
Otherworldly Hero With A Group Chat

----------------------------------------------- this fan fiction is made purely out of boredom, the updates will be all over the place. It depends on my mood. The characters and worlds used in this fanfiction don’t belong to me, I don’t make anything off of this, and is purely for entertainment the cover also doesn't belong to me. In short nothing belongs to me except my original characters.

Crims0n · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Author's POV:

Lunch break, finally I'm about to die of starvation here.' Boros thought as the bell rang, his stomach grumbled agreeing with him.

"Dude, did you not eat at all in the morning? I'm not sure my stomach's made that kind of noise at all..." Kirishima who heard it questioned, concerned.

"I did, and I'm hungry again, my metabolism is something else." Boros replied with a smirk and walked out of the classroom, Kirishima just sighed and laid his head down on the table, he wasn't very hungry and decided to sleep.

Boros walked into the cafeteria, and as he did all the eyes were on him, with him being a giant, it was impossible not to notice him unless you had vision impairment, he went towards the stall, and greeted Lunch Rush who greeted him back.

Boros pretty much ordered most of the things that were on the menu, the onlookers were stunned seeing the amount of food on his tray, Boros then looked around for a place to sit.

"Boros-san! Over here!" A voice called out to him, Boros looked in that direction and noticed, the class president, Tenya Iida waving at him along with Midoriya and his other classmate Uraraka Ochacko, who he hasn't talked with at all, Boros smiled and went over and took a seat next to him.

"W-Woah, Boros-san you ordered a lot of food..." Midoriya muttered to himself, Boros still heard him "Yeah, I need to eat a lot to maintain my muscle mass, and also because my metabolism works fast, very fast." Boros explained.

"I see..." Midoriya realized and started muttering to himself, Boros tried to figure out what he was saying, but it quickly overloaded his brain so he gave up.

"Boros-san, I've been wanting to ask you a question." Iida said seriously, Boros looked towards him, "Sure, go ahead."

"Why did you pass your position to me? I heard what you said to Kirishima-kun, is that really the reason?" Iida questioned, Boros stared at him blankly for a second, "I mean you wanted the position right? You also look like the president type, and you... are kinda fit for the role don't you think? from the short time I've been your classmate, you never half-assed anything, any task that was given to you, you gave your all. Even acted like a villain in the combat trial, In our class, you were the best pick as a class president, that's why I gave you my vote." Boros explained.

"So you were the one who gave me the vote... I will do my best! I won't let your expectations down!" Iida declared he took the class president position quite seriously, "It's not that deep, do your best, Iida...san, sorry still getting used to the honorific suffixes. "

"Woah... Boros-san I didn't expect you to be the observant type!" Uraraka said whilst smiling, Boros deadpanned, "Is that because I have only a single eye?" Ochacko's smile froze on her face, and she waved her hands around while stuttering, "N-No, I didn't mean it like that!"

Boros laughed, "I know, just messing with you." Iida also stifled a laugh, while Midoriya smiled wryly.

"Anyways! I've noticed that you are like, super proper! you're always talking about honor and stuff! I might be wrong, but are you from an upper-crust family?!" Uraraka asked excitedly.

Iida froze hearing that, "I don't like it when it's brought to attention, but if I must talk about such things... then yes. I'm from a family that's been in heroics for generations, I am currently the second son, Do you guys by any chance know of "Turbo Hero ingenium"?" Iida questioned after explaining his heritage, "I've heard of him here and there." Boros answered honestly while stuffing his face with the chicken and steak he bought.

Midoriya however geeked out, "Of course man!! that's the super-popular hero whose Tokyo office has hired as many as 65 sidekicks! you don't mean...!"

Iida sweatdropped at his friend's, knowledge of such things, "You're quite knowledgeable... but! that's correct! He's my big brother, A beloved pro hero who prizes the rules and guides the people!! and I aspire to be a hero like him one day." He then smiled after finishing his explanation, Boros saw it and smirked slightly, this guy really looked up to his big brother, just like...

Midoriya and Uraraka stared at him in silence, until Uraraka broke the silence, "I think that's the first time you've smiled Iida!"

"Really?! I smile too! all the time!"

"No, she's right on this one Iida, this is the first time you've smiled ever since we got acquainted.

Midoriya smiled at their interaction, 'Ingenium is to Iida, what All Might is to me... though I wonder, who Boros idolizes...' he thought, but just then


"THE SIREN?!" Midoriya and Iida jumped up, "Security Level 3 has been breached, students, please promptly evacuate.

Right after, panic followed every student in the cafeteria was running towards the exit, not even caring about others in the slightest, some were trampled on or swept up in the crowd, just like Iida, Midoriya, and Uraraka, Boros didn't even move, he kept eating his food after all, it would be a damn waste, since it was so good.

Midoriya and Iida called out to Boros a few times, but their voices didn't reach him, first because the student's cries shadowed their voice, and the second reason was that... well, Boros planned to go last, because if he were to fall over, he may injure quite a lot of people.

In the midst of the crowd, Iida got pushed towards the window, where he got a clear look at who breached security, turns out it was just the press, but he was the only one who could see.

He tried to tell the panicking students, but no one paid any attention he also saw his two classmates, Kirishima and Kaminari, who were trying to calm the students, since a lot of people got injured in the frenzy.

Iida was pushed once again, and he had to come up with a plan to calm the others, then he noticed Uraraka, who called out to him first.

"Uraraka! Quickly! Make me float!" Iida shouted, Uraraka complied and slapped his outstretched hand.

Iida was now airborne, he then used his engines to fly toward the exit, he had to make his presence known, it had to be, precise, explosive, and most importantly, audacious!

He grabbed the pipe, above the exit sign, and positioned himself, so that he looked like the guy on the warning signs you see on emergency exits.


Our, favorite kind cyclops man seeing this smiled and thought, 'Class president material indeed.'

After that ordeal, the police showed up and the reporters withdrew.

"All right, president start us off." Momo said to Iida, who was still feeling a little doubtful about himself, Boros seeing that felt the need to... step up.

"Don't doubt yourself, Iida you're going to be a great class president, the stunt you pulled, solidifies your position, I'm sure no one in the class is going to doubt your competence." Boros said.

"Yeah! Boros has a point, Iida made a great showing at the lunch room, you definitely deserve that position!" Kirishima also reassured Iida."

Iida stood there frozen for a bit before he bowed with a smile.

"Do us proud, Mr.Emergency exit!" Kaminari shouted to him, laughing in the process.

Boros also laughed along, the day was an eventful one, he definitely was going to enjoy this school more than the one in his previous life.

I'm so hyped for what comes next, originally I was planning to write it in this chapter, but I was unable to, I'm tired as heck and my arms are giving up on me, (the dialogues between the characters are the hardest to write for me, so if they are a bit lackluster please bear with me, I'm no expert at communicating, or writing.)

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