
The Shadow in the Woods

The next morning, Ava couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been nagging at her since her strange dream. She decided to take a walk in the forest, hoping to clear her mind.

As she walked, she noticed that the trees seemed to be taller and thicker than usual, and the light didn't penetrate the foliage as it normally did. Ava had always felt at home in the forest, but today it felt foreign and unwelcoming.

She walked for a while until she reached a clearing, where she saw something that made her heart stop.

In the middle of the clearing, there was a figure standing. It was cloaked in shadows, making it difficult to make out its features. Ava could sense a dark aura emanating from it, and it sent shivers down her spine.

"Ava, what are you doing here?" a voice interrupted her thoughts.

Ava turned around and saw Lily walking towards her.

"I needed some fresh air," Ava said, trying to sound casual.

Lily walked up to her, and her eyes widened when she saw the figure in the clearing.

"What the hell is that?" Lily whispered.

"I don't know," Ava said, feeling a sense of dread.

Suddenly, the figure turned its head and looked straight at them. Ava felt a chill run down her spine as their eyes locked.

And then it was gone.

Ava and Lily stood there, unsure of what had just happened.

"We need to tell someone," Lily said, her voice shaking.

"Who would believe us?" Ava asked.

"We have to try," Lily said, determination in her eyes.

They walked back to the academy, both lost in their thoughts. Ava couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible was about to happen.

As they entered the academy, they saw the headmaster, Mr. Blackwood, walking towards them.

"Good morning, ladies," Mr. Blackwood said.

"Good morning, sir," Ava and Lily replied in unison.

"I have an important announcement to make," Mr. Blackwood said. "There have been reports of a dark force in the forest. I urge all students to stay away from it until further notice."

Ava and Lily exchanged a look. They knew that they had to tell Mr. Blackwood what they had seen.

"Sir, we saw something in the forest," Ava said, her voice shaking.

"What did you see?" Mr. Blackwood asked, looking concerned.

"A figure, cloaked in shadows. It had a dark aura," Lily said.

Mr. Blackwood's face turned pale. "That's not good. We need to investigate this immediately. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, ladies."

Ava and Lily nodded, feeling relieved that they had finally told someone.

As they walked away, Ava felt a sense of satisfaction. She knew that they had done the right thing, and she couldn't help but feel grateful for Lily's support.

As they headed to their next class, Ava couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched. She turned around and saw nothing, but the feeling persisted.

She couldn't help but think that the shadow in the woods was still out there, watching and waiting.