

"Hey, babe. Wanna join us?"

Lillian gritted her teeth. She clenched her fists. She really wanted to kill the boy that she had loved with all her heart.

She had just won an art competition and was excited to tell Tony, her boyfriend, about it.

Tony worked as a manager in his company. He had fallen head over heels in love with Lillian a year ago. It took him two whole months to make Lillian feel the same way towards him.

When Lillian had finally accepted him, he was on cloud nine.

They had been dating since then. Having sex whenever Lillian stayed over at his house... having a romantic dinner...

All this memories flooded through Lillian's head as she stared at the cheating couple in front of her.

She took heavy and deep breaths to calm herself down.

She glared at Tony.

Tony smirked.

'I am not going to let this affect me. I must have the courage to stand up for myself. I will not be bullied so easily.'

Lillian walked over confidently towards Tony.

She kicked him in his crotch and punched his nose.

Tony groaned in pain and glared at Lillian.

Lillian turned around and walked towards the office door.

Before exiting, Lillian turned around and gave the lady who was still on the office desk the middle finger.

With that, Lillian stomped out of the office and slammed the door behind her.

- - -

Lillian got onto the car. She started the car and drove to her home.

She packed her things and booked a flight to America.

And just like that, two lovers got separated.

- - -

Five years later...

"Wake up, Mommy!!!" Lillian heard two adorable voices calling her.

She continued to pretend to sleep and ignore them.

"Mommy, wake up! We have school today!" the two adorable voices were heard again.

This time Lillian could feel two pairs of hands shaking her to wake up.

She secretly encircled her arm around two bodies and pulled them towards her.

She opened her eyes and said, "Gotcha!"

"Mommy, you tricked us!!!" Lily yelled as Lillian started to tickle her.

Her twin, Leslie, tried to save Lily from the tickle monster but ended up getting tickled too.

"Ah... mommy, stop!!!!" Leslie yelled.

"Ok, my little darling,"Lillian replied.

She sat up and let the twins go.

She signed. She had a dream of Tony.

It had been five years since he broke her heart and yet she was still dreaming about her happy moments with him.

The twins looked almost exactly like him. But they inherited the same purple eyes from Lillian.

She had only discovered that she was pregnant after she had arrived in America.

She had left without telling a single person.

Well, she had no one to tell anyways.

Her mother had died after she had turned 13. Her father made her an object to vent his anger and frustration on. Every night, he would beat her up to vent his anger out.

Her father remarried two years after her mother's death.

Now she had a step-mother and two step-sisters.

Her step-mother was kind to her as she pitied her being beaten up every night. Her step-sisters played with her and recognised her as their older sister. They were old enough to take care of themselves so she need not tell them that she was leaving.

Her step-mother however, would be worried about her. Hence, before she left, Lillian had actually written a note telling her of her departure and Lillian thanked her for taking good care of her this past 5 years.

- - -

"Mommy, come on! Get ready for work!" Lillian heard Lily yell from outside her room.

"Alright...," Lillian responded.

She quickly went to her closet and picked out a set of clothing.

She picked out a white blouse and a knee-length red in colour skirt.

She needed to look presentable as she had an important meeting that day.

When she had arrived in America, a friend of her father's had met her and taken her under his care. That man was Charles Brown.

He was the current chairman of a company named, Brown Holdings. He found out from Lillian that she was pregnant and had just broke up with her boyfriend.

He gave her a job at his company and due to her excellence at work, she was soon promoted to Managing Director.

She was shocked when she found out the news. She had never had experience in such a role before. Nonetheless, she thanked Charles and would always turn to him or other of her colleagues for help when she needs it.

- - -

Meanwhile... in China...

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Tony yelled at his information staff.

Tony had been promoted to director and had worked hard to become the chairman of the company. He then renamed the company to, Lu Corporation.

'Where are you, Lillian? Don't tell me you have married another guy, have you? I miss you everyday. Please come back to my side. I promise I will not hurt you again. Just come back to me. I need you. I'm sorry for what I did last time. Please forgive me.'

Tony leaned back on his swivel chair and closed his eyes. His thoughts had gone back to her.

daily update! time for me to sleeppppp...

bed, here i come!!!


dreams_come_truecreators' thoughts