
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World

Sir_Smurf · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Intermission: Three Sisters

The Imperial capital. Yunmelngen.

This was possibly the most well-known place in the world.

It had once been burned to the ground during a rebellion led by the Founder Nebulis.

But it had risen out of the ashes like a phoenix, laying the foundations for this steel

city. And the name came from none other than the divine ruler of the Empire.

Sector Two. The business district.

A huge man had come to visit one of the restaurants that had established itself within

the zone—called the Powder Base.

He was more of a tank than a man.

Over six and a half feet tall, he had a burly torso. His rippling muscles seemed to encase

his body like armor, and he had to be more than two hundred pounds. His tattered

clothes made him look like an escapee from jail, and he was covered by a hood from

the neck up.

The room stirred.

He didn't seem to notice when the restaurant started to get louder. The giant accepted

a plastic bag from a frightened waitress and left.

Then he headed to the park, ignoring the children, whose faces had stiffened from

fright when they saw him as they played in the afternoon. He hunkered down on a

bench in the back of the park.

"…" He silently ate the bread from the bag.

It was just a tiny loaf of bread.

Based on his large build, it seemed entirely too small. A normal person would think

that it was near impossible for him to maintain his figure on these small portions.

However… for the Saint Disciple of the ninth seat from Heaven's Prison, this was the

limit of consumable energy.

Statulle converted too much energy—anything he ingested would be absorbed ten

times more than the average person. Had he eaten a normal person's meal, he would

have been consuming too many calories and bulking up more.

He was blessed with anabolic steroids in his body.

He had no need to train.

If he worked out like a normal person, his flesh would disintegrate from the strain. It

was the same phenomenon as a whale being crushed under its own weight on land.

He had capabilities that surpassed any form of doping. In other words, he had an

unparalleled body.

"Statulle. Been a while since I've seen you sunbathing."

A bearded man in his thirties or forties had called out to the giant from behind the

bench. He was the diametric opposite of the giant, thin as a withered branch. He

donned a white coat like a researcher's over his delicate shoulders, which seemed

fragile enough to break if so much as a breeze blew.

"How is it basking in the sun? It's been two months, right? Any thoughts?"

"…It's too bright," he boomed, loud enough for the ground to almost quake. "…And too


"You've only got your body to blame. But it's not all bad. I think you're the only one

who could withstand that freezing cage in just a shirt."

Heaven's Prison.

Statulle was the guard of the underground jail dedicated to detaining witches and

sorcerers who had been caught by the Empire.

"You're always trouble…"

"Hmm? Me?"

"There's no way you're just out on a stroll. What do you want?"

The other man was the Saint Disciple of the tenth seat—Sir Karosos Newton, the head

of the research facility. He was known as the most depraved researcher in the

Department of Weapons Development in Sector Three.

"Just to have a quick chat with you."


"About a purebred. One of the daughters from the royal family of Nebulis has wandered

to another country by herself."

"All alone?"

"She's only accompanied by her keeper. If she doesn't have a guard, she might as well

be alone."

The head of the lab sat down on the bench.

"Which means that they've practically handed her over to us."


"The source is from the Sovereignty itself. I'd like to know myself who betrayed them,

but the Eight Great Apostles dodged the question. They told me to figure it out myself,

since I'm a Saint Disciple."

"…That sounds about right."

"Putting that aside, we'll need a plan to capture that witch."

The skeleton of a man sighed dramatically.

"It's not the ideal place. She's in a resort in the desert called Alsamira. We would never

go there if not for this opportunity. But headquarters is reluctant to dispatch troops."

"To a colony?" asked Statulle.

"Call them allies… Well, this one is an independent state."

Colonies were autonomous entities that were nonetheless officially under Imperial


Allies were independent states on relatively equal footing with the Empire.

The Empire didn't recognize the former. They wanted to remove all witches from the

world, which could be accomplished better through the eradication of power dynamics

and hierarchies.

However… the guard of Heaven's Prison had just pointed out the Empire's true stance.

"They say sending troops would cause a fuss—if the unthinkable happened."

If they engaged in war at a resort, they would be the target of criticism from other

countries. It would have been different if the Empire was the same superpower from

a century prior. But these days, such an incident could potentially give the Sovereignty

an opportunity to advance their own interests.

"Normally, Nameless would be the ideal individual for this mission, but he is currently

on a covert mission in the Sovereignty. Why don't we make use of the new weapon to

capture our target? You know the one. The experimental device we installed in

Heaven's Prison," suggested the lab technician.

