
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Agrath royal academy entrance exams: Talent.

Chapter 42

Announcer: Well, we cannot move on to our next match...Acto blank vs Aser Aldric.

Can you two please step onto the ring?

They both stood up from their chairs and walked down to the ring, they both entered and the ring was covered with the green force field again.

Announcer: Begin!

Acto: Humph, a shame I'd have to fight you, Aldric.

Aser: It's a shame indeed, I wouldn't want to win this easily.

Acto: We'll see...

Aser activated his gravity magic and the ground sunk but Acto was standing as if nothing happened.

Aser: ...?

Acto: Surprised, Aser? Do you think I'd fall for such a weak spell?

Acto's ability was <passive magic absorption>, whenever dangerous magic threatens his wellbeing his powers activate automatically absorbing that magic.

Aser: Then I'll just turn it up [Gravity magic: Earth's center× 100]

He increased the weight of the gravity and it sunk the ring even more causing a large crater but Acto was unfazed.

Aser's POV;


Acto: Hahaha, a futile effort, but you can keep going until you run out of magic then I'll just gently throw you out of the ring. Hahaha.

Aser: Tch, don't get so cocky.

Acto: Perhaps it's time for you to get a taste of your own medicine. [Gravity magic ×100]

The weight of Aser's magic weighted on him but...

Aser's POV

So he can use whatever magic he's absorbed, huh? Heh. There's something I want to try...

Aser smiled.

Aser: You honestly thought that cheap copy of magic would bring me down?

He smiled.

Aser: You make me laugh.

[Gravity magic: Earth's center×500]

He multiplied his spell 5 folds, which caused the crowd to feel a pulling effect towards the ring, originally this spell was only directed at Acto alone but due to the amplifications, the crowd's object and their person felt a pull to the ring.

In all this, something happened, Acto felt the weight of gravity and went down on one knee.

Acto: What?!

Aser: Hm...? [Earth's centre ×700]

The gravity pulled Acto down even more until both his hands were on the ground, his ability finely absorbed Aser's magic and then he stood up and dusted his white trousers.

Aser's POV

I've got it.

Aser: Heh. Looks like I just figured it out.

Acto: Figured what out?! That was a fluke! It'll never happen again!

Aser:Care to test that theory?

Acto: I'll make you submit Aldric! I'll use the spells of the magic that I've absorbed up till now. [Lightening magic: Bolt of zeus]

He threw a bright blue light bolt at Aser, and Aser dodged it.

Acto: Being of pure blood grants us surplus magical power, and I'll use that to bring you down fellow pure blood!

He shot rapid lightning bolts at him, and Aser kept dodging.

He relentlessly fired bolts of supercharged lightning bolts at him, and Aser was on the defensive.

Aser: Gravity shield.

An invisible force blocked out the lightning from making contact with him and now he could stand in a place and cast his spell.

Aser's POV

Time to mix some spells [Gravity magic: Gravity room: Earth's center× 1000]

A purple see-through dome appeared around Acto and then he suddenly felt the weight of Aser's gravity magic hitting him all at once.

Acto: Arghh!!! Gahh!!!

To him, it felt like putting a building on the back of a child and so he passed out due to the pain and shock.

Announcer: Winner: Sir, Aser Aldric!

Aser wore a gloated smile on his face and walked up to the unconscious Acto.

Aser: Your ability was troublesome, but all I had to do was keep adding more gravity faster and stronger than you could absorb, then I put you in a room where I made it fall all at once, heh, you couldn't survive that if I was serious about killing you, my ability is greater than yours and this match just proves that, hope you wake up though, I'd love to test more of my magic on fodder.

He stood up and walked out of the ring.

A couple of servants put Acto on a stretcher and took him away.

Announcer: The next match is about to commence in a short while the ring is still restoring itself. The restoration time is 5 minutes.

Aser: Looks like my match did some damage.

Breeze: You couldn't have taken it easier?

Aser: As you can talk, Ms. "Destroying the forest and causing storms when I'm angry".

Breeze: Humph!

She covered part of her mouth with her fan.


Aiden: That was so cool!

Draven: Careful who you make enemies with here at this school, Aiden.

Aiden: I would never make an enemy out of-Oops

Aiden remembered his almost match with Aser in the forest.

