
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World

Sir_Smurf · Fantasy
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38 Chs

In Exchange for Power

The Nebulis Sovereignty. The eighth state of Wreathbarden.

The state ran adjacent to the Sovereign border, said to be the birthplace of world

literature inspired from interactions with the neutral cities.

Its beautifully maintained streets were teeming with people leisurely going along

their way.

There was not a single cloud in the sky. Many groups of women were enjoying a

momentary afternoon meal on the outside seating areas of cafe s facing the square.

But this cafe was currently filled with commotion. A man had appeared in the full seating

area. His beautiful form was enough to instantly eliminate all forms of drowsiness.


The man silently sat down at an empty seat.

His pale face was chiseled. His gaze was sharp. His pursed lips displayed a solemnity

that indicated he would never waver in the face of anything.

Conspicuous and tall, the man had a buff and bare chest that was covered by a single


It was like an act in a play.

Though he had only sat down, the young women and older ladies were prisoners to

his allure and imposing conduct.

"S-sir… your order…?"


When the blushing waitress attended to him, the man silently pointed at the menu.

"R-right at once!"

He didn't even look at the waitress as she rushed into the cafe . The man with white

hair brought out a report about a dozen pages long. He carefully started reading the

report written in unintelligible jargon.

"…This is getting on my last nerve," the man said in a voice with suppressed vigor.


Thirty years prior, the "transcendental" sorcerer had instigated an unprecedented

incident by single-handedly charging the royal palace to turn his blade on the queen.

Though he should have easily been a fifty-year-old man, his body, face, and vengeance

were all at their prime rather than in decay. He still had more room for growth.

"A-apologies for the delay!"

"…" He practically flicked the payment and tip at the waitress when she brought out

the coffee and souffle pancakes.

"Yunmelngen. That monster," Salinger muttered in irritation. "Just when the throne

appeared in front of me, it turned out to be a delusion. I never would have expected

that scoundrel to force these records on me."

He had a top secret document issued about a particular "research device" in the

Empire. Naturally, bringing the documents out of the facility was prohibited. With the

exception of one person: the symbol of the Empire, Yunmelngen, the one with the

highest political authority.

Experiment Results:

Administered weakened ■■■■■ on a witch with congenital ■■. Favorable results seen

when administered on purebred "Specimen E."

"'Specimen E,' huh? There are only two people I can think of."

He thought about the names and faces of all the Founder's descendants who lurked in

the royal palace.

"Why should I care?"

Salinger balled up the report in his hands, burning it in his palm and turning it into

ash so that it blew away in the wind. He watched that absentmindedly without much


"…Hmm?" The handsome white-haired man suddenly noticed the young girl immediately

next to him.

She stared. But she wasn't gaping at Salinger. Her gaze was focused on the souffle

pancakes on the table. She must have smelled them after they had come straight from

the pan.

"What do you want, girl?"

"Hey, mister, are you going to eat those? If you're not, can I have them?"

How frank.

It must have been because of her age. Give her a few more years, and she would learn

how to coax people with a courteous smile and friendly tone.

"I have two things to tell you," the sorcerer replied, disgusted. "One, I do not enjoy

being called by a pandering title. Two, I paid for this. Do not beg. Anything you obtain

comes at a price."

"…" The girl turned her face down.

"You must have money."

She had a money pouch tied around her neck with a string. She couldn't be broke.

"I haven't got any money in it."


"It's a shiny rock. I got it at the riverbed." The young girl flipped open her change purse.

Don't pour it over my table— Before Salinger could stop her, she had already scattered

tiny rocks all around his coffee cup. They were faintly tinted and striped.

"Onyx stones, huh. They are nothing significant." Salinger picked up one incredibly

small and round rock without heed.

"Oh! No. That's my—"

"This will do."


"This will due in exchange. But make sure you find a nicer rock next time."

He turned his back on the girl, whose face had gone blank, and started walking. He left

the entire plate of souffle pancakes on the table.

"But your exchange won't be so cheap, my queen," he spat. "You obtained the throne

of queen with luck. Unfortunately for you, you have no idea of the true price of

obtaining the throne."

He headed straight onto a small, dark road that continued along to alleys. The sun did

not shine here.

"Have fun with what remains of your rule. The bloodline of the Founder… A true

monster will soon be at your throat."

The sorcerer sauntered to the central state, to the castle where the royal family of

Nebulis gathered.