
Otherworldly INHUMAN

Xander is a hardworking student from Earth with an idyllic life. But after his soul is transported to a magic world filled with paranormal things, he begins to hear a voice in his head. At first, he dismisses it as a figment of his imagination, but soon realizes it's his alter ego, urging him to embrace evil. Xander resists at first, struggling to cling to his good nature, but his alter ego's influence slowly takes hold. As he spirals into darkness, Xander become a villain who sees no point in being good and instead decides to burn the world that stands in his way. The novel follows Xander's journey as he battles with his alter ego's control and confronts the darkness within himself. Will he be able to overcome the evil that has taken hold of him, or will he succumb to his alter ego's desires and become a force of destruction and chaos?

Vincent_Nightshade · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Reforming Xander: A Journey to Self-Discovery through Literature

Xander, a member of a noble family with a strong presence in the nearby cities, had a lot of responsibilities to uphold. His grandfather used to manage the affairs of the family, but due to his failing health, Xander's father, Julias Von Grandstar, had taken over. Meanwhile, Xander's mother, Mist Grandstar, managed her own businesses on her family's side, the Stein family.

In his earlier years, Xander was known to be unruly and disobedient, often picking fights instead of studying. It was this recklessness that led to his current state, lying injured in bed. Even though he had a habit of visiting the Flower House, a brothel, his father had not come to check on him after his defeat. No one expected him to rest, let alone change his ways.

However, since the merging of his consciousness with Xander's, certain aspects of Vincent's personality had begun to change. The memories of old Xander had influenced Vincent, but now the new Xander was slowly assimilating the better qualities of Vincent's personality.

As Xander lay in bed, he pondered over what he could do. Though he was physically weak, he knew that he could use this time to expand his knowledge.

"Elena!" he called out in a more mature tone, remembering how he used to shout before.

The maid hurriedly entered the room. "How may I serve you, young master?"

"What types of books do we have in the library?" Xander inquired.

Elena was taken aback by the question, as it was not something that the young master had ever asked before. "W-well, we have books on history, biology, geography, and literature."

"I want to read about history and geography," Xander decided, his voice steady and determined.

Though Xander had basic reading and writing skills, his knowledge was limited. With nothing else to do, he decided to start with a few books and expand his mind.

Xander continued to read voraciously, devouring books on history, geography, and literature. But what he really wanted to learn about, was magic. Xander knew that there was magic in this world. However, he didn't know how truly powerful it was to behold in person.

As Xander continued to read, he couldn't help but talk to himself, enthralled by the incredible feats of the powerful wizards and their spells.

"Elzaron the Wise could control the very fabric of nature," he muttered in amazement. "Imagine being able to command the elements, to bring life-giving rain or halt a rampaging river with just a gesture."

His eyes widened as he read about the epic battles between rival mages. "These magical wars must have been a sight to behold," he whispered to himself. "Warriors clad in enchanted armor, colossal summoned beasts, and the skies filled with lightning and torrents of flame. The power these mages wielded is unimaginable."

As he delved deeper into the tale of the Battle of the Arcane Storm, he couldn't contain his fascination. "Two factions of mages, fighting for control over an artifact of unimaginable power... The earth shook under the force of their spells, and the skies darkened with unleashed fury."

He paused for a moment, lost in thought. "If I could harness such power," Xander murmured.

Xander sat in silence, his mind racing with thoughts of magic. He had always been fascinated by it, ever since he was a young boy. He would spend hours sitting in his room, trying to move objects with his mind or create sparks of electricity with his fingers. But he had never been able to do it. Magic had always remained an elusive and mysterious force, something that he could not fully understand.

At least that was what Xander thought before. He had lost the spark he once had after countless failures. Each attempt at mastering magic seemed to drive him further away from his dream, and eventually, he had given up entirely. But Vincent's presence within him had reignited that passion.

Vincent was smart and unyielding, not one to fall easily in the face of adversity. He had a sense of determination that Xander had never possessed before. Now, with Vincent's spirit influencing him, Xander found himself feeling that same drive to uncover the mysteries of magic.

As he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, he couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness. He wanted to know more about magic, to explore its secrets and uncover its mysteries. But how could he do that without access to the family library? After finishing his latest book, he summoned a messenger to his bedside.

The messenger was a tall, thin man dressed in the colors of the Grandstar family. He introduced himself as Armand, a trusted servant of Xander's father.

"Good day, young master," said Armand with a bow. "Your father has sent me to inquire about your health and to see if there is anything you need."

"I'm fine, Armand," replied Xander, his voice firm and clear. "But I have a request. I want to learn more about magic. Do we have any books on the subject?"

