
The next day:

I woke up and got ready for work. While I was on my way I was thinking more about what happened between me and Spencer. I know I shouldn't even be thinking about him but I had to sort out my feelings.

Anyway, I got to work and the entire time me and Spencer never talked or looked at each other. It was starting to become really difficult for me to focus on work. I wanted to talk to him so bad but I was afraid.

As the day was coming to an end and it was only me and him closing again I decided to take the risk and try to talk to him.

I walked into the kitchen and saw him doing dishes. I went over and started helping him. He looked at me and I smiled.

" How are you doing?" I asked

" I'm fine" he said

" I'm sorry about what happened last night, you caught me off guard."

He just kept cleaning the dishes, and I was scrambling in my thoughts of what to say.

Without being able to think of anything and freaking out, I grabbed his face, pulled him to be and kissed him.

It took a minute for him to process what was happening, but he finally kissed me back.

He put his hands on my waist, pushed me against the counter and kissed me even harder.

After a while we pulled away, gasping for air. We looked at each other, smiled and he gently kissed me again.

"I can't believe that just happened." I said

"Me either, but I'm glad it did." He said

I looked at him with a sad expression

" it shouldn't have happened."

" But Kendall"

" No, you're with Rachel"

" So?"

" So I don't think I can do this"

He gave me a sad look.

" I'm sorry"

I walked away crying because I love him and I know I have to let him go...

... or so I thought

Thanks everyone for reading the first part of my short story. I will soon be making the second part and I hope you all enjoy :)