
Chapter 1: I'm not interested

Jennie: Y/N!! Pleaseeeee!!!

Y/N: Jennie, I already told you I'm not interested in these kind of stuffs.

Jennie: Pffttt Trying will not ruin something, Right?

Y/N: Jennie Understand please! These types of things can cause troubles to us. It's good to not disturb them, Do they disturb us? No right, Then why interfering in their business?! For people's fun? Damnit!

Jennie:...Please Y/N!!?? :(

Y/N: 'Sigh' Just for sometime then I'll not continue-

Jennie: Thank you thank you thank you very much Y/N! :)

Y/N: Let's go now. Our next class is about to start.

Jennie: Okey!


Since I talked about that game to Jennie in the morning, I'm feeling that something bad is definitely going to happen, I mean I hope something like that doesn't happens but What we will do, Is not good. So there are chances of harms.

??? P.O.V

My new prey is ready! Hahahaha

Jennie: Where should we play the game?

Y/N: At my house, My parents are out for a business trip.

Jennie: Ok. I'll come in the afternoon with the game.

Sorry I know this was short, Will continue further later. Byeeee.



I Was sitting down with my cup of coffee While reading my new novel. The novel was About all the paranormal activities which happened after a girl named Sia, Played the game, Ouija board. Waitttt Wasn't the game which Jennie was talking about had the same name? I mean this and the game we will play, Both are horror and games which are used to make a contact with spirits. Calm down Y/N, Everything will go Smoothly. Don't worry, I was inhaling and exhaling my breaths to calm down when I heard the door bell rung, I flinched at the sudden sound but Sighed the next second as I know who it is, Jennie. I went towards the door and opened it revealing a Cheerful Jennie with a paper bag in her hands.

Y/N: Hey, Jennie.

Jennie: Heeeyyyyyy, I'm so excited to play the gameeeeee!!

She said while entering the house but When she mentioned that game, My heartbeat stopped for a moment.

Y/N: So When we will play it ??

I said because I wanted it to happen as soon as possible because it was afternoon and I didn't wanted to pursue it at Night.

Jennie: Chill girl, I guess you're more excited than me. We will play this game at Night, Fix at 12 Am.

Y/N: W-What?! Jennie are you crazy?! Playing such games at night, And that too at 12 Am is not something we should do!

Jennie: Calm down scaredy cat. It's the ritual that playing it at 12 Am will make you make a contact with spirits. Playing it at afternoon will never be good because spirits are active more at night. That is why, Now Don't be a scaredy cat. Come let's eat something and relax, I brought Cookies, Coke, Chocolates, And Lays Chips.

I think this will be the last party of my life because I don't know if I'll be alive after playing that game. So I thought to enjoy this last party of mine and Jennie's.

Time Skip at 11:45 Pm

It was around 11:45 right now, And we were preparing to play that stupid game.

11:56 Am

We sat down with the Ouija board between us, Jennie was infront of me Smiling like a girl got whatever she wanted. This bish. I was freaking out but Jennie said.

Jennie: Calm your ass down Y/N, It's 'Just A Game'.

Just a Game? It's literally a game used to call spirits!!

Y/N: Jennie, I swear if something happ-

Jennie: Nothing will happen, Y/-




Y/N: Jennie, Let's stop this!!

Jennie: Why? Is there anything wron-

*Knock* *Knock*

Jennie: Who it is??

Y/N: Idk

I went slowly towards the door, I thought there were my parents as they were out for a business trip, They left 3 days ago and today, Mom called me and said They might come today, Late at night. So Maybe....

I opened the door and saww!!!

My parents obviously

Mom: Oh my dear! I thought you were sleeping. But why are you awake at this late?

Y/N: I-I-I, Ah Jennie and I were having a sleepover because I thought You won't come today too.

Mom: Really? Where's Jennie?

Y/N: She's there.

Jennie: O-Oh auntie, I was freaked out at who's out at this late, Lol.

Mom: Haha it's ok Jennie, But why you both aren't asleep yet? it's almost 12.

Y/N: We were watching movies.

Mom: Ohhh

Dad: Hi dear, I missed you so much.

Y/N: I missed you too, Dad.

Mom: Ok now come inside, It looks like it will rain in a few moments.

As soon as mom said that, Dad entered the house and It started raining.

Mom: See, I told ya.

Dad: Yeah yeah, You're a genius.

Mom: I know.

We all laughed and Jennie and I went upstairs to my room while mom and dad went to their room. I was happy that we didn't played that game. Thanks to mom and dad.

Jennie: Let's continue.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Jennie: Pfftt..I'm talking about that game.

Y/N: Mom and dad are here, We can't continue.

Jennie: So? They will not get to know about us playing that game in their presence.

Y/N: We will play it any other day. Please Jennie?

Jennie: Fineee.

Y/N: Thanks!

After that we both went to sleep. I was relaxed that I got away from that game, Pheww.

Next day.

Jennie: Y/N Let's go shopping today.

Y/N: Ok but when?

Jennie: After school.

Y/N: Ok.

After that we both went to our next classes and eventually went to our respective homes. Sometime later, Jennie called me and said to come to the nearest park so we can meet and go to the shopping mall.


Y/N: Hell-


Y/N: I'm on my way.

I said while doing my make-up.

Jennie: Oh really?!

Y/N: Yeah, Any doubt?

Jennie: Too much doubt.

She said as she send me a picture of me applying my lipstick, IS THERE ANY CAMERA!!?? I Thought freaking out.

Jennie: There's no camera but your bestfriend.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Jennie: Turn around.

She said me to turn around so I did but I saw something which made me jump.

Y/N: Ahhhhhhh Jennie! You bitch, you scared the shit out of me!!

Jennie: I came here to see if the person is on their way or is still doing their make-up.

She said while crossing her arms, I smiled innocently.

Y/N: The park is just a few minutes away, So it doesn't matte-

Jennie: Oh really? Then today you will sleep at the park because it's near and it doesn't matter.

Y/N: Uffff, I'm sorry ok?

Jennie: Fuck your sorry, Now come!

She said while dragging me out of my room.