Armand hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm afraid not, young master. The only books on magic are kept in the family library, which is locked and requires permission from the head of the house to access."

Xander felt a pang of disappointment. He had been hoping to learn more about the mysterious force that had captured his imagination. But he was not about to give up so easily.

"Can you ask my father for permission to access the family library?" he asked Armand, his eyes reflecting determination.

"I will certainly ask, young master," replied Armand. "But your father is a busy man and may not be able to grant your request immediately."

Xander nodded, understanding that his father had many responsibilities and that his request might not be a top priority. But he was determined to learn more about magic, no matter what it took.

"Thank you, Armand," he said. "That's all for now."


The maid entered the office of Mist Grandstar. Xander's mother was sitting on her chair while listening to an explanation of what her son was doing.

"You said that he finished two books and now is asking for books about magic?"

"Yes, my lady!"

"Hm... interesting… What happened to him? Was he really that injured and weak that he changed?" His mother was thinking.

"Anyway, he is reading now, haha, great!" His mother happily went to Julias to tell him that his son was reading books. But the reaction she got from him was totally opposite to her expectations.

"Do you really think I will believe that he read two books so fast?" Julias asked.

"Won't you trust your wife's words for once?" Mist Grandstar retorted.

"Don't start with me. I know what type of person he is. He probably is cheating us to give him a higher monthly allowance!"

"HM! If you don't believe it, you can send someone to ask him a couple of questions!"

"There's no need for that! I already know he won't be able to answer!"

Mist Grandstar left disgusted and angered at her husband's words. She knew many people in the family were displeased with Xander's attitude and personality.

"Just wait, I will show you old man! Hm!" she muttered to herself.

The door swung open to reveal a cozy, inviting space, where Xander had just begun to explore the vast and enchanting realm of knowledge. Sunlight filtered through the window, casting a warm glow over the carefully arranged books and scrolls that adorned the shelves and desk. In this haven, Xander eagerly embarked on his intellectual journey, eagerly absorbing new information with every turn of the page.

As he read, engrossed in the captivating tales of ancient mages and mythical creatures, he was interrupted by an unexpected knock on the door. With a soft creak, the door opened to reveal his maid, her arms laden with an assortment of books. A warm smile lit up her face as she entered the room, ready to add more fuel to Xander's burning curiosity and burgeoning passion for learning.

"Oh, you're back with the books?" Xander asked, looking up from his current tome with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

"Mm, yes young master," the maid replied with a nod. "However, we only have a few books about magic in the library room..."

Xander's eyes scanned the small stack of books in her arms, but he didn't let his initial disappointment show. Instead, he offered a grateful smile and said, "Well, it's better than nothing. At least it's a start, and I appreciate your efforts in finding them. Thank you." With that, he eagerly reached out to accept the new additions to his growing collection of magical knowledge.

As Xander examined the books, he commented, "Their covers aren't anything unusual, just leather with words engraved on each of them. Nothing really stands out." He paused for a moment, his fingers tracing the engraved titles, and added with a glint in his eyes, "However, just these words on the cover are enough to pique my curiosity. I can't wait to dive into them and see what secrets they hold."

"The Mana.", and "Uses Of Mana.".

"These books look fascinating!" Xander said, flipping through the pages with a newfound sense of appreciation.

"The Mana" explains that mana is everywhere and in anything. Even a simple rock has it. The mana in the air is really thin. That's why mages gather it in their bodies and mostly in special items, like orbs or wands. Enriching their bodies with mana allows them to accumulate more over time, giving them higher longevity.

Xander was fascinated by this information. "Wow, I never knew that mana was in everything! It's so amazing how something so powerful can be all around us!"

The second book was an accumulation of different views on magic and its uses.

"I can't wait to read this book, too," Xander said eagerly.

The section Magic is specifying that it's the knowledge that's the key to magic. "That's really interesting," Xander said, nodding thoughtfully. "I've always thought that magic was all about talent and innate ability."

"With their expert knowledge and experience, mages cast powerful spells and make experiments that can disgust or be immoral in others' eyes," the book continued. "Mages use the ancient language of Magis. This is the basic knowledge they need to have. They then use it to cast spells. It's entirely different from runes which have their own language, however they have similarities. A mage can tell what type of element the rune uses, but he might not know how the rune functions and its purpose with just a glance."

Other than that, they need high comprehension of the element they want to use in their spell. "So it's not just about knowing the Magis language, but also about understanding the elements," Xander said, nodding. "That makes sense."

Xander sat on his bed with his nose buried in the books. His maid entered the room again and watched him intently, wondering how much he was really understanding.

"Young master, do you understand what you're reading?"