"…You mean the Witch Hunter?" asked the burly man.

"I want to borrow it. There's no evidence that thing was built by the Empire. It wouldn't

be too hard to maintain plausible deniability even if there are a few eyewitness

accounts. And it would be the perfect tool to capture her."

"It'll come at a high price."

"Naturally." The researcher nodded in satisfaction.

"A purebred, huh? Looking forward to seeing what kind of witch we catch."

A century ago, Nebulis I—the younger twin sister of the Founder—had led the astral

mages in place of her exhausted sister and created the Sovereignty.

There were three families who had inherited that first generation's blood: the Lou, the

Zoa, and the Hydra.

The members of these three families were what the Empire called the "purebreds," the

most dangerous witches who warranted the highest level of caution.

"How pitiful… This is devastating," mumbled a man, walking through the passageway.

In all black and concealed by a mask, he turned up to the heavens dramatically.

"The Lou, the Zoa, the Hydra. We have strong bloodlines and yet, when it comes to our

battles with the Empire, we are unable to join forces. Even though we are kindred who

all follow in the footsteps of the Revered Founder and Revered Progenitor."

He was in the Moon Spire of the royal palace in Nebulis.

It was the domain of the House of Zoa, a mere two hundred yards removed from the

Star Spire where the current queen lived with Alice and her two sisters.

"The Star, Moon, and Solar Spires. We each seclude ourselves in our own towers and

refuse to interact except during times of governance. What a wretched state… But then


Lord Mask On. A member of the Zoa House. An unmistakable purebred.

He continued lightly. "Regardless of the situation, you are the only one who always

comes to see us."

"Should I consider this a warm reception?"

"Of course." His smile could be taken as sarcasm or sincerity. Lord Mask nodded at the

princess who had come alone to the Moon Spire. "I welcome your visit from the very

depths of my heart, eldest daughter of the Lou."

"Thank you."

Her wavy hair was emerald with hints of the purest veins of gold in the world. She was

easily a hand—or perhaps a fist—taller than her younger sister Alice. Her curves were

more matured than Alice's, too, to the point that they were almost spilling out of her

royal garb.

Her gentle smile gave off the impression of a grounded adult. If Alice was said to have

evolved from a girl to a young lady, this princess was the final form of that progression.

"It has been a while, Elletear. I heard you just returned from an expedition yesterday."

"It has been too long, my lord."

Elletear Lou Nebulis IX. The oldest of the three Lou sisters.

She pulled up the hem of her dress slightly, letting it flutter as she bowed. She was

twenty this year. She had a confident grace about her and beautiful features that made

her one of the most likely contenders for the right to the throne in the conclave, along

with her younger sister Alice.

And if I had to say it… She is the largest threat to the Zoa household as we aim to take

the throne.

It wasn't just in Lord Mask's imagination that she had become more charming during

the half year she'd spent away from the castle.

"I came back solely because I wanted to see you, my lord."

"That pleases me. All the youth are tempted by your beauty. Since the occasion has

presented itself, we should have a long discussion in the parlor."

He wasn't just being polite. The servants walking through the halls of the House of Zoa

were unintentionally stopping to ogle Elletear's sensational figure.

It wasn't just the men. Even the young women were holding their breaths at her beauty.

"This way."

"Thank you. And where is Lady Kissing? I know she's taken a liking to you. I haven't

seen her in a while. I would like to greet her."

"Unfortunately, she is still shy around strangers. She is a troubled child."

Kissing Zoa Nebulis. The House of Zoa's prided secret weapon was still being finetuned. Meaning she was mentally unstable, far from a state that could be allowed near

others. Not that they planned to divulge that detail to the Lou, even if she had already

been adjusted.

The pair entered the parlor.

"Let me get you a drink. Would you like coffee or some tea?"

"Water. Please."

"Water? It seems your tastes have changed."

"I'm exhausted from my travels." Elletear smiled in embarrassment, placing a hand on

her cheek. "I visited many towns and tasted their local coffees and teas. While I am at

home, I would prefer to have a less stimulating beverage."

"I see. You. Please fetch some," ordered Lord Mask to the servant behind them, who

nodded reverently and left the room.

He checked that the door had closed shut. "Right. I look forward to hearing of your


Lord Mask sat down on the sofa across from her.

"It was longer than usual. Nearly six months. Didn't that worry the queen?"

"She's used to it. This is just one of the duties of a princess."

