
Our Little Goddess

LovableX07 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter {2}

Su Mei awoke to the bright flashes of the suns light shining through her curtains. She gets up and stretches then gets out and takes a shower. When done she walks out the bathroom raped in a towel only to see again Waoning walk in looking exhausted and tired. She immediately knew why and was disgusted that she has to roommate with a slut who sells her body. Instead of the girl getting a job since she used up all her scholarship funds she chose to sell her body not only because of that but also because she enjoys sex in general. So basically she's a sex addict and Su Mei isn't even surprised anymore.

When Yuan Waoning sees the look on Su Mei's face she is instant embarrassed. "Senior Su Mei why that look on your face?." She said already sweating heaps. Does she know about me and my secret.

The next few words that come out of Su Mei's moth not only stuns her but angers her more as she already hated Su Mei. "You are a disgusting whore and I have nothing else to say to you. And don't worry I won't tell soon enough someone else will find out and snitch of you but that someone won't be me. Also don't come near me if you smell like sex." Yuan Waoning didn't know what to say. How did Su Mei know?. When did she find out?. And what will happen next?. It seemed as if Yuan Waoning didn't hear what Su Mei said.

She just continued to make questions in her mind. She was to scared to talk back all she could think about was weather or not she should kill Su Mei for this. I mean killing is a hit excessive but she didn't have a choice. And just as Su Mei's prediction was right. If she found out about Yuan Waoning secret and told her herself Yuan Waoning might actually want to kill her. But she won't let that happen.

Su Mei walks to her closet ignoring Yuan Waoning's scared and murderous expression and puts on something to wear. After getting dressed she then grabs her school bag, phone, keys, and wallet and walks out going to her first three classes of the day before she had to go to her two appointments.

Time passed and it was 12:50 pm. Su Mei walked to her dorm and put her school bag down she then grabbed another bag which just so happens to be her sports bag. Su Mei always liked running. She hasn't gone on a run in so long but she only stopped because she's been to busy and usually after all her classes she is far to tired to go on runs and when she studies all night she is also to tired to run in the mornings. But Su Mei is about to start her old routine back up again.

She grabbed her pink running bag and enters her space. She walks over to the pure spring and dips her hand inside collecting a handful of jade ore pieces and puts them into the bag. She continues to do this till half of the bag is full. Once done she exits the space and grabs her things then walks out. She checks the time and sees it's already 1:34 so she quickly but smooth and steadily makes her way to the ore examiner first.

When she gets there she sees quite a lot of people. Immediately she knew that the people from yesterday must have brought more people with them and exposed what she's doing. Of course she won't be selling anything to them as they have nothing to offer her more then the ore examiner does.

She walks over to the ore examiner ignoring everyone trying to get her attention and puts the bag on the table. "I will be giving half of what's in this bag depending on how much you give back in return." Opening the bag Su Mei showed the man billions of pieces of jade inside the bag. The old man almost passed out. The old man thought to himself. If he bought some of this jade from this young lady he could sell it himself and make even more money as well or maybe he can have it something made with it for his wife and two daughters and son.

Picking up a piece of jade the old man hummed. He was ecstatic. "I can give you 5 Million Yuan for a small piece of jade 20 Million Yuan for a medium piece of jade and 50 Million Yuan for a big piece of jade what do you say?." Su Mei though about it. It was indeed good as this ore examiner shop was quite profitable as well. Making up her mind she excepted and the deal was done. The old man ended up buying 5 pieces of small jade, 2 pieces of medium sized jade and 1 piece of big jade. Which added up to 115 Million Yuan. Su Mei was very happy with todays outcome and couldn't wait to get to the jewelry shop next.

When the 115 Million Yuan was sent to her via transfer through online bank Su Mei left the shop though quite had when many people wanted jade from her as she had an entire bag full. The old man didn't even take half of it.

After leaving she made her way to the jewelry shop and upon entering saw there was even more people inside then there was in the ore examiner shop. Ignoring them all once again Su Mei walked over to the counter. Check the clock in the wall she was it was 2:30 meaning she was on time for her appointment with the older man of the jewelry shop.

Upon seeing the older man enter through the door behind the counter she walked over placing the bag onto the counter opening it for the man to look inside. When the man looked in side he was truly delighted. It was real Jade even he knew that. The man wondered where a young woman such as Su Mei had gotten such Jade from. It was truly a blessing. The older man though that Su Mei would have a great future coming to her. But soon there will be no future for anyone.

After checking out a few more pieces of jade the older man made an even better offer then the old man. Honestly Su Mei can't help being a little greedy. If this was the best way of making money to buy supplies and to do extra well needed things she would do it. She needed money at all costs at the moment. Though she was careful not to take anything for granted and became to greedy. That wasn't Su Mei know matter what situation she was in she never became Freddy for anything. She knew she would die one day so didn't hang on though she indeed greedy of wanting revenge against Yuan Waoning and the others who killed her. But she held off for now.

"Alright after looking at this I can make you a fine deal. 10 Million Yuan for small pieces of jade, 40 Million Yuan for medium pieces of jade and 70 Million Yuan for big pieces of jade." Su Mei didn't dwell on it at the fact it was similar to the old man's deal but was a bit more and just excepted as she needed the money also she wasn't that arrogant and needy to bribe this man or the old man out of their money. She now wondered how much she would get if she were to auction her jade off at the most profitable, famous and powerful auction houses in the city.

The olde man bough 7 small pieces of jade 3 medium pieces of jade and 4 big pieces of jade. In total that got her no more then 470 Million Yuan. Adding the 115 Million Yuan plus the 20 Million Yuan she already had in her bank from the scholarship fund Su Mei now had 605 Million Yuan. Su Mei would say that that's more then enough to start her supply run and to leave back to her home village in Hankogji Mountain. Which is very far from the city. About 4 Days drive and train away from the city. Which is why Su Mei could never visit as it would take her 4 days to reach Hankogji Mountain and then come back as she would have classes two days after and wouldn't get back until 4 days after. So when Su Mei made up her mind about leaving the city she knew she wouldn't be back any time soon.

Before leaving the jewelry shop Su Mei gave a big piece of jade to the older man and told him to make three pieces of jewelry for her. Two of them would be a jade hairpin and the other would be a jade bracelet. She also said to keep whatever pieces of jade were left over after making these three things for her. He said it would be two days for them to be made. After placing her order Su Mei left the shop and made her way to a restaurant to eat something well deserving for her hard work. After eating she then went back to the dorm again not seeing Yuan Waoning their.

Su Mei just though that the girl did Jen care if she knew not unless she was out but was still planning how she was going to kill Su Mei. But Su Mei didn't dwell on it and took a nice shower. Only after getting out the shower did Su Mei put her clothes on then go to the space. Su Mei wanted to try the spring water as she remembered the system voice wishing the space saying it can only be used for cultivating and the water would help with it. Su Mei walked over to the spring and took a handful of spring water into her hands and drank. Upon drinking only then did Su Mei taste the sweet taste of the water and the coldness it gave and the freshness you could feel from it.

After drinking another two handfuls of pure spring water Su Mei left the space and went to sleep. Not knowing what the pure spring water has begun to do to her body over night.