Xander looked up from the book and blinked, "Huh? Oh, yeah, I think so. It's fascinating stuff!"

"Well, what have you learned so far?" the maid asked, testing his comprehension.

Xander thought for a moment, then said excitedly, "Mana is in everything! Even in this room and my body! And mages can use it to cast spells and do all sorts of amazing things!"

"Speaking of magic, do you know the difference between the Mage's language and the language of runes, young master?" she asked, intrigued.

Xander paused for a moment, thinking. "Well, I know that the Mage's language is used to cast spells, while the language of runes is used to create magical enchantments and inscriptions on objects. But other than that, I'm not quite sure."

The maid nodded, impressed by his knowledge. "You're correct. The Mage's language is used primarily for casting spells and incantations, while the language of runes is used to create magical symbols and glyphs that are inscribed on objects."

Xander looked fascinated, "Really? That's so cool. But how do you learn these languages?"

"Well, the Mage's language is typically taught in magic schools and is a core part of any magical education," the maid explained. "As for the language of runes, it requires a lot of practice and patience. It's not something that can be easily learned, and those who master it are highly skilled enchanters."

Xander's eyes widened in amazement. "So it takes a lot of time and effort to learn these languages?"

"Yes, that's right," the maid confirmed. "But remember, young master, magic is in all of us. Even if you don't have a lot of mana, with enough practice and talent, you can still learn and master these skills."

Xander, feeling inspired, began to reflect on his past actions and how his newfound passion for learning could change his life. He realized that his previous recklessness was a barrier to achieving his true potential. He decided that it was time to change and embrace this new path, dedicating himself to understanding the world around him and the magic that permeated it.

As he continued to read, Xander felt a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm for life. He was determined to become a better person, not just for himself but also for his family and the legacy he carried. With every turn of the page, he was slowly shedding the old Xander and emerging as a more mature, knowledgeable, and compassionate young man.

Mist Grandstar, watching her son from a distance, couldn't help but feel proud of the transformation she was witnessing. And although it would take time for others in the family to accept the change in Xander, she knew that he was finally on the right path. She hoped that, in time, even her husband would come to see the potential in their son and support him in his newfound pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement.

One day, while Xander was deeply engrossed in a book about elemental magic, his father, Julias, entered his room. He stood silently in the doorway, observing his son with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

"Xander," Julias called out cautiously, still unsure if this change in his son was genuine or a ploy for attention.

Xander, startled by his father's presence, looked up from the book. "Oh, Father," he said, quickly closing the book and standing up. "I didn't hear you come in."

Julias studied his son for a moment, searching for any hint of deceit. "Your mother tells me you've been spending your time reading," he said, his voice carefully neutral. "I find it hard to believe."

"I understand why you'd think that, Father," Xander replied, his gaze steady. "I know I haven't given you much reason to trust me in the past. But I'm trying to change. I want to be a better person, someone you and Mother can be proud of."

Julias raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced but willing to give his son a chance. "Very well. What have you learned from all this reading?"

Xander hesitated for a moment, wondering how much his father really wanted to hear. But then, he decided to be honest and share his newfound knowledge. "I've learned about the history of our kingdom, the geography of the surrounding lands, and the basic principles of magic. I know now that magic is in everything, and that with enough practice and dedication, I could learn to wield it, too."

His father listened intently, genuinely surprised by Xander's newfound depth and knowledge. "It seems you've been making good use of your time," he acknowledged. "Perhaps there's hope for you yet."

Xander felt a swell of pride at his father's words but also knew he still had much to prove. "Thank you, Father. I promise to continue working hard and learning all I can."

Julias nodded, his expression softening slightly. "I'll be keeping an eye on your progress, Xander. Don't disappoint me."

As Julias left the room, Xander felt both relieved and determined. He knew he had a long way to go before he could fully earn his father's trust and respect, but he was willing to put in the work and show everyone that he had truly changed.

Xander continued his studies, eventually gaining access to the family library and delving deeper into the world of magic. His dedication and perseverance paid off, as he slowly started to grasp the fundamentals of magic.

Over time, the members of the Grandstar family began to notice Xander's transformation. His newfound maturity and dedication to his studies earned him the respect and admiration of those who had once dismissed him as a lost cause.

As Vincent continued to grow and evolve as Xander, he realized that the merging of his consciousness with Xander's had given him a purpose and a drive he had never experienced before, the new life he was coveted. He was determined to make the most of this second chance at life and to become the best version of himself he could be.

His journey of self-discovery and growth was just beginning, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For the first time in his life, he was eager to embrace the future, knowing that he had the strength, knowledge, and determination to overcome any obstacles that came his way.