

Empress_Bims · Urban
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13 Chs

Rhapsody 11


"Mura we'll have to take Lisa from this room to Another room then another person will have to pretend to be her" Jeremy said drawing the Operation plan.

"Yh but won't the doctors know that it's not her? We'll be caught if we change the body" Lara said

"Yes but you know that Lisa is bandaged..... So it will be hard to detect her face we'll need someone that has the same body size like her, we need to be fast everyone is waiting... The public is waiting for their Lisa" he said

"Is it only the public? Aren't you also waiting? Nina asked

"Nina forget about that for now...lets focus on the job at hand....we need to catch that lady Vivian red handed"

"But what is the assurance that she will want to attack Lisa when she is in a pitiful State" Mura asked

"Well she'll still come and threatened you.. and you should pretend, don't argue with her, don't exchange words with her... This way we'll catch her because the only weapon a doctor can use in his enemy is threatening his life when he is admitted to their hospital..... And we police threatened to arrest out enemy of a crime they didn't commit so that we can take revenge" Jeremy said like a professional

"As we are planning this made me remember the day we are planning Sophia and Macros escape.....and Gina...." Lara stopped

"It's okay Lara....Tasha called me.. she said Gina's mum said we should all come for her memorial all of us must be there" Nina said

"Let's get Lisa up first" Lara said

"Thank you all for staying by my side like you always do" Mura said

"Here you go again...Mura George....what are we friends for? Nina said and the all laughed


True to Jeremy's word, Vivian came and threaten Mura but she didn't object....

"Mura I told you...leave Macros or your sister will pay with her life" She said

"But why? Why VIVIAN? I told you... Macros is my first love and beside I don't force him to leave you...I told you that I don't know about how he broke up with you" Mura said sturbornnly

"Did you know that your sister is under my care?

"Vivian pls...lemme be....leave my sister, she is not your rival I am"

"But your sister got in the way"

"Save my sister and let's fight this between us"

"Macros is mine"

Mura didn't say anything..... Nina's duty is to distract the security and everyone in the hospital until Jeremy and Macros take Lisa's body to another room they have already prepared while Lara will lie in Lisa's bed bandaged so Vivian will think she is Lisa.

Everything is going as planned.... Nina came this time not as a low key VIP but as a celebrity...as she came out of the car everyone turned to her direction.

👥Oh my gosh it's Nina

👥She is beautiful...I wonder why she came here

👥Nina the rave girl

👥She can dance and also act

👥This hospital is so blessed that a celebrity like Nina can come here.

👥Lisa George is here maybe that's why she is here

👥This hospital is for the Celebrities

Different reactions from different corner, Nina flashed her miss cool smile...even doctors stopped a moment to take a look at the legendary Rave girl.

Before all attention can be regained... Mission successful..... Jeremy and Macros went back to Mura's room....Nina also came there.

"Hey guys whatsup? She asked

"It's done....but Nina what are we going to do about your fans?Macros asked

"Don't worry I'll go to Lisa's room and pretended as of I came to visit"she said getting up

"But will Vivian attack tonight? Because Ayesha is still on breast feeding and Lara is on the bed"

"According to the strategy.... Vivian will come back....you have to make her angry.... Make her feel low.... threaten her"Jeremy said


"Mura I am telling you.... Leave Macros or your sister dies and you remain in this wheel chair for life" Vivian said

"You can't do anything..... I'll leave this wheel chair and marry your Macros in your presence and I'll take my sister Abroad"

"Let's see if your darling sister will still be alive till then" she stormed out.

Mura has recorded everything Vivian is screwed.


"Dad...I want to go back.... Jeremy has came back" she said

"Didn't you say you want to wait? Didn't you say you want to stay with me?

"No dad I want to meet Jeremy before I die"

"That's why I say you will have to go back and make your mother happy"



"She just woke up" the nurse incharge of Lisa in the secret room said.

Their arranged doctor came and diagnosed her...

"She is still weak,,, she need some time to recuperate but she is out of danger", he said

When Jeremy and others came, she is still sleeping she looks lean

"Oh my...Lisa...Nina said pitifully

"What we need to do is to strike the iron while it's hot...that woman will make an attempt" Jeremy said

*Later in the night.... At the where Lisa was first hospitalized*

Vivian walked in bearing some needles and some injection see closed the door and set to inject Lisa

"Hey Lisa George, sorry that you have to die this way....but your foolish and dumb sister caused this so don't blame me" she said setting the injection and rubbing her arms in readiness for injecting her.

"Actually, when someone falls into Vegetative state, they hear what people say and can feel people hands but they cat respond...so you are hearing me now....she dropped the injection

"Your sister Mura is so stupid that's she thinks she is better than anyone else, well if I remove you from the picture.... everything will be set straight" she said this time standing up with the deadly injection but....

"Hands up... You are surrounded" Jeremy said coming in holding a gun

Vivian turned

"Who are you no tell me that? She is my patient and I want to give her injection what did I do wrong? She asked

"Dr. Vivian Daniel all you say have been recorded and you must say no more because anything else you say will be used against you in the Court of law" Jeremy said still looking fierce

Just then Macros wheeled Mura in and Nina came in too carrying Lara's child in her arms

"Ohh my....look who we have here" Mura said

"Macros what are you doing here? Is this your plan? And you Mura this is what you intend to do? Believe me I don't give up easily" Vivian said still optimistic

"Ohhh.....how stressful is it to lie down in these white sheet all day without coming out" Lara sad standing up.... Vivian was shocked

"Who are you? This is Lisa's room how come you are here? Vivian asked

"I came to set your bad ass straight...Wicked doctor I wonder what Macros saw in you" Lara spat

After series of talks and exchange of words, Vivian was arrested... Everyone at the hospital was surprised....the doctors and even the nurses.

After Jeremy handed her over to the Casita Police department he returned to the hospital..

"Thank you for job well done" Lara said

"It's nothing, is Lisa awake?



"Mura all that happened when I was asleep? I wish I was there I spit if that Vivian's face" She said

"Get well soon and you can do that later" Mura said

"Lisa...how are you feeling? Jeremy asked

"Can all of you give us some private moments? Lisa asked

When they are gone.....

"Jemmy I don't believe you could come" she said

"Lisa when I heard you are I'll I had to come...how have you been? He asked

"Jemmy you said I shouldn't wait for you? The. Why did you still come?

"Lisa....I made it clear.....I don't want to be your obstacle,pls and pls marry anyone you want because as for me now....I am still at the cradle of my career" he said

"Jemmy are you stupid? Did I say I won't wait? I'll go anywhere or any length for you jemmy"

"I thought you won't want to wait for me"

"I'll wait for you.....

"I don't know when I'll be coming back...but I'll be fine for little while but keep yourself for me and you"

"I don't know what the future brings....but I want to be with you...I will be wait and pray that you come back again but before that....Marry me"Lisa said

"What??? marry?

"Yh....marry me,I want a prove that you still love me"