The descendants of the Founder were objects of admiration and often an aspirational

goal for astral mages everywhere. If Elletear was to pay a visit to anyone in the Nebulis

Sovereignty, even inhabitants of the most backwater regions would come out to greet


And it would increase support for the conclave.

It was common knowledge among the Zoa and Hydra Houses that the number of

influential people supporting Elletear was growing by the day.

"I suppose the reception was excellent?"

"Yes. On this excursion, I gained a better understanding of the apprehension in the

remote regions. Although the central state is safe, the other states are concerned about

when the Empire might strike."

"…Yes. And there was the incident with Salinger the Transcendental."

"When I heard that it was the Imperial Army that released him, I almost doubted my

ears. Everyone is concerned about how the Empire could have broken past our

country's borders." Elletear shook her head in gloom.

It was obvious. Lord Mask had been asking if her campaigning for the conclave was

going well.

She hadn't failed to notice his implication.

That's not why I've been going on these trips! Aliceliese would have vehemently denied

it if she'd been in Elletear's place.

But the eldest sister was unfazed, redirecting the conversation with ease.


"What is it, my lord? You're smiling."

"Nothing. I was simply thinking of how Alice might have replied in your place."

"My, Lord Mask. Are you that interested in her?" Elletear smiled in a suggestive way

that rivaled Lord Mask's. "That's perfect. Weren't you the one speaking about this

earlier? Why can't the three families of descendants join forces against the Empire?"

"Yes, exactly."

If the three families could unite to attack the Empire, the capital might become a sea

of flames again.

But it would result in a great number of casualties.

The ones who wanted to avoid these deaths were the House of Lou, the ones who

currently were led by the queen. They put up defensive measures against Imperial

attacks in their own country, attempting to limit the number of sacrifices from their

astral corps.

On the other hand, the Zoa were extremists. They believed there was no greater

pursuit than annihilating the Empire in battle, no matter the cost.

The House of Hydra were moderates. Though they were involved in the fight for the

throne between the other two Houses, they would follow any recognized queen when

it came down to it.

"I agree. Aside from the conclave."


Elletear had anticipated this as she brushed aside her golden waves of hair.

"I have an earnest request for you, my lord."

If she didn't have a clear reason, why would the House of Lou come all the way to visit

the Zoa?

"Will you hear me out?"

"Of course. Since you came all the way to visit, I will happily lend you what strength I


"Well, I am pleased." The princess with emerald hair leaned forward in her seat.

It was as though she was showing her full chest to tempt him. But the masked man did

not so much as flinch at that.

"To get right to the point, there are those in our country with ties to the Empire. I

imagine you are aware of that."

"I have considered that possibility. But trying to expose them now is—"

"They are my sisters ," Elletear practically sang and broke into a noble smile.

"…What did you just say?" replied Lord Mask in a strained voice.

He must have been shocked.


"I'll say it again. The ones in contact with the Empire are my sisters, Alice and Sisbell."

She planted her hands on the table and stared at the masked man.

"Just contact for now. They aren't Imperial pawns. But I am convinced they will betray

us soon."

"…You sure about that?"

"I swear on my right to the throne."


Out of all the candidates who Lord Mask had narrowed down, those two princesses

hadn't made the list.

"But how do you know? You must not have had access to this information while you

were far from the palace."

"Oh, I can't tell you that. It's a secret," she said, placing a hand against her beautiful

face and answering innocently to ease the tension. "It's something I've spent years

building up. I can't reveal my tricks."

"…I see. Apologies." He smirked under the mask.

She would be a bad princess if she was willing to confidently inform him of her tricks.

Obviously. She was the eldest sister of the House of Lou, a direct competition for the

Zoa. Otherwise, she wouldn't be in the ring for the conclave.

"And what can I do?" he asked.

"To be frank, I am devastated by this news. I couldn't believe those two would be

attempting to betray our mother." Her lips parted for a gentle sigh. She closed her eyes

and turned her face down. "I cannot believe my beloved sisters would become

barbarians… It is my duty as their sister to correct their ways. However, I am

sympathetic to them."


"When the time comes, I will not be able to make the proper decision. I would like to

ask you to do it, my lord."

"I see. I understand." He nodded with dramatic flair. "You need someone to send them

off in your place."

"…I fear that is the case." Elletear continued to stare at the ground.

Was it to hide her devastation? Or had her lips taken on a devilish smile?

To cooperate across two Houses meant… Lord Mask and Elletear would be


When it would be time for the conclave, the other two princesses would be in

Elletear's way. And this posed as the perfect opportunity for Lord Mask to eliminate

two players from the race. This arrangement was mutually beneficial.

