
Our Atlantis

Atlantis is a mysterious place but not everyone was corrupted by greed and wanted immoral pursuits. For some, this was the time of romance and new beginnings. Fate throws Perseus, a new 20 year old leader of Dasia, on an interesting loop when Cephalus, a 22 year old knight from Rhodes court, arrives strangely on the island. The timing couldn't be any worse as there are dark forces approaching the islands. Will Perseus manage to focus on the harvest festival or will fate have plans for him involving the dark forces approaching the islands?

StoryRose · Fantasy
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7 Chs

More Questions than Answers

Green eyes opened to see a ceiling of wood. That was the first thing he saw after waking up. It was still hard to believe that he was on Dasia, an island isolated from any of the more populated islands like his own home on Rhodes. It was interesting, to say the least as he grew up in such a familiar area to find himself at a loss in this farming community. Regardless of the situation, he had issues remembering what happened to him and how he found himself on this farming island of Dasia.

How he found himself here was going to be a mystery that he doubted he'd be able to solve in his current condition. Memories were scattered but continued to linger in his head like a picture show. Slowly sitting up from the cot he had been laying on, he looked at the now wrapped up injury that stung his side. At the very least, he knew he was attacked by something or someone. Someone seemed to be the likely cause since the flashes showed a shadow, a figure, stabbing him. For now, his scattered memories of what happened can wait until later. He had the strong desire to find that blonde boy from earlier, his angel and savior. Surely, that boy, Perseus is the name from what he can recall, is most likely the reason he wasn't dead or dying from his injury. For that, he was eternally grateful and truly wanted to get to know his savior some more.

His gaze wandered around the room he was placed in. The smell of fresh soil and sea salt wafted around the room as that was most likely the scent of his beautiful angel whenever he came in to dress the wound. This scent was pleasing to him strangely as it was quite unique compared to the strong, floral scents of Rhodes that many of the women wore. Then again, it wasn't like he was complaining about that as this scent was something he could most definitely get used to. It was such a fitting scent for a boy that lived in this farming community and it was very welcoming too.

Cephalus noticed that the room he was in was made out of a pale stone and concert. Even the floors were made from a smooth stepping stone pattern. It was almost as if he were in some cottage but the wood that made the ceiling and the door made it seem more homey. He was used to seeing shining granite walls of white and the beds made from animal pelts. The room he was in was at least pleasing to the eye compared to the blinding walls of white back in Rhodes. It was difficult to tell whether he found this to be a downgrade or if it was more pleasing and homey compared to Rhodes.

He decided now would be the best time to get up as he couldn't help but feel a bit confined by just sitting in this room doing nothing. As he decided to get up, the door opened and the angel walked in the room. Perseus looked shocked for the moment before he suddenly became frantic as he rushed over, pressing his hands against Cephalus's chest.

"You need to rest!" The blonde chided carefully as he managed to get the darker haired male to lay back down. He let out a soft sigh before shaking his head lightly. "It is too soon for you to be moving around still. Besides, I'm still trying to get everyone to calm down after your sudden appearance as no one was expecting an injured man to show up on our beaches while preparing for the harvest festival." He explained calmly.

It was too soon to try and introduce a newcomer as people coming onto the island was rare, especially if they were injured. Everyone was apparently starting to assume that this man wasn't here to be friendly. It was possible that they all believed that this man was a criminal of some sort, running away from the authorities of a nearby land. It was almost impossible for the people to believe that this man was from an island like Rhodes. That island was miles away from Dasia so swimming to Dasia was an impossible task.

Perseus has the idea that this man was brought here for a reason. The only problem was that it was poor timing since everyone on the island was stressed in preparing for the harvest festival. Some may wonder why the harvest festival was such a big deal to Dasia. The answer was simple as the ruler of the Atlantean Empire came to Dasia for the harvest festival as a way of looking at how well the produce was doing during this harvest. To have a complete stranger to the island show up with a serious injury at a time like this was bound to set off mental alarms to the people. Everyone, but Perseus, seemed to think this stranger was up to no good. Even his mother was worried sick about this newcomer but there wasn't much that Perseus could do except keep the newcomer in his provided room for now until matters settled down at least.

Luckily for Perseus, Damon was a loyal friend to him and trusted his judgement. If Perseus believed that there was more than meets the eye and timing of this newcomer's arrival, then Damon would stand by Perseus and trust his judgement. Surely, the new leader of the island knew what he was doing in letting the newcomer stay and recover from his injury, right?

This was going to be Perseus's first harvest festival since his father stepped down and named Perseus the new leader of the island. Honestly, Perseus was thrilled at first but the stress of everything going was starting to weigh the poor kid down. He was still a young bachelor but he was more focused on his work than his love life. Then again, it seemed that only one person caught his eye and that was the strange newcomer. Right now, that wasn't the top priority that Perseus had on his mind as he just wanted his first harvest festival as the leader of Dasia to go smoothly. So far, it seemed to be headed in the direction of a disaster.

Realistically speaking, Perseus shouldn't have anything to worry about at this point since he had a feeling everything would run as smoothly as possible. The fact of the matter was that this newcomer seemed to have everyone bent out of shape. Everyone wasn't focused on their task so he needed to figure something out to ease the tension and calm everyone's nerves enough that they would focus on their task once again. Maybe he could throw a gathering so everyone could discuss their issues with the newcomer. He could only hope that they listened to reason first before they decided on something irrational.

Perseus can still remember taking Cephalus back to his house with the help of Damon. Damon went along with the matter because of his loyalty towards Perseus. He knew that Damon had his own questions he wanted to ask but Perseus doubted that he could give all the answers that his best friend wanted. There was an odd dark look that Damon had when he first saw Cephalus with Perseus. He was probably just worried about Perseus's safety considering this guy was bleeding from some kind of injury. That's what he hoped was the issue but something in his gut told him there was more to it than just looking out for his best friend's safety.

Speaking of Damon, his wife was horrified at the idea that he helped Perseus carry in a stranger. They had a pretty bad argument over that but Damon later reassured him that everything was fine and that they got everything sorted out. Perseus could only hope since she was furious with the leader, claiming that he took advantage of Damon's friendship and care towards him. He felt like there was something else going on but he wasn't going to dig deeper than that.

Luckily, the next part after carrying him home was easier. While his mother was hesitant on helping out the stranger, she wasn't going to let a possibly innocent man die. She was more lenient when it came to convincing that Cephalus was harmless right now and would not mean anyone any harm at this point. She took care of the man's wound and instructed Perseus on how to care for it and dress it properly.

He shook his head as he moved to sit down on the bed next to Cephalus, watching him carefully as those green eyes looked back at him curiously. It seems like the people of Dasia weren't the only ones with questions to ask. Everyone has questions but no one seems to know any answers. Perseus had hoped that Cephalus would be able to answer some questions but with the look that the dark haired male had, it didn't seem like anyone was going to get any answers.

"It seems like there are more questions than answers," Perseus muttered as he closed his eyes, trying to think of a solution to his current situation.