
Introduction: WE

Hey everyone this is my story, my life story. I have a perfect life but before i get into my everyday routine let's have brief look at my lovers:

Kim Seokjin a.k.a jin oppa, who takes care of me and the others in the house. When i was little he was the first one i called mom beacause i lost my eomma (mom) when she gave birth to me and my dad died in an accident. From my first steps to this time he was the one who never made me feel the loneliness of not having parents.

*CEO of a big and respected company

*he is 27

* He is handsome and his ultimate dialogue,"i am worldwide handsome".

*why so tall🥺


*aegyo mom...yeah that's what the moms of my friends call him.

*he cooks the best dishes ever and you know what? other moms are jealous of him. He tries ... i mean like really tries...he can only try though...yeah like try to teach me to cook.( poor me😂)

*i get jealous of the girls drooling and clinging to my brother.

*throws dad jokes here and there but we wished it was the dustbin . But i have to agree that sometimes when i feel sad those lame jokes make me laugh like a psycho.

*Has a lot of talent like opening packets with toes , singing , dancing( crazyyyy dancing that would make one's day).

*can be very protective over us and his dark side would make you run away to hell on your own.


The second eldest. I am the only one whom he can't resist . Whenever we go out he will be the one to pay for our purchases. He is the money boiiii, Kim Yoongi a.k.a. suga oppa. He is scary when someone doesn't obey him and he has a critical allergy to jin oppa's dad jokes.

*Has a famous lamb skewer restuarant to his name.

*sleep buddy

*he is 26

*whenever i would have anxiety attacks he would calm me down.

Yeah ... i mean whenever i cry i forget to take breathes in between which makes me crave for air . Once i even fainted beacuse of that.

*he can be really strict when it comes to coming back home before 8 p.m.

*has a really cute gummy smile.

*has a lot of random knowledge ...you would be amazed to hear them.

*second best in cooking.

*deep and fast rapper( yeah rap and his family are his life )

*soft as cotton inside but as hard as rock outside.

*can swear pretty well ( i like that but jin oppa would kill me for this)

Now my sunshine , Kim Hoseok a.k.a. Hobi oppa, who is the mood maker of our family. He would dance like a dork to make us smile.Without him we would be spending our whole day on the couch tossing around thousand times.

* He teaches me dancing and has a dance academy partnered with my other brother( 3 rd youngest oppa)

*he is 25.

*good in rapping and the best thing is that he gets really hyper while rapping which makes us jump out of our places and dance.

*can cook well like suga oppa.

*famous for his dancing in the town.

*aegyo master.

*supreme lover.

*cleanest in the house

*he likes to read poems and stories and can make it really dramatic.

*Always ready to hype up.

*My good luck chap

The Handsome boy😍😍...Kim Namjoon a.k.a joonie oppa, is so so cute and our troublemaker. He would be breaking almost everything that he buys or anything in the house and suga oppa would be fixing them. He is the one who teaches me and thanks to him that i have been always the first in my class. He really can be a pervert sometimes but would immediately get scolded by the elders to swear or say something carzy infront of us maknaes.

*25 yrs...hmm hobi oppa and him are twins.

*owner of three universities ( suits him well and no wonder i am the first in class...yeah i need to stop bragging now)

*fanboying over the kpop girl gorups.

*can't cook. He would burn down the whole kitchen so no....please no....

*was in 1% in the whole nation for intelligency.

*Destruction king

*wink god


*can rap so well...his rap is so powerfull...he even raps while teaching to make studies fun.


*has cute little dimples which i love poking since childhood.

*very strict with studies( waeeeeeeee jinja!??!🥺)

*kkk saranghae🤝

Now the mochi boy , Kim Jimin a.k.a chimmy oppa. He is really protective over me and my youngest brother.

One time he will act like a cute little dork and the other second he would turn into a wild wolf. He gets really angry when i hang out with my guy friends... save me save me* internally singing*

*he is 24

*a total flirt

*pervy eyes( gets scolded by hobi oppa and joonie oppa because he is a little scared of jin oppa so he would only act cute in front of him and for sure he cant dare to sacrifice his dishes)

*teaches dance with hobi oppa in his academy .

*gets hurt easily and cries silently in the bathroom if someone says something bad about him.

*really clingy to joonie oppa....ahh jeongmal( ah seriously!)

*has hot abs and always nags and drags me to do exercise.

*can cook a little.

*girls try to get close to him to have a small skinship even if its for a nano second. ( oh goddddd)

*he was a playboy with a soft heart in his school and all his female classmates still text him to spend nights with him. Although he changed a lot but when he gets a little drunk girls take advantage of him and oppas woild go and rescue him.