"Elletear, it must have been so difficult to keep this to yourself." He took her hand and

gave it a gentle squeeze. "Lift your face. Leave the rest to me."

"…Which means?"

"I will keep this news in mind. I have heard Sisbell is currently out of the country. I will

go after the girl myself and determine the truth."

"I am grateful for you." She revealed her puffy eyes.

Was she pretending to cry? Or had she really been concerned about the fate of her


Though he was unable to determine the truth, it did not affect the actions of the House

of Zoa.

"I will help you hurt the Empire. In order to do that, we must draw out all who have

ties to them."

"Yes. And I leave my sisters in your care."

At the same time. The Star Spire of Nebulis. The tower of residence for the current

representatives of the queen in the House of Lou.

Alice's breathing was feeble as she lay collapsed on a sofa.

"I've depleted all energy…"

She was pale. She almost didn't want to bother breathing. Not even a single finger

could move.

"…Sniff. I'm having the worst day ever."

She had even been moved to tears.

From morning to night, she had been trying to accomplish her duties as a princess.

None of it was enjoyable or worthwhile. Why was she being tortured?

"Maybe I'll quit being a princess…"

"You have a meeting with the queen starting at five in the morning tomorrow. Noble

families and guests of honor from various countries will be in attendance. About

twenty in total. Please remember to think of greetings for each of them."

"Rin! Do you have a heart of stone?"

"What are you going on about? I'm rubbing your shoulders and back in appreciation

of your efforts."

Alice was lying facedown. Rin was on top of her, thoroughly massaging her shoulders

and back.

"Ugh… I don't understand why a seventeen-year-old princess has to suffer from stiff


"It comes with the job." The attendant continued to massage Alice. "Please take a bath

after this and rest for the evening."


"Because you are waking up tomorrow at four."

"You didn't have to say that now !" Alice screeched, placing her hands over both her

ears as though she refused to listen.

You know what? I'm taking a break tomorrow! Rin can't wake me up if I freeze every last

window and door that leads into my room…!

Ding , gently rang a calling bell.

Who would be calling so late at night? Alice jumped from the sofa at the voice that

came from beyond the door.


"M-Mother?! Rin! H-hurry and get the door!"

"A-at once!" Rin rushed over to open the door.

It was Mirabella Lou Nebulis IIX. In a light-purple outfit, Alice's biological mother was

standing in front of her room without even a guard.

"My queen! Wh-what brings you here at this time of night?!" Alice stammered.

"Some business. Alice, come with me." The queen beckoned her over, asking Alice to

come out of the room.

"What happened, Mother?"

"I have two topics to discuss with you," she almost whispered. "One concerns a report,

and the other is something I would like to consult you about. Which would you like to

hear first?"

"—" Alice stealthily traded a look with Rin.

She had a bad feeling about this. This was a trick that her mother often used to

mentally prepare the person for a conversation.

…This can't be good news… Especially if it was important enough to bring her to my

room in the middle of the night.

"Whichever is easier for you to talk about."

"Then we'll start with the report. It is about the sorcerer you captured at Alcatroz."


Salinger the Transcendental. A dangerous man who had astral power that could steal

others' powers. Thirty years earlier, young Queen Mirabella had captured him, but a

certain event had let him break out of prison.

It had occurred only ten days ago.

"You prevented that man's escape from the prison spire. That was an important

accomplishment… Rin, I thank you for risking your life."

"N-not at all!" Rin said, straightening her posture. Her voice wasn't very strong. That

was because Rin had been the one who had been saved.

"Just this once…

"…I'll lend you a hand. This guy is Alice's enemy, right?"

If Iska had not been there, they wouldn't have succeeded in stopping the sorcerer.

Alice's mother would have never dreamed that an Imperial soldier had been involved

in this achievement.

"What about that incident, Mother?"

To Alice, the whole thing was already over.

Salinger had fallen from the prison spire, had been arrested by the jail guards, and

taken to another edifice the same day. He had been jailed once again.

"The cell is empty ," said the queen.

"What does that mean?"

"We just received communications from the prison spire that had been housing him.

The prison guards had apparently brought in an elaborate puppet made from astral


"I-is this really true?!" Rin was unable to keep herself from interjecting. "Iska and I… I

mean, Lady Alice and I worked so desperately to capture him! Were the prison guards

tricked and let him get away?!"

"As the sorcerer does. You cannot blame the prison guards." The queen sighed.

They could hardly imagine the dignified queen doing that, even though they were

looking directly at her.

