
The First Lesson

Over the next few days, Ava settled into life at the academy. She was assigned to study under Professor Lirien, a stern woman with a sharp tongue and a no-nonsense attitude. Ava quickly learned that Lirien had little patience for students who didn't take their studies seriously, and she made it clear that she expected nothing but the best from her apprentices.

Despite the pressure, Ava was thrilled to be learning magic at last. She had always been fascinated by the power of magic, and now she was finally able to experience it firsthand. With Lirien's guidance, she learned to conjure fire, to create shields of light, and even to summon a small elemental.

But as much as she enjoyed her studies, Ava couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. There were whispers in the halls, rumors of strange occurrences and dangerous experiments. She heard stories of students who had vanished without a trace, and others who had come back changed, their minds twisted and their powers darkened.

Ava tried to push the rumors out of her mind, focusing instead on her studies. But the unease lingered, a constant nagging at the back of her mind.

One afternoon, as she was walking back to her dormitory, she heard a strange noise coming from one of the nearby rooms. It sounded like someone was struggling, and Ava's instincts kicked in. She pushed open the door and stepped inside.

The room was dark, lit only by the flickering of candles. In the center of the room, a figure was hunched over a table, muttering strange incantations under their breath. Ava couldn't see their face, but she could feel the darkness emanating from them.

"Who are you?" Ava demanded, her voice shaking slightly. She knew she should have turned and run, but something inside her refused to back down.

The figure turned, and Ava gasped in shock. It was one of her fellow students, a girl named Leandra who had always been quiet and reserved. But now her eyes were wild, and her magic was crackling around her like a storm.

"Stay away from me!" Leandra hissed, her voice filled with malice. "I don't want your help."

Ava took a step back, her heart pounding. She didn't know what to do, but she knew she couldn't just leave Leandra like this. Slowly, carefully, she began to approach.

"Leandra, what's happening to you?" she asked, her voice gentle.

But Leandra only sneered, lashing out with a burst of dark magic. Ava barely managed to dodge in time, her heart racing. She knew she was in over her head, but she refused to back down.

As the two girls faced off, their magic crackling and sparking, Ava knew that this was only the beginning. The academy was full of secrets and dangers, and she was determined to uncover them all.