
The First Meeting

My name is Kendall. I've lived in San Francisco my whole life, going to the University of San Francisco of Pharmacology; also working full time at Tender Greens as a waitress.

I started my day like any other, but it didn't end like any other. It started out with me getting ready for my shift at Tender Greens. I was running late as usual, my hair a mess and my clothes not matching. After a moment of freak out, I took a deep breath and finally got myself together.

I rushed out of my apartment and called an Uber. I finally arrived at work 10 minutes late, clocked in, put my apron on and went straight to work.

After a few hours I became thirsty so I went to the kitchen to get some water. I was standing by the sink when someone came up behind me.

"Excuse me, can I get by?"

I turned around and was shocked to see a handsome man smiling at me.

" O-Of- Of course, sorry"

" It's okay" he smiled

" My names Spencer, I'm the new cook"

" I'm Kendall, the waitress"

" It's nice to meet you Kendall"

" It's nice to meet you too Spencer"

We both smiled at each other.

" We should probably get back to work"

" Right, I hope to see you around Kendall"

" I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of each other"

We smiled again and went back to work