"We are currently in the process of hunting him down. Please make sure to keep this

in mind—both of you. That man may appear in the palace."

"I will remember that."

If Alice were in his position, she didn't think she would target the palace.

…I don't think he expected to get hurt by Iska… Because his defeat set him back from the

starting line.

Salinger had to be more cautious than ever.

Even if he came to the palace, he would wait for the perfect opportunity.

"Mother, is the other topic related to Salinger?"

"No, an entirely separate matter. Family business. I would like you to come with me.

Rin… You should accompany us." Her eyes swept over to the end of the hall.

Nebulis IIX walked briskly down the hall. Alice nodded at Rin and followed after her.

"Mother, where are we going?"

"Haven't you seen this?" The queen turned and spread her hand to show an intricate

and delicate crystal key in her palm.

Though it looked very similar to Alice's own room key, hers was made from a different


"For Lady Sisbell's room," Rin offered. "But Lady Sisbell should have left the country

yesterday morning."

"Which is why it is in my possession."

The queen kept going down the hallway, heading for Sisbell's room, the Small Looking


They stood in front of her door.

"Alice, what do you think of Sisbell lately?"

"What?" Alice balked when her mother suddenly asked.

Sisbell locked herself in her room, refusing to come out. Even when they occasionally

ran into each other in the hallway, she would turn tail and scamper away immediately.

…If I was to be honest, Sisbell has been acting strange… and dodgy… and unfriendly…

Alice was aware how odd it was to think this about her own sister. And it wasn't her

style to talk ill of people behind their backs.

"Don't you think she's been acting suspiciously?" her mother offered.

"…!" Alice doubted her own ears.

Standing next to them, Rin gaped at the queen's face in surprise.

"I am the queen. I want you and Sisbell to maintain a certain degree of dignity as part

of the royal family. But I am also your mother," she said, looking almost embarrassed.

She was a mother and a queen—a woman who was torn between both roles.

"Right now, the retainers do not trust Sisbell much. I imagine she will have a difficult

time during the conclave. We cannot do much about that, but as her mother, I have the

duty to raise her well."

"…So you're going into her room?"

"Yes, I want to check on her activities in isolation."

Mirabella was doing this as her mother. And she had dragged Alice along to fulfill the

duty of sisterhood.

"What about Lady Elletear?"

"She wasn't in her room. I don't want too many people to snoop in Sisbell's room. We'll

just do it alone, since it's not an investigation."

She stuck the crystal key into the lock.

It was one that couldn't be duplicated. The key had been made by an expert craftsman,

the one and only key that could open this exact door.

It unlocked.

The queen herself pushed past it and turned on the light.

…I hate that we're prying… But I have to follow my mother's wishes.

Alice sauntered into the living room after the queen. It was decorated in the style of a

suite in a luxury hotel, which wasn't too different from Alice's room. If there was one

dissimilarity, it was the stuffed animals tucked in corners and lining the sofas.

Sisbell would be sixteen this year. Aliceliese was only two years older than her sister,

but she still felt that it seemed too juvenile to collect dolls at fifteen, especially for a


"It is very clean…," Rin modestly offered to the queen, scanning the area. "I don't see

much that looks out of the ordinary."

"She must have expected me to come in here and cleaned up anything that would have

aroused suspicion… What is she doing all the time in her room? I wish there was a

clue." The queen sighed again before walking over to the bathroom and washrooms.

"Let's split up. Alice, Rin, you examine her bedroom."

"Yes, Mother."

She couldn't get on board with the idea of poking around her sister's bedroom, but

upon investigation, the interior turned out to be immaculate. Her sheets were

impressively wrinkle-free. The only things at her bedside were a pitcher and a cup.

"It's cleaner than your bed, Lady Alice."

"Rin, this isn't the time or the place for that. And my bed is clean."

If anything, this was too sterile.

Alice had a habit of reading before going to bed, bringing her favorite books with her

and nodding off while reading.

"That's right. If it were me, I would stick it under my pillow so my mother wouldn't…


Dink. As Alice ran her fingers under the pillow, she had touched something.

Was it a book? It felt more like a thin magazine.

She pulled it right out, then felt all the blood draining from her face.

The periodical reported on an event from a year ago.

"Iska, the Youngest Saint Disciple in History.

"Imprisoned for treason against the nation and aiding the escape of a witch. Given a life


It was familiar. It wasn't a story suited to this frank description.

"Why is this…?"

Alice had obtained the same periodical when she ordered Rin to investigate the

identity of an Imperial soldier named Iska.

