1 Prologue

Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman had a brilliant son, Vincent. His photographic memory was legendary among his teachers, and he spent every spare moment studying to maintain his position at the top of his class. But despite his academic success, Vincent's life was almost unnervingly mundane. He had no setbacks, no worries, everything went as if he had heaven's luck. His days were almost identical to the last, his life too calm and uneventful to be normal.

Their family home was small but cozy, with a well-tended garden that was Vincent's pride and joy. He spent many happy hours there, lost in thought or buried in a book, but deep down, he knew something was missing.

One evening, as Vincent was finishing up his homework, his mother called him down to dinner. He hurriedly scribbled the last few answers and raced down the stairs.

As they sat down to eat, Vincent's father asked about his day at school. Vincent launched into a detailed description of his latest project, impressing his parents with his encyclopedic knowledge. But as he spoke, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was simply going through the motions of life, that he was missing something vital.

After dinner, Vincent retreated to his room to study some more. He lost track of time, absorbed in his books, and before he knew it, it was late at night. As he lay in bed, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that his life was too perfect, too easy. He had a sense that there was something lurking beneath the surface, waiting to disrupt his idyllic existence.

Little did he know, a darkness was creeping in, and it would soon shatter everything he held dear. The villain Vincent would become had already begun to take shape, and his destiny was hurtling towards him at breakneck speed. An alter ego, a voice in his head that he didn't even know existed, was slowly taking control, leading him down a path of destruction and chaos. Vincent's life was about to change forever, and not for the better.

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