
The miserable young man in the age of prey

On the continent of Chanvia, the Kingdom of Sudak is one of the countless kingdoms in this crazy age Specifically, Vir is a border city with the northern barbarian land The name of the city is Chiman City Dilapidated wooden walls, dirty streets filled with mud and dirt Corpses are around every corner and the stench is everywhere Because of an attack by thieves on the city, they destroyed and killed Men And They took the womens In a small palace in the middle of the city, you see it burning and the place smells like barbecue The place is silent and no one is alive Or that's what we thought In a low, almost inaudible voice, the young man called for help He only remembers what happened as fragments The picture is starting to become clear Who am I and what's happening? He hears a hallucination of Li Ji's name hiding with fragments of his memory And he tries to concentrate. Yes, I am Lee Ji, 18 years old, son of Lee Soo Rich merchant Then the young man begins to remember what happened, how the thieves deceived his father during his trip, claiming that they were merchants and wanted to cooperate with him How they hosted her in their palace and fed them dinner Suddenly one of them took out a dagger and grabbed his mother He put it on her neck, threatening the guards and his father Then all he remembered was a pain in the back of his head After gathering his strength, he begins to stand and move, searching for survivors He enters what remains on the upper floor and finds his mother having been assaulted and killed, with his father's head next to her His eyes begin to shrink from the scene and he loses consciousness After an unknown time, he woke up again, accepting reality, and began crying hysterically Then he went towards the bed, dipped his hand in his parents' blood and wiped it on his face He swore to the gods that if they listened to him, he would take revenge on this world Li Jie, who transformed from a spoiled youth into a spiteful warrior, made his way through the harsh wilderness. He used his business savvy inherited from his father to hide and avoid other bandits. Every night, he practiced fencing using his father's sword, imagining the faces of his parents' killers before him. After days of arduous travel, Li Jie arrived at the thieves' hideout, an abandoned stone fortress located in a dark valley. Li Jie crept inside, using the darkness as cover. Inside, he found himself in a maze of dark corridors and rooms. He could hear the muffled voices of men talking and laughing, and the smell of roasting meat filled the air. Li Jie crept from room to room, avoiding the dim lights. In one of the rooms, he found what he was looking for: a group of thieves celebrating their singing around a blazing fire. Their leader, a huge man with a black beard, was sitting on a throne made of human bones. Li Jie waited until the thieves were drunk, then pounced on them like a hungry wolf. The thieves were surprised by the sudden attack, and were unable to defend themselves. Li Jie killed everyone who stood in his way, until he reached the leader. A fierce battle took place between them, in which Li Jie used all the fighting skills he had learned. In the end, Li Jie was able to kill the leader, and took his head as proof of his revenge. Li Jie left the fort carrying the chief's head and returned to Qiman. There, he hung the head on the city gate as a warning to anyone who might threaten the city again. After achieving his revenge, Li Jie did not feel as comfortable as he expected. Instead, he felt a huge void in his heart. He realized that revenge was not the answer, and that violence only led to more violence. Li Jie decided to dedicate his life to protecting innocent people, and preventing a repeat of the tragedy that befell his family. He began training young men in Chimane in combat and self-defense, and founded a group of warriors dedicated to protecting the city. Thus, Li Jie transformed from victim to hero, from merchant to warrior, and from seeker of revenge to protector of peace. Ot