
Otherworldly Devilish Sovereign

Thanks to his family heirloom, Arthur receives a system that allows him to travel to various fantasy realms, creating an empire stretching across the multiverse.

ArthurKalel · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Fantasy System Booted Successfully!

"That's not funny!" Alex Martinez crossed his arms and complained.

Arthur stopped laughing and stared at Alex Martinez with cold eyes. "Your right, its not funny, because if you continue to talk to my girlfriend like that…" Arthur glanced at Hayden for a second causing him to tremble and continued "… no matter who you are, Ill break half the bones in your body."

Alex Martinez stared at Arthur in horror, but couldn't stop himself from asking. "Why only half?"

"Because…" Arthur paused, trying to get more of a powerful effect, then continued. "… breaking more than half of the bones in a human body can't be legally considered self defense."

Gulp — Arthur and Sophia heard the people on both sides of them gulp with a dry mouth.

"Now if you don't mind, please leave us alone." Arthur opened a book and stopped looking at Alex Martinez.

Not wanting to stay there anymore, Alex Martinez stood up and left, but he soon returned with a dissatisfied look on his face. Apparently the old man didn't want to change seats again.

Sophia leaned on Arthur's shoulder with a content smile on her face and looked at the book he was reading. "Watcha reading?"

"It's a book I found online a couple days ago and bought a copy." Arthur leaned slightly towards Sophia, making it easier for her to see the book, and explained. "The main character travels to fictional worlds with his girlfriend and builds a massive empire. Look, I just got to the part where he goes to Sword Art Online."

After reading a couple of pages together, Arthur couldn't help but ask Sophia. "If we could travel to fictional worlds like in this book, would you be like his girlfriend and help me create a harem?"

"Yes." Sophia raised her head from Arthur's shoulder and laughed, showing her flawless white teeth. "Imagine fighting monsters with Asuna, that would be fun!"

"Yeah…" Arthur turned the page. "...I wish we could travel to fictional worlds and create a harem." As Arthur turned the page, he accidently got a paper cut causing blood to get on his ring.

"Damn…" Arthur put his finger in his mouth, but didn't notice that the blood that got on his family ring was absorbed into it, causing it to flash brighter than usual.

[Checking Wish!…] — A robotic female voice echoed.

"What the?…" Arthur looked around confused and asked Sophia. "Did you hear that just now?"

"Hear what?…" Sophia looked at Arthur in confusion and got worried. "Are you okay?"

"You really didn't hear that?…" Arthur glanced at Sophia in doubt, but noticed nothing in her eyes showing that she was joking, only concern.

[Wish Granted!…] — The robotic female voice echoed once again.

"What the…" Everyone watched in shock as the gemstone on Arthur's family ring flashed a bright multicolored light before breaking out of the golden ring and floating in midair.

"Arthur…" Appearing frightened, Sophia held Arthur's hand as she observed the floating gem.

While everybody was trying to understand what was going on, the floating gem seemed to be stimulated by something and shot at Arthur. Although he was surprised, Arthur attempted to avoid the gem, but it seemed to be aware of Arthur's intention and still hit him.

Unlike the savage scene everyone thought would happen, when the stone hit between Arthur's eyebrows, it made a ripple effect like a stone hitting water and sunk into Arthur's head.

[Fantasy System initializing!… 1%] — The voice echoed again, but this time it sounded more human.

"What the hell..." While Arthur was still trying to process what happened, everyone around them clapped and whistle.

Unlike the random people around them, Sophia and Hayden looked at Arthur in confusion.

"Arthur, are you okay?" Sophia stood up and gently ran her hand across Arthur's forehead. "What just happened?"

While Sophia was trying to check Arthur and make sure he was okay, a flight attendant walk over and warned them. "Sir, you can't be doing magic on the plane, if you do it again Ill have to report this to my supervisor."

[Fantasy System initializing!… 51%] — The voice echoed repeatedly, but as the percentage grew it sounded more and more human.

Listening to the loud voice echoing in his head, Arthur could hardly hear anything around him, but he could read lips so when the flight attendant warned him, he nodded with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, it won't happen again."

Seeing that Arthur was sincere, the flight attendant nodded and walked away, trying to get everyone to return to their seats.

