

Author: JosieGan
Eastern Fantasy
Ongoing · 1.6M Views
  • 699 Chs
  • 4.8
    19 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Otherworldly-Cultivator

Read ‘Otherworldly-Cultivator’ Online for Free, written by the author JosieGan, This book is a Eastern Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Once upon a time, Earth had Qi, and many cultivators lived within it, but one day all of them disappeared, and it became...


Once upon a time, Earth had Qi, and many cultivators lived within it, but one day all of them disappeared, and it became the cultivator's forbidden land. However, as time went on, humans underwent evolution, and many of them gained superpowers. Besides Earth, there are two other realms connected to Earth. The two realms are the Heaven Realm and the Hell Realm. When Chen Li was very young, he only knew that his father was killed by people from several powerful and prominent families, and his family's property was also robbed by them. Since then, he had also been bullied by the younger generations of those families, but he couldn't do anything against them. Because they were possessors of superpowers, whereas he was just an ordinary young man with a frail body, and he didn't have any superpowers whatsoever. One day, some of them beat him almost to death, then they dumped him in the northern forest and left him to die. However, fate was still kind to Chen Li. Just as he was about to die, the soul remnant of a strong cultivator named Song Tianyi found him. Song Tianyi decided to save Chen Li from death; he took him as his sole successor, and he passed everything down to him. After that, Chen Li trained diligently to become a strong cultivator with one goal: revenge. How will Chen Li go about facing the superpower possessors and getting revenge on those people? And how would he face the races of the other two realms? Let's find out.

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sakinah mawaRdah warDo-Yes

kisah seorang perempuan bernama sukma berusia 28 tahun yang berusaha keras menggapai mimpi menjadi wanita karir sesuai dengan cita - citanya dari kecil. hanya bermodal ijazah SMA ia melamar kerja ke minimarket ternama di indonesia dengan awal karir sebagai seorang kasir. senyumnya yang manis dan tutur bahasanya yang sopan membuat banyak customer menyukai atas pelayanan nya dan hal tersebut membuat ia cepat memperoleh promosi jabatan, hingga di tahun ke tujuh ia berkarir di minimarket ia di promosikan untuk di tarik ke kantor cabang untuk menduduki posisi yang lebih tinggi lagi. walaupun untuk menuju kursi jabatan yang ia duduki sekarang bukanlah hal yang mudah bagi ia, karena banyak kendala yang harus ia hadapi terutama masalah cemburu sosial dikalangan karyawan. ketika sudah di kantor cabang kinerja bagus sukma tetap terjaga baik, karena ia memang tipe perempuan yang idealis dan mandiri. hingga banyak sekali atasan yang menyukai bahkan menaruh hati lebih ke sukma. ketika sukma berjalan jalan dengan teman kantor nya ia bertemu dengan seorang pria yang bernama eka dan ia tertarik pada pria tersebut, dan pria tersebut pun juga tertarik dengan sukma. beberapa bulan sukma dan eka komunikasi dan semakin nyambung juga arah pikiran mereka hingga mereka memutuskan untuk melanjutkan hubungan ke jenjang serius. akan tetapi eka yang awalnya hanya mengaku sebagai pekerja freeline pun sedikit di remehkan oleh rekan - rekan kerja sukma yang mengetahui hubungan mereka dan hal tersebut membuat sukma berkecil hati dan yang awalnya yakin menjadi ragu sehingga membuat hubungan mereka putus nyambung. hingga suatu saat tanpa sukma tau si eka berada di kantor nya sukma memakai baju kantor yang begitu rapi dan sangat berwibawa. di siang itu sukma berjalan menuju loby untuk mengambil orderan makanan siang, dan disitulah si sukma dan eka bertemu. dengan perasaan yang saling mengharapkan mereka pun saling bertegur sapa dengan baik. si eka hanya menjelaskan kepada sukma bahwa ia ke kantor sukma untuk melamar pekerjaan. dan setelah beberap bulan berjalan barulah sukma mengetahui bahwa eka adalah salah satu pemegang saham di tempat ia bekerja. disisi lain, selema beberap bulan berada di kantor yang sama, eka hanya melakukan pekerjaan yang biasa dilakukan oleh seorang admin biasa saja , dam si eka tetap berusaha memantau kehidupan asmara sukma, karena eka juga sangat mengharapkan sukma, karena sukma yang sangat mandiri dan tidak materialistis seperti karyawan wanita lainnya. hingga suatu saat sukma diundang harus menghadiri meeting di kantor pusat untuk membahas terkait progres kerja, dan dengan kagetnya sukma tidak menyangka bahwa disana juga ada eka duduk di jajaran pemegang saham. dan disitulah akhirnya sukma tau bahwa eka adalah salah satu pemilik saham di perusahaan dia bekerja. ketika semua sudah diketahui dengan sendirinya, akhirnya eka memberanikan diri untuk menjalin hub kembali dengan sukma, tetapi sukma merasa dibohongi karena selama ini yang ia tahu eka kerjanya adalah freeline. tapi eka tidak menyerah hingga ia menemui orang tua sukma untuk melamar dan mengajak sukma menikah. karena si eka juga yakin kalau sukma juga masih sangat mengharapkannya. lamaran eka diterima oleh orang tua sukma, dan sukmapun tidak bisa menolak lagi, karena orang tua sukma sudah malu dengan usia sukma yang hampir kepala tiga tetapi masih belum menikah dan di anggap tidak laku oleh keluarga besar dan tetangganya. dan akhirnya sukma menikah dengan eka, dan happy ending untuk cinta mereka ....

