
Otherworldly Shop

A collection of stories that surround a shop in the middle of nowhere.

humanaaaa · Fantasy
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3 Chs


A few hours later, Adalius woke up. He looked up at the ceiling and noticed he was at his home. 'Ah. It was just a dream. What a weird dream.' he thought, at least until he noticed what he was holding.

It was a thick book with a hard, blue cover. On the cover were a shining ring and the words "Kugelblitz: Theory and Application" at the top and "by The Outer God of Space-Time, Chronos" at the bottom.

Adalius sprang up excitedly, "So it wasn't a dream!" he shouted. He immediately opened the book, taking the time to read and understand it. He read the book for a few hours, a few 'Whoa's and some 'Ahh!'s every few minutes. When the sun was going below the horizon, and the sky was orange, Adalius slammed the book shut, dropped it, and lied down on the floor.

"Haah... the first chapter was already incredibly hard to comprehend, what about the rest?" He complained.

Seconds later, he stood up and walked to his closet, taking out a wooden staff. He then picked up the blue book. Holding the staff, he chanted "Wind, blow." A strong wind came out of nowhere and blew the remains of the previous magic circle away.

He then opened the book, skimming over a few pages again. "A Kugelblitz is a type of something called a black hole. It is made from a concentration of heat, radiation, or light strong enough to form something called the event horizon."

He read a portion of the next page. "A black hole is a portion of spacetime where gravity is so strong, that the fastest thing in the universe, which is apparently light, can't escape from it."

Adalius sighed, "I don't understand half of these terms! Maybe I should ask the girl to explain?"

He then flipped through several pages, stopping to read one, "The goal of this book is to show the applications, and how to use to use a magical Kugelblitz."

Adalius sighed again, "Ignoring the fact that any of the terms and formulas in this book would cause a revolution in magic, this is insane! Compressing a lot of mana to create a hole that's inescapable if you get close enough is absolutely ridiculous!"

He flipped the pages again, "Even then, the method is shared in the first chapter." He sighed deeply. "Haah... the gods are truly something else."

On the last page is a magic circle, below which is a bunch of words, which is supposedly a chant.

Adalius quickly chanted "Awa awa, wittwe boy aw- Yeah no, I feel like I'm being mocked. Okay, I'm just going to make the magic circle."

Adalius started to copy the complicated magic circle from the book. It took him until dawn to create the whole thing using his mana. The magic circle was created using runes that he couldn't decipher. It was so big and complicated that the floor of the tower where Adalius was was filled with mana.

"Huh? It formed?" He was confused, after all the corrupted mana of the fog should have dispelled this circle long ago? In fact, he never expected to be able to use the spell today anyway. "Well since it's here, might as well use it.

"Kugelblitz!" Adalius activated the magic circle, his mana was beginning to be emptied, although some remained, and a whirlwind of mana appeared in the center of the magic circle. The whirlwind got bigger and bigger, Adalius covered his face with his arms to protect himself from the rampant mana until the mana suddenly did something.

It disappeared.

"Did something go wrong?" Adalius wondered. "Well, I guess that wa-"


Adalius was suddenly pulled towards the center of the room by a mysterious force, luckily he stopped himself with a magic barrier he quickly pulled up. Confused at what happened, he looked towards the center of the room. There he saw it.

A black sphere was floating in the center of the room. It pulled everything towards it. The clothes in his closet, his bed, his walls, his floor, and his roof. The tower, and everything in it, was pulled towards the sphere.

"Is this a black hole?" He realized what it was. He used Earth Magic to pull himself to the ground, away from the hole. Even then, the black hole was stubborn. It grew bigger and bigger, pulling some of the fog to it, and making the trees lean in its direction.

He took the blue book and frantically flipped through its pages while the world collapsed around it. The animals of the forest were pulled into the black hole, and the trees' roots were being pulled out by the intense gravity. The world around him was falling into chaos until suddenly, he found the right page.

"HALT, ENERGIES OF THE WORLD!" Adalius dedicated the rest of his mana unto this last spell. This spell will decide his fate, and maybe the fate of the world.

The mana formed a magic circle and quickly activated, and quickly, the pull of the black hole was gone. The black hole was still up in the sky, but it wasn't doing anything anymore. It was frozen in time.

Adalius calmed down from his panic and celebrated a little. "I SAVED THE WORLD!" he exclaimed. He laughed and danced around for a minute until he looked at the black hole.

It was dark, looking as if it wasn't part of the universe. It was strangely beautiful, in a way.

"What will I do about you?" Adalius asked himself. "...Yeah, let's think about this inside the tow...e...r" As Adalius turned to the tower, he finally noticed that the tower was gone, swallowed by the black hole.


For a few moments after, everything was silent.

hmm... i think it sucks

humanaaaacreators' thoughts