
Otherworldly Devilish Sovereign

Thanks to his family heirloom, Arthur receives a system that allows him to travel to various fantasy realms, creating an empire stretching across the multiverse.

ArthurKalel · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

First Lottery Draw!

Arthur closed his eyes and imagined the image of the cardboard cutout of him, but kept his height the same. Opening his eyes, he made sure that nothing was wrong with it, then clicked the finished button.

"I explained everything you need to know for now." Rose leaned back into her comfy chair and swung her leg from side to side. "If there is anything you need to ask me or would just like to talk…" Rose winked. "… you can have the System link our thoughts, allowing us to talk."

"Alright." Arthur nodded and looked around, scratching the back of his head he asked with a forced smile. "How do we leave here?"

"Leave that to me." Rose smiled and snapped her finger, making Arthur and Sophia disappear. Looking at the empty house around her, she sighed and spoke with a deep chill in her voice. "Survive Arthur… So I can return and finish what I started."

On the patch of green grass surrounded by trees, a group of kids around the age of 10 ran around playing a game of tag when a young girl with black hair stopped and pointed at a spot in the grass. "Look! A pretty rock!"

The entire group of kids stopped and looked where the black-haired girl is pointing. Another young girl with blond hair really liked the multicolored gem and stepped forward, wanting to pick it up. "Its so beautiful."

"Wait!" A young man with glasses stepped forward and blocked the young girl from picking up the gem.

"Why?" The young girl with blond hair looked at the glasses wearing kid with annoyance. "If you don't give me a good reason for stopping me, Ill tell Aunt Kenzi about you taking money."

"Because…" The glasses wearing kid gulped in fear as he scanned his surroundings. "… Aliens."

"Aliens?!" Other than the young girl with blond hair, the rest of the kids backed up and looked around with fear.

"Yeah, Aliens." The glasses wearing kid studied the multicolored gems without touching them. "How else do you explain such a special stone that changes colors like this?"

"Your such an idiot." The young girl with blond hair looked at the glasses wearing kid with annoyance and bent down to pick up the multicolored gems.

"Don't!" The rest of the kids screamed out in fear.

"Aliens don't exist." The young girl smirked and reached her hand out towards the multicolored gems, but stopped a few inches from it, because something impossible happened.

The gem on the left suddenly floated into the air beside the young girl with blond hair and emitted a multicolored gas.

"Ah!" The kids screamed and ran into each other. "I can't see!"

The gem only stopped emitting gas when the entire area was filled. Quickly the gas divided into two and calmly gathered next to the gems. The gas slowly solidified, shaping into two human shaped bodies, one male and one female. The male body is about 5'9 Ft tall while the female body was about 5'8 Ft tall.

The guy has pale white skin that would make a woman jealous. Messy raven black hair that almost covers his eyes. Thin and straight raven black eyebrows. Elegantly straight nose. Charming, vermillion red refined lips. Strong, clean-shaven jaw. Wearing a coal black hoodie that is slightly larger than needed, making it loose. Dark blue jeans and a white belt. Coal black sneakers.

The girl has delicate pale white skin, same as the guy. Long curly brown hair tied in a ponytail. refined raven black eyebrows. Delicate button nose. Sensual, vermillion red lips. Jade white teeth. Wearing a close fitting coal black shirt, making her already ample chest seem fuller. Eggshell white thigh length skirt. Dark black thigh-high stockings. Eggshell white sneakers with black laces.

The young girl with blond hair shuddered as her eyes followed the floating gem. The floating gem floated to the female body and remained in front of her eyebrows. "What is it doing?"

"I don't know." The kid with the glasses backed up slowly while shuddering, like he was afraid of alarming the gem. "We should go find our parents."

"Yeah, lets go tell our parents about this." The group of kids including the blond-haired girl nodded quickly in fear as they slowly backed up but stopped because the gem moved again.

The gem slowly floated away from the female body and towards the male body. The group of kids stared in fear as the gem caused a ripple effect like it was hitting a puddle of water and disappeared into the male body's head.

The male and female bodies opened their eyes at the same time. The male has sparkling bright turquoise eyes, while the female has chocolate brown eyes.

"Ah!" No-one knows which kid screamed first, but when he did, it caused a chain reaction amongst the kids as they fled in different directions screaming. "Aliens!"

