
Our Family

Since Victor became his coach and eventual husband Yuri's life has never been the same or happier in fact he did't think that their happiness could grow beyond what it was already but he's proven wrong when he learns exactly why he's been so sick lately! and though putting his carer on hold as well as being under a continues spot light from the press draws a lot of unwanted attention and not all of it good will make this road to parent hood anything but smooth sailing it's worth it to turn their happy family of two into a happy family of three.

jessicaraidenfan · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Doctor Suzuki

Trying to ignore yet an other round of churning from his stomach Yuri rolled onto his right side where he'd normally be greeted by the sleeping face of Victor who was bot his coach and husband but to day all that greeted him was his pillow due to the fact that he had left at some point to do some training for the up and coming demonstration of figure skating that was being held in his home town by his friend Yuko and her family to get more young people interested in figure skating as well as drum up a little extra business for the rink where he and she as well as her husband learnt to skate when they were kids and he should of been taking part along side Victor but could't due to being bed ridden from constantly being sick this past week and it was only getting worse or at least that's what, it felt like to him hell even his stomach was starting to hurt from all the puking he'd been doing which had done nothing but worry Victor to no end which was why he forced him to stay behind and get some rest hell he'd even got him to agree to go see a doctor tomorrow just to make sure that he was't seriously ill unable to fight the rising bile any more he dragged himself from their bed and more or less run/stagger to the bathroom where he went about emptying what little food he had left in his stomach at this point.


"....." he just stayed leaning against the toilet even after hearing the gentle voice of the man he loved or more correctly he had no other choice but to just stay put since emptying his stomach once again had drained what was left of the energy that got him to the bathroom in the first place though he did lean into him when a loving arm wrapped around him.

"i'm taking you to see the doctor right now instead of waiting in till tomorrow so come on your feet" he said helping him to his feet and back into the bedroom where he sat him on the bed while he went about finding a jacket and some shoes for him to put on over the black and white dotted pj's he was wearing.

During this time he could't help but watch Victor hurry about as he looked for the thing's that were needed it was clear from the way that he was dressed in the black jogging bottoms and matching short sleeved top that he was wearing he had come straight from the rink not bothering to change given that he had is back to him he could't see his face though he would't of gotten a clear view anyway even if he was facing him, due to the way his gray hair fell over his face keeping it from view as well as those stunning blue eye's of his but one thing was very clear he was tired as well as worried and scared which was something he thought he'd never see from Victor, given how confident he was more or less all the time sure he'd seen him cry but never scared like he was right here right now in the bedroom of his families hot spring resort though they did't live her all the time though due to the fact that after they were married they chose to live in his home town of Saint Petersburg but it made seance to stay with his family while they were helping out Yuko it had been good, to see everyone but it was clear Victor had told what was going on which was why when they looked his way they had the same worried or even scared look that Victor has right now.

"Can you lift your foot for me Yuri" Victor said snapping him out of the sort of trances of watching him darting about the room as he came closer with a pair of shoes.

"..sure.." he replied in the same horse voice as before.

"Your going to be alright" Victor said as he lifted his other foot for him.

"..who you trying to convince..me or you?" he ask's making Victor pause in his movements.

"Both" he replies as he stands straight again and holds his arm out for him to take.

It goes without saying that he's more than a little wobbly at this point but with Victor holding onto his arm that he is't going to fall and slowly they make their way from the bedroom to the front of the house where his mother and father are waiting by taxi that they clearly called for upon Victors request more than likely when he left this morning or the second that he got back and if he'd been able to laugh at the sight that they must of made he would of done though once in Victor shut the door and turned to his parents saying something before bowing slightly and hurrying round the other side to get in and soon they were off down the road to the hospital ..granted they had to stop more than once along the way but they got there in the end.

{Hospital waiting room}

The whole time they waited to be seen by the doctor Victor had't let go of his hand once and though it was turning his fingers a little white with how tightly he was holding his hand he was thankful for it all the same since it was keeping him rather calm while sitting there watching people as well as doctor's and nurses coming and going through the door for what felt like for more than an hour before it was his turn to walk through those same said door's which he did after a 'it's our turn' tug on his hand, the room that they entered was't large and a hospital bed lined one side of the wall with a blue curtain which clearly went around the bed when someone was on it to give who ever that was and the doctor a little more privacy there was also a large cabinet containing all sorts of medical equipment and an other desk wooden that was home not only to the computer but to the doctor he was here to see, which caused him to blush quite a bit due to the fact that his doctor was a she not that there was anything wrong with that it was a little more well embracing and given the fact that she was also rater pretty did't help even though it looked like she had't had a break in quite some time, due to how worn out she appeared to be with the way she was sitting at her desk which kind of explained the slight scruffiness of her long black hair which was pulled back into a low ponytail though when she saw them and realized who they were her tiredness, seemed to vanish as her dark eye's sparkled as she stood to greet them though not before giving her out fit a quick tug which consisted of a dark brown skirt a dark top and her doctors white jacket.

" Victor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki i'm doctor Suzuki" she said holding her hand out to each of them" and first of may i say i'm a big of fan of you both"

"well that is very sweet of you doctor Suzuki" Victor said making doctor Suzuki blush a little.

"please sit" she said sitting back down into her own seat" how can i help?" she asked looking from one to the other.

"It's Yuri doctor Suzuki for the past week he's been unable to keep any form of food or liquids down due to being constantly sick which is starting to give him some discomfort in his stomach" Victor explained.

