

Marcus rushed like there was no tomorrow- Would he be there on time to see his wife or at least be present if anything happened to her during birth?

"Who am I kidding, the pregnancy was not easy." It wasn’t in fact the doctors gave them different scenarios as to what could go wrong during pregnancy and even birth but now he would miss the big moment. Rebecca had been in labour for a while- in fact it was early for her give birth and the time Marcus did not stay next to her, she went into labour.

He hadn’t seen Rebecca’s calls and when he did – he drove as fast as he could to his wife who may have already been at the hospital with the help of her aunt. Before he could get far he stopped the car shocked that something lie what he had witnessed could happen. He could not believe that his nephew’s fiancé was hit by a car. Not his by but by another young man’s car. Unfortunately in that moment he had to choose between her and his wife.

He chose to help Thando, who was possibly dying.

In that moment Marcus felt himself give up on life. It was the beginning of a new one but if Thando died - he would not let himself think like that.

"Come on Thando, death won't help either of us here, you need to stay."

A little hope sparking up in his heart.

“I didn’t mean to.” The young man said shaking. Though he was interested in the identity of the culprit, Marcus hadn’t noticed him and was startled a bit into hearing his voice If the young lady was seriously hurt the young man would be deep trouble.

Thando called, the pain visible in her words. Calling out while struggling to move even a finger without hurting herself.

"I - call Adam."

"Trust me Thando that should be the least of your worries right now and shouldn't you be still? Weren't you unconscious? Heck I'm happy you're okay."

The young man was stunned, thankful that she was okay.

“Go get help. Hurry!” he called out when he saw that the young man was not moving.

“Are you okay?”

Seeing blood the young man panicked, calling for help from the security that was around. He had to remember however that if she was indeed dead then he was implicating himself, Marcus was a witness but he would do the right thing. He would help her.

With that thought they took her to the closest hospital; Emmarentia academic.


The young man parked at the hospital thankful that Thando was alive- somewhat alive. Marcus had been with them in the car. They’d both decided that it was better to rush her to hospital than and call her relatives; they’d do it once she’d gotten help.

"Help, I need help- she was hit by a car! My car." The young man called out to nurses as soon as he reached the reception.

Tears were streaming down his face at that point. He was calling for help while remembering his mistake - the last part of his sentence however was uttered- breathed as a whisper.

"Yes, thank you we need help and my baby- my baby's coming. Can we go in now?" Marcus was relieved to be getting help for Thando but he also had a baby…right?

An eventful day for Marcus however one would argue that it was much more memorable for Thando.

Thando was pushed into the ER, no words or moans escaped her with the pain of the rush for her life. The last of what was heard from her that day was at Randall Jansen.

Everything else was just forgotten. In that moment she had to be kept alive. He could not believe he was the cause of all that damage.

"She has a deflated lung, we have to deal with that first and get her family in case we have to operate."

The ER was a rush and the neonatal war* was making it difficult to deem the day a favourite.

But as the young man was waiting outside Thando’s ward the words "flat line" were heard.