

A powerful gang killed her father. Lily Jones is a well-known attorney and the daughter of a successful businessman. For the benefit of the family company, she got married to Alex Smith, a childhood friend and the most successful man she had ever known. Lily's desire to track down her father's killer made life terrible for everyone.

OSTAR1 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

CHAPTER THIRTEEN - One Clue for All 

Lily squinted her eyes and double-checked. She was careful not to make a mistake with it. After some while, she leaned back against the chair and sighed. "I believe I need to take my time with this. This is a delicate and challenging matter. I can't doubt any of the folks in this video because there are so many of them. She acknowledged her own words with a nod, realizing the truth of the circumstance. "I should get assistance. I mean, I'm a lawyer after all. It might be dangerous if I go there and look around. After taking a big breath, she picked up her phone from the table. After dialling a number, Lily put the phone to her left ear. "Kim Judy.

I'm in need of your assistance. After a brief exchange, they ended the call. Lily stood up and made her way to bed. As she lay on the bed, she dozed off.

The following morning, before leaving the room, Lily gave herself one final look in the mirror and let out a long sigh. Alex was drawn to Lily as she passed by the living room. He was going to stop her when he stopped at his track after catching sight of a female cob. Lily gave her a hearty hug, which further perplexed Alex. As Alex entered the hallway, the cob female bowed before him.

Lily sighed and rolled her eyes.

She is my old friend Kim Judith, Alex. As he learned more about her, his eyes became wider. They attended the same school together. Lily approached her and gave her a brotherly hug.

"Miss you, sis," she said, sounding to him like a younger sister. She looked at Lily, who was now enraged and nodded. Saying "See you soon." They left the house after he gave Kim Judith a nod.

"Why did she come over here?" Alex stumbled and seemed to be lost in contemplation.

Are you keeping something from me, Lily? He sighed deeply and moved toward the room to prepare.

When Alex's eyes landed on Emily's resting form, his lips curled into a smile. He approached her and gently stroked her cheek. "Sleep well, baby." Alex moved closer to the closet while humming. He got into his black suit and made his way to the bathroom. Alex took a warm, lengthy shower and then left the bathroom. He looked at Emily, who was still asleep, then again at the wall clock.

Alex grinned while shaking his head.

Your need for sleep should always come first.

The top of her head was kissed by Alex. He gave Emily one last look before walking away.

When the woman's pen drive was given by the man, Lily and Judith arrived there.

She took a deep breath and led her to the scene of the tragedy. Judith knelt on the ground while donning gloves and a mask. Using tweezers, she removed some dry blood and placed it in a small bag.

After a short while, when she had removed all the evidence from the scene, she was about to move on when her eyes landed on a ring. She snatched it while stooping. Her eyes widened as she scanned it. After hearing "Lily," Lily's eyes grew wide. She approached her and accepted the ring. "It belongs to Mr. Smith. My father-in-law is him. Judith gave her a perplexed look. "What?" Lily gave Judith a small head motion in response to her whisper.

"Everything points to him being guilty."

Judith gave her a back pat after inhaling deeply. "Don't move too quickly. For your benefit, I'm here. Not to worry, we will look into it once again. She grinned as Lily gave her a nod.

Alex carefully stroked his temple while leaning his back on the seat.

Why was dad hospitalized? What Mr. Smith was doing in the hospital was a mystery to him. He suddenly scowled and considered Lily.

She is acting strangely lately.

After taking a long breath, Alex shook his head. I must put Emily and my work first. What Lily is doing is not my concern. He let out a groan and kept working. A faint knock on the door suddenly caught his attention.

"Come on in." He spoke quietly and awaited the visitor's entrance. Alex scowled when he saw his mum at work so late. "Mom?" He muttered, and as Mrs. Smith started crying, he hurried over to her. "What just happened, mom?" Alex worriedly enquired while watching his mother sob uncontrollably.

When Alex saw Mrs. Smith's stage, his expression changed. Her father is in serious trouble, he said as he gave her a hug and lovingly massaged her back. She said after gaining composure. Alex released his mother from the hug and looked into her still-tearful eyes. He asked, "What?"

Mrs. Smith sighed and cast a quick glance towards the wall. The way your father acts these days has changed. He always arrived home late and met with undesirables in the study room. Every day, someone is bringing some of his guards home and threatening your father. He allegedly threatened to kill your father if the cops discovered him. She cried. "Please help us."

With some semblance of hope, Mrs. Smith begged her son. He gave a head nod while getting lost in thinking.

When Lily arrived at her mother's house, her mother was in the living room watching the news. She uttered a tiny murmur, but it was enough to draw her mother's attention to her. Mrs. Jones rushed up and gave her a bear embrace.

She grinned and gave her a warm embrace in return. I missed you, mom, and I missed you too, little one. Suddenly, they were both hugging. Joseph, Lily's brother, suddenly materialized.

They both winced and turned to look at Joseph, who was giggling uncontrollably. He pushed Lily a little as she gave him a hug and rubbed his head. I said, "Don't mess with my hair." They started laughing as he said with a furious pout.

After some time, Mrs. Jones began grilling her about her relationship with Alex and other topics while they sat in the living room.

When Lily heard Alex's name, she became enraged. I want to restart Dad's case, I told Mom. Mrs. Smith halted at her track and gave her a startled glance. "What?" Her eyes widened as she asked. "Yes, the death was unusual. He has been murdered. I have a ton of proof. Her mother shook her head and sighed anxiously. Lily, it will be risky. You come after I already lost your father. I can't risk anything. Don't do this, please. Lily groaned and nodded at her, but deep down she wanted to defend her father.

"I'll attempt." She spoke while attempting to grin. Sorry, Mom, but I have to do it for my dad.

Lily thought.

Alex left his mum at her residence. As he turned the key, he glanced at his phone. His thoughts began to race as soon as he set eyes on the smartphone screen. He picked up his phone from the passenger seat and made a call. "I want you to come meet me at the club." Before starting the car, he stated icily and threw his phone on the seat.

Alex arrived at the location after a lengthy trip. He exited the vehicle and entered the club. Alex looked around the entire club before entering a hidden space.

When a lift arose, he stepped inside.

He moved into the basement section after a brief delay. He went downstairs and gave someone a pat on the back, which made him look at him. I've got a task for you.