…That's strange! Why would Sisbell have the same magazine?!… And why would it be

important enough for her to hide it under her pillow?

Next to her, Rin's face tensed.

There was no mistaking it—this periodical implied that Sisbell had been looking into

the former Saint Disciple.

But why?

"No way… Did she see us together in the neutral city? It's possible with her astral


Princess Aliceliese had a connection with Iska.

Of course, their encounters had all happened by chance, but even these meetings were

more than enough to tarnish her reputation. Worst case, if this information was

leaked, it could spell Alice's end in the conclave…

"Rin, what do I do?!"

"Shhh! Calm down, Lady Alice." Rin pointed toward the bathroom. The queen was

there. They couldn't let her overhear.

"It would be impossible for Lady Sisbell to know about the incidents between you two.

Her astral powers only work within a thousand-foot radius."

And the Sovereignty and neutral city were several hundred miles apart. The possibility

of Sisbell re-creating their meetings was close to none. Alice acquiesced, accepting

Rin's opinion. But that didn't mean the situation had now turned for the better.

"…Maybe she overheard us?"

"It's possible."

She hadn't seen them share a meal or sit together at the opera. If she had seen anything,

it would have been Alice and Rin talking in the Sovereignty. There was a chance Sisbell

had begun to be suspicious about the boy who had come up in their discussions.

"We must put a stop to this quickly…," the attendant suggested in a hushed voice. "I

believe Lady Sisbell must find this shady… and suspect you have been colluding with

the Empire."

"N-no way!" Alice sat down on Sisbell's bed in place of a chair. "I do know Iska, but

that's because we're enemies on the battlefield. Any rumors about me sleeping with

the Empire would be an embarrassment!"

"Yes, but this could be good for us. Lady Sisbell isn't in the Sovereignty."

"…Which means?"

"My queen!" Rin called into the bathroom. "We could not find any clues about Lady

Sisbell's activities in her bedroom. But I have a proposal."

"…And what could that be?"

"I ask that you grant Lady Alice permission to go on an excursion."

The queen stepped into the room, exiting the bathroom.

Rin knelt and lowered her head. "I ask that you allow Lady Alice to go directly to the

destination where Lady Sisbell has gone, to meet with her."

"Hmm?" The queen looked at Alice.

Rin eyed the princess in a way that must have meant something. "Yes, Lady Sisbell is

in a foreign country. Because she cannot seclude herself in her room, she cannot hide

any of her suspicious behavior."

"Why Alice?"

"Because they are siblings."


"Even if Lady Sisbell had something trivial to hide, she might have reservations

opening up to a servant. After all, even the friendliest servant is still a stranger. But

Lady Alice and Lady Sisbell are family."

Queen Mirabella could not leave the royal palace. Elletear had just returned, which

meant it would be unfair to send her off on another trip. Through the process of

elimination, Alice was the optimal choice.

"I have heard Lady Sisbell has no guard."

"Yes, she is letting her keeper handle everything."

"Lady Alice would be able to protect Lady Sisbell."

"…However, Rin, we don't even know where Salinger is. What is your plan for him?"

Her worry was apparent in her eyes. "He must be hiding within our country. If he

comes to attack the royal palace, we would need Alice to deter him. I don't think it's

wise to have her leave in this situation."

"The sorcerer is injured." The attendant did not miss a beat. "And not in a way that he

can make a complete recovery within a few days. While Lady Alice is absent, I can

assure you that he will not be prioritizing attacking this place."


"My queen."

"I understand."

It took a moment for Nebulis IIX to sigh. She was reluctant, but she had no other


"I will go along with your plan. Alice, I will grant you permission to leave."

"Yes, Mother."

Nice thinking, Rin! Alice was cheering in her heart for the kneeling attendant.

Now she had a pretext for following her sister. She would be able to talk to Sisbell, just

between the two of them.

…That's right. I'm sure it was all a mistake… She's misunderstood the nature of my

relationship with Iska.

She couldn't have anyone thinking that a princess of the Nebulis Sovereignty had any

ties to an Imperial soldier. She needed to go after her and immediately correct the


"Mother, don't worry. I will be back within four days."

The round trip took three days.

She would give herself a whole day to talk to Sisbell. This time, she wouldn't let her

sister run away. If her sister did, Alice would grab her by the scruff of the neck and talk

to her.

"Rin, make arrangements immediately!"

Alice lightly let her royal dress billow as she stormed out of Sisbell's room.

…Sisbell… What are you doing right now? And where?

Her mind started to churn.