*our baby oppa

*is really good in singing.

Kim Taehyung a.k.a Taetae oppa. He is really possessive over me and his jin hyung. He is wierd as hell because whenever other oppa would hug me hw would be jealous and would come and hug me tight and whenever i go and hug jin oppa or kiss his cheeks he would snatch him from me would hug him tighter. That's kinda confusing....whatever....life is pretty hard...

*he is 24 .. yeah chimmy oppa and him are twins.

*owns many gucci shops and is the owner of the town's largest 7 storey flower shop. Our house is full of different flowers far from the other countries.

*has husky deep voice and that reflects well when he sings in the house.

*says nonsense most of the time

*people say that he is from another world and not my oppa. I dont agree ...he is my taetae oppa and not from another world...although he speaks somekind of alien language....hehhehhhe

*he can act really cute and the aegyo sound machine...something like bbyuyoung 🥺...ahhhh idk ask him...

*he can be really rough and strict when it comes to hurting others....once i snatched a baby's toffee and he scolded me so much that i cried a lot and finally suga oppa had to stop him from scolding me.

*gucci lover...most of his clothes are from gucci.

*can't cook at all.

*everyone makes fun of his awkwardness but we love him a lot and i and my youngest brother diss them harshly...yeahhhhhhh

My youngest brother, Kim Jungkook a.k.a. kookie oppa is the muscle pig of our house. If someone tries to hurt me or harass me then he would beat the person up and he says, " no respect then no mercy".

*he is 22

*recently started working in jin oppa's company.

*ladies are crazy over these two oppas because of their looks.

*he is really shy around girls even my friends.

*best singer ever

*big fan of charlie puth

*whenever i have difficulty while sleeping then i would go to his room to listen to him singing and eventually i would drift off to sleep.

*can cook better than me ....ahhh waee

*loves exercising.

*hard worker and never lets others feel stressed even though he is himself stressed.

*would laugh at me whenever chimmy oppa drags me to exercise.😤

*we always fight over silly things and we pretty dangerous while fighting because we scratch eachother and pull hair.

*we are both possessive over our personal things.

*ofcourse he has abs as well.

*loves eating a lot since he always exercises....(godd this child!)

*good at drawing

*good at rapping as well

*good in atheletics

*even though we fight a lot but we are cuddle buddies . Its hard to separate us for jin oppa....hehhehe😆

Now me...12th grade

*I am Kim Hyerin

*I am 16 and soon to be 17 this year.

*youngest of all

*shortest of all...shorter than chimmy oppa😑

*love denim, skirts and hoddies

*singing , rapping, dancing and drawing are my few hobbies...

*not really athletic but okay okay...hhahahah

*converse and gucci are my fabs.

*studying in school with physics, biology, chemistry, home science,Ae because i have two close male best friends but gradually they started loving them as well.

*have been bullied many times by eonnies( elder girls ) in school but since oppas showed them what are my brothers like they ran off....yieppppe...

* hate fights and crimes

*soft hearted ( bragging about myself)

*wierd and happy go luck kind( yeah yeah i know).

Kang Taehyun and Jung Kai or Huening Kai(in school everyone used to call him that and now we are more used to it) my best friend. We have been friends since childhood. They stay beside my house .

We go out to play everyday in the parks...we even have our secret hideout. No one can diss us cause they are scared of us and my oppas .We are all the same ages but just beacuse i was born some months later doesn't mean i should call them oppa...come on....and i dont...hehehhehe.

They would always baby me because of my aegyo and innocent nature. They are always beside me while i am sad, happy , weird or dork. We have gone to adventure parks, arcades, movies, etc all together. They are the only boys whom my oppas allow to take me out to hangout. They are quite protective over me when it comes to guys, road crossings(since i cant cross them well....hehehhe).

Kim Soo Ryun, my lovely halmoni (grandmother). She lives in the countryside and often visits us like in every two months. She is a kind hearted, peace loving woman of 62 years. She loves being in the countryside with her pets and domestic animals. She says, " towns and cities are very polluted and noisy and you hear crimes taking place everyday on the new." She is really old fashioned inside but she wears authentic new fashioned clothes when she comes to see us. Because of her this charm and beauty every grandpa in our society would drool over her. She has a lot of lands in her name even after naming many of them to his grandsons and me.Even though she is rich but she never shows off to others or infront of us. She tells us to live simply but being happy. She loves me and kookie oppa the most beacuse we are the youngest of all. She even brings us gifts when she visits. We really adore her a lot.

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