
Our Complicated Love

Aurora and Logan take on their second year of college with a lot of major surprises and complications coming their way.

estellewritesbooks · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

Aurora had smiled as she looked at the date on her calendar. It was the day that her father had passed away. She was supposed to be sad and bundle herself up under her duvet. But instead, she was happy. Because instead of that Aurora had thought of it as the day that she was chosen to live longer and to truly be in love. Hearing a knock on her door she was surprised at it all as she opened the door and saw Logan.

"Hey," Logan said as he gave Aurora a kiss.

"Morning. You're up early. It's only 6:30," Aurora said.

"Well, I thought that gives us some time to catch up. And maybe grab some coffee. How's your head?" Logan asked as Aurora shook her head.

"I got an appointment for this afternoon. Hopefully they will figure out what's going. But we can get going. Then it's over and done with. Our last day before our holiday," Aurora said as she grabbed her bag, but suddenly Logan took it over from her.

"Let me do this, Love. You ready then?" Logan asked as Aurora had nodded and they went out.

"Come and eat at our place this Sunday. My mother is dying to meet you and so is my sister, Samantha," Logan said.

"Logan, I'm not sure if I'm up for that. Our lives change so often and so quick. Don't you think that our relationship should develop a bit on its own before you introduce my to your family?" Aurora asked as Logan had put the bags in his car.

"Aurora, my family isn't scumbags. It's just my mom and Sam. But if you don't want to..."

"Logan, you know it's not just that. Maybe I'm just scared but I have reason to be," Aurora said.

"I know you do. I know you do. Okay. Let's go out with the guys. Mason and Landon should get to know you as well," Logan said.

"Okay then. Arrange something for tonight," Aurora said as she got into Logan's car.

Driving to the college, Aurora couldn't help but wonder how things had changed. And how quickly they had changed. For her life was suddenly much more than just college. It was achieving small goals and going forward with her life. Dropping her off at the college, Logan saw as Caden had looked at them. Shaking his head in disbelief, Logan heard Aurora saying his name. As he had walked over to his girlfriend, Aurora pulled him closer into her and gave him a soft, tender kiss before she pulled away and laid her head on his.

"I need you to understand something. And please, try to remember what I'm about to tell you. I'm in love with you. Not with Caden Saltzman. With you, Logan Goldman. And I always will be. Yes. I won't deny that me and Caden shared a moment once. But I wasn't even thinking of doing anything in regards with a relationship. With you I am. And I always will," Aurora said as they heard a car behind them and saw how Landon pulled up.

"I believe you. Hey, Landon. Ready to ace this test?" Logan asked as Landon looked at the two of them.

"Your mind is clearly not at the test. Because it's with her. And what is it with that dude staring at us?" Landon asked as Aurora saw how Caden was still looking at them, but stopped the minute that Daniel joined him.

"Yeah, don't mind him. Hi, Landon," Aurora said.

"Ugh we're not friends. You may be his piece but you're nothing of me."

"She's not Logan's piece. What is wrong with you? Hey, Aurora. Hello, Logan. How are you guys?" Mason asked as he gave each of them a hug.

"She's not doing too well. Headaches for the last 3 weeks now. Listen, Aurora had thought that it might be a good idea for her to get to know my classmates. I don't think that's a bad idea. What about you two?" Logan asked.

"Count me out," Landon said.

"Count me in. I would love that. But shouldn't you take it easy with your headache?" Mason asked.

Mason Stewart was one of the few IT Tech students, besides Logan, that had gotten along with Aurora. He had also voiced his opinion about their relationship and feelings a year ago, but that didn't change that he thought Aurora was an amazing girl.

"I'm going to the doctor this afternoon. Skipping class, but yeah. Listen. Can you drop me off at my place during lunch? Cause you kinda dropped me off this morning," Aurora said as Logan nodded.

"Of course. Look who's here. Thomas, Asher do you guys feel like a drink tonight?" Logan asked.

"Always. But first, who's the chick?" Thomas asked.

"Be careful on how you speak about her. This is Aurora Wincott, my girlfriend. Our other classmate who you barely see, Thomas Watson. Aurora is a second year in Hospitality," Logan said.

"Nice meeting you, Aurora," Thomas said.

"Same here. I've heard a lot about you. Are we going to go and set up?" Aurora asked.

"Yeah, let's go," Logan said as they went into the campus.

Aurora had saw how Olivia and Madison were already outside, smoking. Quickly excusing herself from the guys, she made her way to her friends as she smiled.

"Hey how are you girls?" Aurora asked.

"Are you guys still together? Thought you would have broken up after week 1," Olivia said as Aurora rolled her eyes.

"Nope. Still together. Looking forward to Christmas break?" Aurora asked.

Aurora had looked around the address that Logan had texted her. A bar. Of course, she was at a bar before, but this time it felt more real than the previous time. She smiled as she saw Logan standing aside with his friends as she went over to them.

"Wow you look amazing. How..." Logan said as he kissed Aurora.

"was your doctor's appointment?"

"Sinus. Gave me meds and my headache is instantly gone. Hi guys," Aurora said.

"Hello. Strange that we came here. Are we going to be seeing her more often?" Asher asked.

"I can definitely say you guys will," Logan said.

"Aurora, what can I get you? Do you drink?" Mason asked as Aurora nodded.

"White wine will be fine, thank you, Mason," Aurora said.

"Come on, let's dance," Logan said as he had dragged Aurora to the dance floor, and she smiled.

"How do you know I wasn't going to mess up?" Aurora asked as she threw her arms around his neck.

"You and Caden danced without any troubles on your birthday. Plus, if we were to mess this up, it will be my fault. Aurora, I love you," Logan said.

Aurora had looked shocked at her boyfriend of the last few weeks. She smiled as she gently caressed Logan's cheek, before she gave him a soft kiss.

"I love you too. Always," Aurora said.