Seeing that Arthur was talking normally, Sophia sighed in relief, but Hayden wanted answers. "What was that just now? You don't know magic."

Arthur ignored Hayden and held Sophia's hand, showing her he was okay, then tried to explain. "I don't know what that was…"

"Baah!" As Arthur was trying to explain about the voice in his mind without sounding crazy, the bald old man that originally sat next to Sophia stood up and cried like a sheep attracting everyone's attention.

[Fantasy System initializing!… 76%] — The female voice echoed again, but this time it sounded more like a normal person.

"Shut up, you crazy old man!" Hayden, who was already annoyed that Arthur ignored him, stood up and yelled at the crazy bald old man.

"Why do I get all the crazy people…" The flight attendant that talked with Arthur earlier grumbled to himself and asked the old man to sit down or he will call the onboard security.

'As I thought, there is a problem with that old man…' Arthur stood up and observed the old man and noticed a deranged look in his eyes.

Noticing something, Arthur's face turned pale. Taking Sophia's hand, Arthur pulled her towards the front of the plane, trying to not make a scene.

Sophia looked at the pale Arthur and thought that this is an after affect of what just happened with the gem and asked with concern. "What's wrong Arthur, are you not feeling well? Where does it hurt?"

"We need to get away from that old man." Arthur glanced back at the old man and picked up speed.

Sophia glanced back and thought of something which made her face pale like Arthur. "You mean…"

"Yeah…" Arthur didn't look back as he speed walked forward with Sophia, not trying to attract attention.

Like on cue, the old man stopped making sheep noises and screamed at the top of his lungs. "Let the Sheep God bless us all!"

Boom! — A loud explosion sounded behind Arthur and Sophia, along with screams of nearby passengers, including Sophia.

Before Arthur could even glance back to see the damage, a suction force hit them, pulling them back.

"Damn! There's a hole in the plane!" Having seen movies, Arthur knew what the suction force meant. Wrapping one arm around Sophia's waist, he pulled them onto an empty chair with the other, having Sophia sit on his lap.

"Buckle us in!" Arthur yelled, used all the strength he had to hold on while listening to people screaming everywhere.

"Alright." Sophia shakily took the seatbelt and bolted them in while tears streamed down her face.

Feeling Sophia shaking in his arms, Arthur used both of his arms to hold her tight and whispered in her ear. "I love you Sophia…"

"I love you Arthur…" Sophia held Arthur's hand tight digging her nails into his hand drawing blood.

Arthur nestled his head into Sophia's neck as his past and future flashed before his eyes. Feeling that death is imminent, he whispered in Sophia's ear. "If there is an afterlife, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Sophia didn't think about it, she just blurted out her answer.

Silence overtook the plane as they closed their eyes, awaiting death. Not knowing if everyone else near them died in the explosion or were sucked out of the plane.

[Fantasy System Initialization Complete!] — The silence was broken when a female voice echoed in Arthur's head.

[Loading Fantasy System Complete!]

[Fantasy System Booted Successfully!]

'This again?' Arthur thought with his eyes closed. 'System? Like in the book?'

[Life Threatening Disaster Detected: Life Expectancy Is Below 1%]

[Activate Life Saving Card: Yes/No]

'Screw it, yes, activate the life saving card.' Arthur figured that even if it is his hallucinations and not a system, it would be better to just agree if it can save their lives.

[Life Saving Card Activated! Please select the person you would like to save with you.]

'Sophia Burke' Arthur said with his thoughts, while feeling the plane falling faster.

[You have selected: Sophia Burke.]

While Arthur and Sophia were awaiting death with their eyes closed, a black whirlpool appeared next to them. The whirlpool seemed to have a stronger suction than the hole in the airplane. Before Arthur and Sophia could see what was happening, a transparent version of themselves was pulled out of their body and into the whirlpool. Their bodies fell forward lifelessly, like a marionette with its strings cut.

This whirlpool continued to turn, but this time, it faced the ring on Sophia's finger. The ring, just like the one on Arthur's finger, has a multicolored gem embedded into it. The gem couldn't stand the suction force of the whirlpool and was instantaneously absorbed inside. With its job done, the whirlpool soon disappeared.