"What happened?" Sophia looked at the scattered children running for their lives in confusion. "Aliens?"

"I don't know." Arthur shook his head. "But we need to leave here before their parents come and interrogate us." Arthur glanced at Sophia and gawked. "You…"

"What?" Sophia looked down at herself, then realized and smirked. "Bigger, right?" Sophia grabbed Arthur's arm and pushed her chest on Arthur and whispered. "I gave this body the perfect ratio."

Awaking from his stupor, Arthur hugged Sophia's thin waist and kissed her lips. Sophia didn't shy away either and kissed Arthur back. Almost dying in a plane crash really made the love Arthur and Sophia had for each other increase greatly. After kissing for a minute, they broke the kiss and looked around.

"Thankfully this wasn't lost in transit." Sophia bent down and picked up the Fantasy Gem on the ground and handed it towards Arthur.

Arthur understood what Sophia meant and shook his head. "Only the first wife of the Kalel family may hold or use that gem." Arthur smiled. "Besides, you need to get stronger if we are going to travel together."

"Huh." Sophia smiled brightly, causing dimples to appear on her face and nodded with a cute sound.

"Lets go." Arthur looked around for a trail out of the woods and took Sophia's hand. "Before the parents come looking for Aliens."

While walking down the trail, Arthur glanced at Sophia and asked. "What are you going to wish for?"

"I don't know yet." Sophia thought for a little and shook her head.

[Ding! You have been given Three Lottery Draws!] — The system suddenly informed Arthur, causing him to stop.

"Arthur? What's wrong?" Sophia looked at Arthur in worry.

"Oh, sorry." Arthur apologized with a smile. "I just got an announcement from the system." He looked around and made sure that nobody was around and opened the system menu. Looking around, he found nothing related to Lottery Draws. Confused, he asked the system to connect him with Rose.

"You miss me already?" Inside Arthur's mind came Roses smirking voice.

"Yes." Arthur answered honestly, then asked his question. "Where do I go to find the Lottery Draws in the system menu?"

"Oh, this? I forgot to mention that every time someone uses a Fantasy Gem, you will get three Lottery Draws in your store page." Rose responded in Arthur's mind. "Every Lottery Draw is for a different type, item, ability and skill book." Rose continued. "The good thing about Lottery Draws are that it is not bound by your store, meaning you can get anything from it."

"Really?" Arthur laughed heartily, thinking about what awesome things he's going to draw. "Thanks for the help, Rose."

"No problem. Remember to talk with me regularly." Rose spoke with a seductive voice and closed the call.

Shaking his head, Arthur opened the store and found the Lottery page.

"What did the system say?" Sophia tapped Arthur on the arm and asked.

"I just talked with Rose." Arthur smiled and explained. "She said that every time someone uses a Fantasy Gem, they get three lottery draws which can give you anything."

"Really?" Sophia hugged Arthurs arm with a grin. "It would be awesome if you could get Gilgamesh's Treasury, then we would have our own treasury when we build a kingdom like in the book."

"Yeah." Arthur smiled and used his free hand to click on the abilities draw. On the system screen, a massive star field appeared. The stars moved quickly until only one remained on the screen. The screen flashed, and an announcement went off in his head.

[Ding! Congratulations host for drawing the ability Sharingan!]

"Yes!" Arthur threw his free hand in the hair and smiled cheerfully.

Sophia pulled Arthur's arm and asked. "What did you get?"

"Something good." Arthur spoke with a mysterious smile.

[Error! Because host does not have any chakra in your body, the Sharingan failed to open.]

"Wait, what?" The smile on Arthur's face disappeared and was replaced with sorrow. "I should have thought of this, how can it run without chakra..."

[Ding! The System has found a fix. Instead of using chakra, the System will temporarily use soul energy until a more suitable energy source is found.]

Arthur didn't even have time to be happy when suddenly pain erupted from his eyes, forcing him to close them.

"Arthur!" Sophia turned pale, seeing blood pour from Arthurs eyes.

The pain faded as fast as it came, and Arthur slowly opened his eyes. Sophia watched in shock as Arthurs eyes turned blood red with a single black tomoe spinning inside until it eventually stopped at the bottom-right of the eye.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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