birth to a child in the toilet why is she not back yet just then...

Tara my PA came "sir its time for the stakeholders meeting before closing hours" she said

"oh..okay I will be there" I said going after her but leaving a word for the receptionist that when the lady came she shuld direct her to my office

🌊 Mura🌊

When I reached the toilet after emptying my bowel in the WC Liyin's call came in

"hello baby" she said

"Su liyin I am sorry I don't call you all these days I was busy I am sorry I am late" I apologized

"you are always late anyways no need to apologise how have you been? .

This time I am done I stood outside the toilet…..my spirit don't just want to go the office now I stood there talking and talking not until my battery run down

I walked back to the office….liyin can be a talkative sometimes

"ma'am... the CEO said you should come to his office now" the receptionist said as I pass her desk

Yes that reminds the shameless CEO that is having sex in the office during office hours I got to go and see which rascal it is I was about to leave when I received a call from the head office in China..

"hello miss George..it was the general manager

"hello boss have you been well? I asked

"that greeting can come later miss george….. go to your laptop now I just saw it from here that Zombies have arrived at the financial computer they entered through the use of malware….. Miss george they are new we can still use honeycomb method to get rid of them fast" he explipained hurriedly

Now I get it I rushed to my office and there saw it.... Some things I don't type keep coming in itself everything is just working itself that Is the extent that the cyber criminals can go they are currently online punching on their laptop madly I guess they are using python coding

"don't worry boss I will get rid of them they are using python coding to install those malware that constitute the zomibies I will get rid of them now" I said and hang the call

I quickly made a call to the CEO office but the secretary picked the call

"hello tell the CEO not to install any applications now its dangerous" I said and hung up


"I am home" I said tiredly

"ohh…my baby look how weary you are go and take your bath first" mum said these days she became more caring... she now goes to her hairdressing salon now she doesn't travel around like she used to do when I am still in high school

"oops...looks like someone is soo tired🧐 lisa mocked

"Lisa I am not in mood to argue now the two of you should just drag me to the bath now that's what I need" I said tiredly

"oh my I need to record this scene….my snubber sister is asking for help I guess this work will really curb your arrogancy" lisa said

again applying cucumber peels to her face

"Lisa this is not the time to tease her just help me take her to the bath" mum said

"she can help herself.....i need to finish this facial care before anything and besides Mura? I heard the CEO of JYC is a cute guy? She asked like a gossiper that she is

"ohh yes I haven't see him that reminds me I went to his office today you cant believe what he is doing in the office during work hours

"what can he be doing? He asked pouting her mouth forward

"I wont tell you" I said standing up going to my room

"pervert" I heard her said



Time flies fast the group that is once happy and popular just disrupted because of the death of one of them 😥

Bella sat on her throne thinking of how life had been to her, she remembered where she first meet Gina. That day it was her 10th birthday(bella). She had wanted to swim although her parents prevented her from going to the water but she was arrogant and stubborn …. She dived to the water and she dronwed she woke up to find herself in the room with her parents and a sweet looking girl about her age.

"mum what happened to me? She asked her mother

"will you shut up your mouth? I told you several times not to go into that water but you are obstinate if not for this sweet girl how will we have know that you drowned yourself" her mother said to her angrily

She looked at the girl….. she is beautiful and also looking at her sweetly after her parents left the girl walked to her

"are you okay now bella? The girl asked

"thank you for calling my parents for help what is your name"

"my name is Gina…. Regina Williams….. I saw you when you are arguing with your parents then I followed you to the pool"

Bella sighed... its true that memories bring back memories and bring back tears. She didn't know she was crying not until her maid said

"your highness why are there tears in your face? Ayra her maid

Humm🤔 Bella sighed she cleaned her face

"Ayra…..its true that memories bring back memories and bring back tears I am just rembereing my life since the last 17 years sit down let me tell you about it" she said to her maid

"my queen don't think of it too much… time, chance 50/50 life is like a dice rich, poor last last everybody will die just put your mind at rest my queen" Ayra said

"Ayra did you know that I am once a singer?? I am one of the famous rave lordess girls" she said melancholy

"what!? Rave girls? I know them they are popular I know them till I did my first semester exams in university" Ayra beamed ☺️

"Ayra…..we are happy, arrogant, rude, bossy and always reciving attention we are from rich homes not until we moved to a new house....we met with the popular rocket gang….. we blended we became friends with the landlady daughters, her maid, her son.

But at the end we sepereted….i am once a villain that want Macro Madrigal to myself,...I tried my ways but I coudnt get him….i made move to kill the girl he was dating that is MURA our landlad's daughter but then I met Henry….. my husband…..my first best friend died...our group collapsed.....we separated, and I became a queen👸 but I am happy that all of us are in good positions now" Bella said sniffing

"wow your highness you had a very happy youthful age but where are the others? Ayra asked

"hum…..Natasha is now a popular artiste the Tasha singh that you always hear of is the Natasha of rave lordess also Jane is a rapper she is currently working under cardi B then Nina...she is the lead actress in that movie "my little happiness" ...…she stopped

"my little happiness you mean the lady that acted as jenny?? Wow she is once your friend? That's fantastic tell me more your highness" Ayra said

"we... she was interrupted by her husband

"my queen here you are..i have checked to your quarters you are not there" the king said

"your majesty" Ayra bowed and left

The king of LA is nobody but Henry...… the henry that came to the rave girls pool party, The henry that bella paid to frame finn and mura…funny indeed

"My King I have been here thinking my life so far...." Bella said

"its good that we met and I am happy to rule my people with you by my side"

"I received a call from Tasha she said she met Mura George in china"

"mura george who is that again?he asked

"mura george our landlady daughter, MACROS madrigal girlfriend

"ohh...Mura I forgot about her"

"It's easy to for you to forget her, she just came back from China