
Royal academy exams

The kingdom's capital was a two month trip by foot,one month by carriage and 1 second by portal,thank you mikey.

The name of this entire kingdom was "agrath",it was a huge country, flourishing with magic,culture, creatures, dungeons,guilds, whatever you can find in an rpg you can find it here better.

Our village was pretty lively but nothing compared to the capital,it was overflowing with so much colour,that it made me happy seeing people that happy exists in this world,the portal opened up a few blocks from the school,so i used that chance to get a lay of the land alittle...by trying the dishes they had at the stands,i heard you can know a country by it's food,and i have to say,this is the best lamb-pork I've ever tasted.

"T-this is deliciousss"(i said with tears in my eyes.)

Krysta:"You shouldn't eat to much, it'll slow you."

Akeru: "she's right you know."

" It's still early,let loose alittle, it's not like being a stiff is going to help us."i said while still stuffing my face with weird meat.

Crysta: "..."

Crysta:"Anyway why did you come here Akeru,you don't have any magic?"

Akeru:" Oh err....aiden said i shouldn't be the only one at home so he invited me....by force (he said with a small laugh)

"Yes! family should butt in to family members lives,it would be boring wouldn't it?!"

Akeru:"i guess so...?"

We saw a bunch of horse drawn carriages heading towards the academy,one stopped by us, probably wanted to eat something,they were my age.i think I'll call them nobel 1 and nobel 2

Nobel 1: It's so crowded here,can all these people just move!

Another one who was probably his brother

Nobel 2:"Now,now we have to let the common folks enjoy now shouldn't we?"

Nobel 1:"Tch....their disgusting."

I wasn't really minding what they were saying until a kid bumped into nobel 1,and accidentally spilled some juice on his shoes,his young mother came to, quickly apologize and the nobel said:

Nobel 1:"Lick it clean!" he yelled


Nobel 2:"You heard him,or do you want your son to suffer?"

She bent down on her knees and licked his shoes , everyone just watched on as they couldn't do anything.

Nobel 1: "Gross!,now you putrid spit is on my shoes,clean it at once with your scarf!"he said as he was looking down on her

Woman:T-this is my husband's last gift to me before he died in the war, please, I'll use my dress instead.

Nobel 1: "All the more reason,i want you to use that rag and clean it dry!"

I shot a medium fire ball at his feet his shoes burnt up.

"Are those dry enough?" i asked

Nobel 1:"How dare you!"

"Hehe you wanted them dry,i might have over did it,hehe"

Four guards surrounded us with spears, and nobel 1 said: "kill them!"

i honestly was surprised but at least i get to warm up after eating.

"Ok- Ahhhh!!" (i got frozen again)

Crysta:"Do you really have to make trouble wherever you go?"

"Hehe,I'm sorry but he was being a dick"

She walked up to them to apologize on my behalf,then they held her face and told her she was too pretty to be here, that she should come with them and become one of their "dolls".

I was scared when i heard that,oh not scared for my sister,scared for them,they just angered an ice witch.

I was already incased in ice but it got colder after they said that,she stretched her hand out about to cast one of her most dangerous spells,i quickly thawed my way out and cancelled it out with my fire before it hit them,but the rest of the place was covered in snow and it wasn't small at all.

They left there,with there very small tails between there legs,and headed for the academy.

*Fun fact i learned about this world:When someone uses magic,their eye colour changes to suit their attributes,for example:

Fire magic attribute:red eyes

Ice magic attribute:Light blue eyes

wind magic attribute:white eyes


I had to melt the snow that she caused,the woman thanked us and left.

We also left

Akeru:"Woah!!" he said excitedly as we were approaching the school.

It was wayyy bigger than i expected. 60 meters tall give or take,it covered a huge amount of land.

"So this is where most of the taxes are going to" a voice came from beside me.

It was a boy my age with blonde hair carrying a wrapped sword on his back,he looked like a nobel.

"I really wish it was put into something else" i said.

"Haha, you know how corrupt these people are right?"he said laughing.

"These people? Aren't you one of them?"

"I may look the part,but i really don't see what's fun about blowing a nation's budget on snotty rich kids"he replied

I was shocked by his vocabulary,he talked like someone from my world.

"What's you name?"he asked




Sounds fake but okay.

"How do you think a group is going to be chosen?"

"I'm sorry, group what?"

"Oh this place supposedly requires a team of five to participate, it's supposed to build team work among the students"

"This wasn't in the flyer!"

I brought out the flyer and looked it over i didn't see a thing.

"It must have been a private announcement to nobels only huh? a voice came from behind us."Hahahaha" the boy started to laugh.

He was a short fat boy,with a hairline that makes you question how genetics work.

"Looks like you commoners can't get in without that huh?"

well that's for the best commoner's can't be useful for anything other than slaves or laborers"

Draven :"Oh i almost forgot if you don't have a team now they can give you one to those who don't have inside."

"Really?Thanks man"i replied

"Let's go guys"

"Hey don't ignore me!!!"said the walking ball.

We passed through a dark gate before finding ourselves in an arena.It was a wide one filled with all commoners and nobels.

of course the nobels sat in the higher part of the arena and the commoners on the lower parts.Then the king sat on a veranda over looking everyone.

I looked around at the contestants we would facing later,to my surprise i saw a bunch of commoners,but nobel children,were the majority 199 of them but like 19 commoners including us. There was a boy who caught my attention,he was lying on a thread he made into a bed.....i hope this guy's in my team.

"You may now select your team mates!"the announcer said.

Alot of people were rushing over to one guy,who announced his name

"I am versi coldherten heir to the coldherten industry"

i heard mummuring in the background saying stuff like"That's versi, he's so cool",and

"His the dad high class governor who works directly for the king" and "He uses lava magic it's soo cool".


I looked over and saw draven surrounded by girls.i walked over.

"So draven have you figured out who your going to pick?"

"Why are you speaking to us?!" said one of the girls

"I wasn't talking to you i was talking to him"i replied with a smile

"You dare talk back you filthy low bred"

"i could go for some bread but now's not really the time"i said to trigger

"Ugh this is why i hate the lower class,so uneducated"one girls said as she Very annoyed by my joke.

*coughs*"Sorry draven i have to leave, I can't breathe with all this cheap make-up, bringing up a smoke screen"i said and waved draven bye.

An hour later the team selection was about to end,then i realized,i forgot to pick team mates....i looked i found that boy still napping.

"Hey,wake up it's almost time!!"

"Huh?where am i?"he said after waking up hastily

"What's your name?"

"Err....calico" he replied while rubbing his eyes.

"Can you join our team?"


"Great! now i just need one more....."

"Kyaa!!" i heard screaming from the behind me,it was a catgirl in food stand being beaten up by her owner .

"Why did you forget to bring the pots?!

you were busy practing magic again weren't you,i should kill you right now"

As he was about to step on her Aiden caught his leg.

"Hey, hey granpa ,i know what she might have done was bad but is kicking her in public the best solution"

"Stay out of this boy, just because your in this academy doesn't make you better than me"

"Insecure now are we?"

"Anyways if your gonna kill her anyway,can i have her, she'd make a goood sex slave"

"Oh is that why you're here?" he said with a smile

"Hmm since she is over used how about 10 bronze and 5 silver coins"

Rip off



He just walked away after selling a person off like food.

She started to hiss me.

"Calm down I didn't really buy you for your body,i need a team and i don't care who it is at this point"

"I heard him say you were practing magic?what attribute do you use?"


"Wind? i thought that was an elf thing"

well it didn't really matter.

"Lets gooo!"