War_Da_Ni · History
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1 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :New Beginning
Volume 2 :Revenge
Volume 3 :Preparation
Volume 4 :Join Sect

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If you have read any of the Author's other works and liked them, then you will thoroughly enjoy this one. This is definitely the Author's most refined work. The world building is good without too much of an info dump, and you are given more as needed. The pacing is good, and you get 2 chapters a day(as of this review), so there is enough content, but still leaves you wanting more. The characters are also well developed and have their own personalities and relationships outside of what they have with the MC. Give this one a shot of you like these types of novels.


Out of 3 of the novels I have read from this author(Otherworldly Cultivator, Zhang Fei and Primordial Dual Cultivator Dragon), I consider this one the best. Second being Zhang Fei. I feel this novel has more refined elements (Here I mean it has been revised many times) than his other works. I feel this is a GREAT READ. To the Author: I really appreciate that you write 3 novels together with Daily Updates on them. Great Work.


Ok so I’ve been caught up on 2 other of authors books and honestly this is my favorite one. You’ve progressed do much as a writer and the characters feel way more real here rather than wish fulfillment fillers. If everyone can match the main wife and be developed this could be very popular. Take this as more as a slice of life with a deeper main plot.


This novel is a rewrite of Otherworldly Cultivator (My very first novel) and also Returned as Dual Cultivator With Spirit System (My third novel). For those of you who have read Dual Cultivator With Spirit System before, you may still remember Chen Li's cruel, cold-blooded, and psychotic character. I'm going to write this rewrite slowly, and I'm also going to make his character darker than before. Besides that, you may still remember Feng Xian'er's character as his main wife. In this rewrite, she will still be wise and playful but also cruel and sadistic as before.


So far the progress is not bad, the pace is slow, and you have to build a good and realistic relationship between him and his harem. I hope you don't rewrite this novel for the fourth time. Good luck...


Hey, author. If I were to choose between your three MCs, I would choose Chen Li because he is way better than the other two. Although he was a novice cultivator, his mindset was much better than Ling Yun's, and his mentality was on par with Xia Tian. Chen Li could adapt very well, and he didn't even need someone else's guidance to become strong, unlike Ling Yun, who was always dependent on Ling Xi at the beginning of the story. Perhaps it was because the backgrounds of the two were different; even though they had almost died before, Ling Yun had lived peacefully since childhood, while Chen Li had constantly been bullied. Because of that, Chen Li's mindset was slightly twisted, and he became psychotic. However, I can see that the current him is not as psychotic as before; he even has second thoughts about giving those women the soul mark, unlike before. I hope he will continue like that and not be like the old one.


I like this novel quite a lot . The writing quality is excellent the story development is quite good as everything is connected, every character has different personalities so they have a hint of realism not your typical 2d although the girls easily fall for him they take time to accept the relationship.Updates are on point and currently we have not yet travelled to another world but we have got previews of what is to come .The only problem which I have is maybe my personal problem , which is mc is too soft hearted and very passive.Like I know you don't need to kill everyone everytime but sometimes you need to get proper revenge because they deserve it ,for example ,the enemies of mc almost killed him,tried to r@pe his lovers and friends many times, did way to many horrible deeds that definately deserve death but mc got soft,and mc many times is repulsed by the fact of torturing of most irredemible villains, also he leaves his lifelong opponents who destroyed his everything just because of women , honestly it's kind of irritating when you don't get proper revenge. He can easily take revenge by using his resources and lovers but he doesn't,I don't know why he is just waiting for them to do something against him. Other than my personal problem everything is amazing just hoping that mc can get a little cold hearted for his enemies. But I am sure you gonna enjoy it cause iIam still reading it .


Ling Yun is good, but I hope this one better, and please maintain the balance and not rushing to add so many women like Xia Tian, or it will ruin the story.


Voy por el capitulo 22 pero como veo que por el estilo de Cultivador con IA moderna, voy a dar la misma puntuacion porque ya se que sera igual de buena, aunque el inicio personalmente me gusta mas la del cultivador con IA moderna. Me gusta mucho las novelas que haces y como arranca la sangre virgen para hacer suya la linea de sangre. Asi que no voy a esperar a leer mas y directamente te doy mi puntuacion. Por favor no hagas como hacen otros escritores con sus fans dejando la novela tirada de las 3 novelas que estas escribiendo, ya que luego pasare directamente a dragon primordial y dar tiempo a que vayas escribiendo mas capitulos. Muchas gracias por tus fantasticas novelas sigue escribiendo. Recomiendo estas 2 novelas y si me gusta la otra tambien la recomendare.


Hello author! I would like to ask some questions, if possible, please answer... they are as follows: I would like to know if there is harem in the work, I would like to know if there is ntr or yuri in the work (I hope not), I would also like to know if there would be yanderes among the harem... and the last question, and if the mc really loves the girls, he doesn't just use them and discard them... if you can, please answer!


This new version much better than the old one, Chen Li didn't become as heartless as before, and that's a good change.




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This is an enjoyable read keep up the good work 


Really enjoy this novel and the other novel you have written so far. Keep up the good work.


Reveal spoiler


Does his mother enter the harem? harem harem


I've read to ch 160 and all i can say is the mc is a hypocrite.And not only that it feels like fls and side characters just accepts whatever the mc says.i mean what was so special about him that all these girls where in love with him before he got powers.And every fl says to new Harem members that he is very gentle and what not.And he even has underage girls in Harem.And it just feels like there is no logic when mc is involved.And the mc turns down a girl just because she is aggressive in expressing her love and the fl says to her that she has to change her personality if she want to be with the mc.the mc is more like a villain if you ask me.its ok for the mc to be aggressive but not a fl.Also most of the things he does are stupid but the author just make it seem like it's a intelligent thing.oh and the world background is not that well done.


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