

Saaya: Saaya Yamabuki skipped over to Arisa Ichigaya's house, all joyful. She carried Rimi's favorite food, a chocolate cornet, on the way wrapped up in a cute pink bag with bunnies on it. She knocked on the door to see if Arisa would answer. "Arisa~!" She called out in a playful manner.

Arisa: She was asleep dreaming, tossing and turning like she had trouble sleeping. She did have some weird dreams she has been telling Saaya these days, though. Arisa heard the knocking and shot up and let out a little scream, a little surprised. She turned over to the door and walked slowly towards it, peeking through the peephole. She could see Saaya still waiting in front, her hands tapping her own sides as Saaya waited. Arisa opened up the door, rubbing her eyes. "A-Ah- Saaya..."

Saaya: "I'm guessing today was also not a good day of sleep?" She said, keeping a smile on her face. She held her hand out holding the wrapped cornet she wanted to pass for Rimi. "Is Rimi here? Thought I could pick up a chocolate cornet if she was hanging around." She asked, smiling with her eyes closed, almost as if she was an anime character because she was.

Arisa: "Ah, a chocolate cornet?" She reached to get the baked good, but realized something. Rimi wasn't home when she woke up. "Rimi... But she was just here, did she leave without telling me?" She thought and said aloud. She realized what she did and covered her mouth, hoping not to get too serious of a question after.

Saaya: "Hm? Rimi was here last night and just left when you woke up?" She thought of it as if she was up most of the day, which was not the case. Arisa was passed out, sleeping for more than half of the day. "Maybe she is out with Kasumi?"

Arisa: "I'm not too sure if she is... She really didn't send a text call, didn't give me note of anything. Wait, did she tell you or Tae-chan yet??" She asked suddenly. She then realized Saaya was still outside and moved to the side widening the opened door. "S-Say, your legs must be tired, come in and talk!" She said, a little awkward that she forgot to offer her guest to come in.

Saaya: She shook her head, not wanting to walk in and intrude. "I'm okay, thanks Arisa." She smiled still, even while Arisa gave a small sigh. "I just came to see if you've heard from the other three people. I haven't heard from anyone from the other 4 bands either and I'm a bit... worried." She said, her smile slowly disappearing as she opened her eyes. "I called them, I'm not sure if they're not answering or if my phone is broken."

Arisa: "Well... Oh! You haven't tried my phone have you?" She asked, rushing back to her room, where her phone was. She got it then rushed back.

Saaya: She let out a small giggle. "Well, I guess I didn't. I'll might as well to make sure that my phone actually works right?" She said, putting her number in and calling it.

The two had to wait 5 seconds for the service to dial the number and call it. Not long after, Arisa's phone started to ring. So Saaya's phone was perfectly normal. It was either that they didn't get the call or something completely out of the blue.

Arisa: "That is strange... would you say go around the town to look for them?" She suggested, then thinking about what she said, partially wanting to take it back. "Wait, I didn't mean-"

Saaya: It was too late. She got Arisa at looking for them and nodded. "Absolutely. They're our friends and we never break up." She said with determination in her face.

Arisa: 'What have I put myself into...' She thought to herself as she then nodded. "Alright. Let's go look for them then." She said as she walked outside the door, closing it behind her and locking it.

Saaya started to walk away from the house while Arisa was doing so. Arisa then rushed over to Saaya as if she didn't want to be left behind. Saaya giggled, having a bit of fun with her until they got to the city when they split up to search for the other 3. For the time that they have searched, it seemed there was no luck. Matter of fact, there was worse. Now Saaya was missing.

Arisa was all alone now in the huge city. She contacted Saaya's phone once more hoping to get a hold of her. There was nothing. Just a voicemail. How weird it was... Arisa thought to herself as she rushed around to find her, only to see the chocolate cornet dropped. She picked it up, then had a weird feeling. She closed her eyes to block she saw as a bright flash of light.

From the flash of light, Arisa looked around her. She found Kasumi. Tae. Rimi. Saaya. Even the other bands all in a world that wasn't family. They weren't their usual personalities, they were bewildered, confused by what has happened. Until Arisa pointed directly in front of her where the scramble location was. Everyone else looked at the different areas around the scramble intersection was, as their bands decided to split up to search around the area as their journey around the world embarks.