Aiden: Hehe, Nevermind...

Draven: ...?

Aiden: I wonder how the next match's gonna be.

Draven: It was Brian Akill vs Bloker Bigod.

Aiden: Brian, huh...

Aiden had a slightly irritated look on his face.

Draven: That's a first.

Aiden: What is?

Draven: Your expression for a second looked serious.

Aiden: Hehe, I was thinking.

Draven looked at him in doubt.

Draven: You? Think? Preposterous.

Calico: Ha!

Aiden: Hey, C'mon... Also, where did you come from calico?

Calico: I was taking a nap up in that corner behind there.

He pointed towards a corner where his threads were still put up like a hammock.

Aiden: Your magic is so fun! It's perfect for sleeping anywhere! Heh, I bet you don't need a tent to go camping.

Calico: As "fun" as my power may be, It still needs some fine-tuning and I also don't see a way to use it to beat Draven.

Draven: You overestimate me, I'm not as strong as I seem, even though I have doubts.

Calico: Being humble, doesn't help anyone, Nobel...

Calico glared at him, there was a bit of tension in the air but Aiden cut in.

Aiden: Hey look! The ring is repaired the next match is about to start.

Announcer: Could Sir Brian Akill and Sir Bloker Bigod head towards the ring?

Brian walked towards the ring but Bloker teleported into it.

Draven: Brian Akill, his magic ability is to create illusions by manipulating light and water, I've never fought him though he doesn't truly fight as he has brains, He's crafty and always has a sly look on his face like he's always planning something.

Aiden: Hehe, I don't like him at alllll.

Draven: I don't judge a book by its cover.

Aiden's POV

In this case, you should!

Aiden: What of the other one with chestnut brown hair?

Draven: Bloker Bigod, a prodigy from his house of Bigod, he's the only child to have learned teleportation magic which was said to be one of the most difficult types of magic to master, removing one's matter from a point using a magic circle and rematerializing in another requires much concentration and magic control and which he has nigh- absolute control of.

Calico: Then I know who this match goes to then...

Draven: If we put it into odds it should be, Bloker, right?

They both fell silent, draven looked confused at his acquaintance's quietness and then decided to watch the match.


[Within the ring]

Bloker: I'll end this before you'll even blink.

Brian just smiled and then the announcer said "Begin"

A teleportation circle instantly appeared beneath Brian and sent him outside the ring.

Bloker: Too easy.

Brian: Are you sure?

He said standing behind Bloker with a smile.

Bloker: What the...?!

Brian rapidly shot water bullets at him but he kept instantly teleporting away until he reached the other end of the ring, then Brian suddenly stopped shooting then smirked.

Bloker: I should have known it wouldn't be that easy, well luckily I don't need to touch you, all I have to do is remove you!

He stretched out his hand at the still-smiling Brian, and then the announcer said:

Announcer: And the winner is Brian Akill!

Bloker: Wait, what?! How did he win I'm still standing!

Brian took down the Illusion he placed on Bloker, he saw that he was already outside the ring.

Bloker: When was this?!

Brian: I do not need to tell you, you lost and I don't like too many explanations, bye.

Brian calmly walked outside the ring.

Bloker: What the hell happened?!

He hit the ground with all his might.


Calliope: Hmph, falling for such a measly trick.

Gloria: Y-you saw it as well?

Calliope: Who couldn't? It all started with Brian's Illusion of himself being in that position in the ring while Bloker was under that trick, Brian strolled behind Bloker and made his presence known to him, purposely, then shot water magic attacks at Bloker for him to be on the defensive by instantly teleport far away, knowing he needed distance, still in the same illusion he made Bloker think the ring was bigger than it was and forced him teleport himself outside of it on his own. Tch, pathetic.

Gloria: It sounded smart coming from you, Lady Calliope.


Areli: That sly fox, humph.


Draven: That was surprising!

Calico: I knew he'd win

Aiden: Hm...

In a battle of prodigy vs prodigy, the one with more talent reigns supreme...




Announcer: The 3rd and 4th match has ended and the victors of them are; Acer Aldric and Brian Akill, they both have gotten admission into the school, the next match will begin soon... And the candidates that are to partake in them are:

Sir Chase cansi Vs Alan.