
Chapter 4 Can't stop thinking about it

Alex stared at the number on his phone. After so much difficulty, he was finally able to get his bestfriend, Jean, to get access to Love's phone number. Whenever he needed help with getting someone's phone number or information about someone, he always asks Jean for help. He is skilled in that aspect.

He thought about her beautiful face. And he remembers seeing the evident pain in her beautiful brown eyes. Her ex must have hurt her deeply. But why would anyone hurt such a beautiful girl? He does not love her, but he would not hurt her. And oh, her soft lips. It felt so good, the feeling of kissing her was perfection. He wants to feel that feeling again.

He saved her number on his phone and was about to text her, but then he wanted to hear her voice, so he decided to call her.

He placed the phone to his hear and hoped she would pick the call, hopefully she wouldn't be one of those people who don't pick unknown numbers.

On the fourth ring he heard her soft voice. It sounded like she had been crying.

"Who is this?" Love asked.

"It's Alex", He said.

"Alexandar", She said surprised. "How did you get my number?"

"I have my ways", Alex said. "How are you beautiful?"

"What do you want?" Love asked.

"You", he said. "I want to see you again".

Love rolled her eyes.

"No", she said. "Leave me alone".

"I can't stop thinking about your lips", Alex said in a sexy voice.

Love gulped. For some reason, his words and voice had an effect on her.

She cleared her throat.

"Well that's your problem ", she said. " I gotta go".

"I want to see you Love", Alex said.

"No Alex", Love said.

"I guess I'll just have to come to your house uninvited", Alex said with a sigh.

"You don't even know where i live", Love said.

"County Estate", Alex said. "House number 22, color blue".

"How do you know my address?" Love asked.

"I have my ways", Alex said. "Well if you still refuse to see me, i'll just come over and you'll have to see me after all".

Love sighed in exhaustion.

"What's your endgame?" She asked.

"To be with you", Alex said.

"Come on", Love said. "I'm pretty sure it's not love at first sight, stop being ridiculous by saying you want to be with me".

"I'm serious", Alex said.

"What you want is to fuck me", Love said. "And i hate to break it you, but that won't be happening. So just don't waste your time".

"That's ok", Alex said. "As long as i get to kiss those pretty lips of yours and kiss your neck, hearing you moan, I'm fine with that".

Love was dumbstruck. She was not expecting him to say that.

She had expected him to be disappointed and tell her he will leave her alone.

"The kiss won't be happening ", she said.

"Oh it will", Alex said with a smile. "You enjoyed me kissing you, I know you did. You can't deny it, and I also know you want more. You want me to kiss you, you want me to trail kisses down your neck, you want me to lick the swell of your boobs and suck on your nipples".

Love gasped. She almost moaned at the last words he said, because just as he said them, her nipples hardened against her chest and she remembered the feeling of his tongue on the swell of her breast.

"Thinking about it?" Alex asked in a low voice.

"Goodbye ", Love said.

"Come on Love", Alex said. " Admit it".

Love hanged up and threw her phone on the bed. She was just about to go to bed when she received the call. She has no idea how he got her phone number or her address. Most importantly, his filthy words have made her restless. She can't stop thinking about how his wet tongue will feel against her nipples. She is restraining herself from calling him back and telling him to come over to her house.

"Argh!" She groaned in frustration and decided the best option is to go to bed. That's the only way to make herself feel better.

She moved the bed cover and got into the bed. She turned off the light switch beside her and placed her head on the pillow. As she did, thoughts of Colin enveloped her mind.

*Flashback *

Love gently and carefully shaved Colin's beards. He pouted and she smiled at how cute he looked.

"Colin",Love said. "About last night".

"I'm sorry", Colin said apologetically. "I didn't mean to get that thrashed. I was just so upset with my dad, drinking was the only way i could suppress my anger".

Love pouted.

"I thought touching me helps suppress your anger", she said.

"There's that too", Colin chuckled. "Kissing you, swirling my tongue around your ni..

"Shush!" Love placed a finger on his lips and squealed.

"You don't want to hear it, but you like when i

do it".

"That's enough", Love said blushing.

"Aww, she's blushing", Colin said and laughed.

"Jerk", Love pouted.

Colin placed a kiss on her pouted lips.

He leaned in to her face and rubbed his cheek against hers, making the shaving gel smear on her cheek.

"What are you doing?"Love chuckled.

He continued to do so and held her waist tightly when she tried to move.

"Colin", Love laughed.

He cupped her face and leaned and kissed her lips.

"I love you", he said.

"I love you too", Love said with a smile.

* Flashback over*

A tear spilled from her eyes.

"Why did you do this to me Colin?" She asked. She let out a breath and wiped her tears. She shut her eyes close, hoping to sleep. She does not want to think about the past anymore. She is resuming to work tomorrow. Hopefully, it will help take her mind off everything that happened.

She tossed around in bed, finding it difficult to sleep. She was extremely restless. She picked up the air conditioners remote beside her on the table. She increased it, hoping the cold will make her sleep. And she was right, as soon as she dropped the remote on the table and layed her head on the pillow she drifted off to sleep.