"So this has been going on for the past week you say" she said rolling her chair closer to Yuri's and began to give a sort of once over.

"other than being sick and stomach discomfort have you had an other symptoms Yuri?" she asked as she continued what she was doing.

"well..maybe more tired than usual" he said.

"hmm..though you've had trouble keeping liquids down as well as food have you been going to the bathroom other than to be sick?" she asked.

"..yes.." he replied.

"more than what's normal?" she asked.

"..maybe i'm not sure.." Yuri said.

"can remove your coat and top and hop up on the bed for me?" she asked.

"here Yuri" Victor said taking hold of his arm and helping him up so that he could also help with removing his coat and top before helping him up onto the bed.

"Okay just lay back and i'll have a little feel Victor if you can draw the curtain shut and wait in the chair for a moment or two" she said over her shoulder at him a small smile pulling at her lips at the worried look's that both him and Yuri shared" don't worry i'll be giving him back soon enough" and with that the curtain was drawn shut" right just relax okay and let me know what or if anything feel's tender or hurts alright Yuri"

"..a yes" he said with a slight nod.

Once again doctor Suzuki went about checking him over it was hard not to shiver at her cool hands which caused her to chuckle a little since it was most likely not her first time at someone shivering at her hand's while on this very bed guess it really was a doctor thing to always have cold hands, not like Victor's they were always warm on that note he wanted to feel them against his skin as they could always make him smile and feel so safe most of all when he was scared or worried hell even both like he was right now, though he was soon brought out of his thoughts when doctor Suzuki pushed a little on his stomach.

"painful or tender?" she asked.

" right now it's more tender than painful" he replied.

"I see and what about here?" she asked moving away from his stomach and up to his chest and pressed both hands down causing the same reaction as before.

"painful or tender?" she asked again.

"tender" he said though saying that it was't like he'd been aware that his chest was tender to begin with.

"well i'm done " Doctor Suzuki said pulling back the curtain as he sat up.

"so..do you know what's wrong with me?" Yuri asked as Victor brought over his top and coat.

"Yes i do know what's wrong with you Yuri Katsuki" Doctor Suzuki said sitting back down in her chair" though just to make double sure i am right i want to take some blood and i'm sorry to say this but i need you to pee into a cup you can use the toilets across hall" she added throwing him a small cup that she'd removed from a draw in her desk.

"ah okay" he said standing with help from Victor who guided him all the way to the toilets.

Leaning back in her chair Suzuki could't help but smile to herself as she wondered how they'd react upon hearing the news that they were going to have a baby? after all more than a few couples which were a mix of female and male as well as male and male broke down into happy tears wore big smile's or sat across from her completely dumfounded about how it happened though it was more than, clear how but it was still amusing to see their reactions after all her own parents told her about their own reactions when they found out that they were going to have her god she had fallen off her chair laughing though she would't do that here or to them when they learnt what was going on okay maybe she might have a little giggle at the look's on their faces at the very least.

"Okay make a fist for me Yuri" she said so that it would be easier for her to find a vein so that she could take some blood he flinched a little when she put it in.

"Does it hurt a lot Yuri?" Victor asked.

"no just a little" he replied giving him a little smile to ease Victors worry.

"Okay all done" Suzuki said as she placed the small cotton ball and tap over where the needle had been.

"When will we get the results?" Victor asked.

"by the end of the week by the very latest..huh" Suzuki said looking from one to the other due to how on edge they looked letting out a sigh she chose to give them a little hint to ease their clear worry without fully giving what she knew for sure away"it's nothing to worry yourself's over you have my word on that after all i just said that i already know what's going on with you Yuri i'm just making sure that's all but i can give you something to help with the continued sickness you've been dealing with okay"

"..thank you doctor Suzuki.." Yuri said.

"no thank's needed" she said handing him the prescription for cyclizine" just take it easy for the time being and hopefully i'll be seeing the both of you again at the end of the week with your results alright i'll give you a call if i have them or not alright" she said giving them hopefully a reassuring smile as they left.

On the way back to his parents home they stopped by a local pharmacy to get what doctor Suzuki said that would help with the sickness though when they picked it up he did't really look at what they were called in till they got back home and it was like his heart stopped in his chest while he sat there on the bed while Victor went to get him some water so that he could start taking them, did doctor Suzuki really think that he was..well it was possible given that he and Victor did have sex..but they used condoms ..then again there'd been that one time not long ago in fact that they got very very carried away due to drinking one to meany of course he did't remember this but Victor did and had even tried to tell him the details thankfully he got him not to..but was that when it happened? placing a hand against his stomach a whirl wind of emotions shot through him how would Victor react if what doctor Suzuki believed to be the case as to why he'd been sick so much lately to be right on the money in fact she was more than sure of it, would he be happy? of course he'd be this was Victor after all but what about his skating carer? he'd have to put on hold in till he had the baby and some time after so that he could take care of it that was a given but would being away from the skating scene do to much damage to come back when he was able to? though the real question was he ready to be a dad?and would he be a good one? both were hard to answer but some where deep down inside he felt that he and Victor could do this! and as he continued to sit there he could't help but wonder if there was a baby in there who'd they take after more him or Victor as well as who they looked like more either way it would know straight from the get go what true love was like.

hay this is my first time writing a yaoi fan fic and i thought the first chapter went well and I hoped you all liked it as well though if your wondering why Doctor Suzuki is a bit of an odd ball it's just the way i wanted to write her but the bit about her own parents will become clear a little later on.

jessicaraidenfancreators' thoughts