
Otherworld Hax

This story is a self-insert about if my friend and I getting Isekai'd and travelling through the multiverse having fun. I 100% stole this idea from ShaggyJoestar69 who wrote his own self-insert called Reincarnated with my friends, you can read it yourself on webnovel but the grammar isn't that great so I stopped reading it. That being said I liked the concept so I decided to write my own spin on what I would do if I got Isekai'd with my friend.

GH0STS · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Follow me on Twitter @GH0STS27, that's with a zero.


Seeing what Ryan just did in front of thousands of people made Tyler dumbfounded. He quickly waved his hand and teleported Both Ryan and Esdeath to a forest 50 kms away from the capital. Tyler knew Esdeath would probably be angry because of what Ryan just did, so Tyler gave them some privacy to work out their issues.

"GENERAL!!!" The Jaegers yelled as they ran to ring after seeing Esdeath disappear. 'Hmm, I may have just made things worse by teleporting them away without a proper explanation... Oh well, this could be a good opportunity for me.' Tyler thought while swapping his clothes to look like that of Ezio Auditore from Assassin's creed. (Image Here)

Tyler then made himself visible and gently landed on the ring a few feet from the Jaegers. "Hello there."

"Who are you, are you the one that made the General disappear!?" Run asked aggressively as he unfurled his wings. His Teigu was a pair of angel wings that shot feathers.

"Calm down man, I know you're all wondering what happened to Esdeath but don't worry she'll be fine, Ryan will take good care of her. Now, let's get down to business shall we?" Tyler said with a smile as he lit up his Dark sabre.

Hearing what this man said and seeing him take out his weapon put all of the Jaegers on guard. "WHO ARE YOU!?" Run asked again, only louder this time. "Who I am, doesn't matter, all that matters is that I'm going to take your Teigu and you can do nothing to stop me," Tyler said as he rushed at the Jaegers.

The first person he attacked was Seryu, the girl with a twisted sense of justice. Tyler kicked her in the knee, bending her leg backwards while simultaneously ripping off her metal arms. "Ahhh!" She screamed. After she had been disabled, Tyler quickly punted her Teigu turning it into meat paste. Seryu's Teigu was a biological Teigu which she named Koro. (Image here)

After Tyler had destroyed Seryu's Teigu, he stabbed her in the heart, ending her life. "One down, five to go..." He taunted.

Next, he went after the psycho doctor Stylish. Tyler teleported behind Stylish and stole his Teigu by cutting off his arms. His Teigu was called the 'Perfector', it is a glove Teigu that increases the speed and precision of the user's fingers by several hundredfolds. (Image here.)

After taking his Tegu, Tyler quickly put an end to the doctor by decapitating him. "...That's two..."

"You bastard!" Seeing two of their teammates killed had made the rest of the Jaegers mad, Even Kurome was a bit angry although she didn't show it on her face like the rest of them did.

"Wave, Kurome, take him down, me and Bols will back you up!" Run shouted his orders as he flew into the air. He was the second in command and since Esdeath wasn't currently here, he was in charge. (Image Here)

Wave and Kurome rushed Tyler and attacked him at the same time. Wave thrust his spear at Tyler's chest while Kurome slashed at his neck. Seeing the attack coming, Tyler moved at a speed the Jaegers couldn't follow and caught Wave's spear with his left hand and with his right using the Dark sabre, cut Kurome's Yatsufusa sword into hundreds of tiny pieces.

Seeing her sword destroyed stunned Kurome. Using her bewildered state to his advantage, Tyler punched Kurome in her solar plexus taking her out of the fight. "KUROME!!" Wave shouted after seeing her beaten.

"I'll kill you!" Wave yelled angrily while he tried to pull his spear back to attack again but unfortunately for him, it was too late.

Tyler swung his Dark sabre at the spear chopping it in half, he then proceeded to kick Wave in the gut hard enough to send him flying into the wall while shattering his armour, putting it back into it's sealed sword state.

"Only two left..." Tyler said as he was about to walk over to Wave and take the sword but before he could, he was engulfed in a burning inferno.

After about 30 seconds Bols stopped firing but the flames remained. "D-did I get him?" Bols asked. "I think so. Go get the medic-" "Ahh!" Before Run could finish speaking, he heard the sound of Bols yelling in pain.

Turning around he saw Bols on the ground writhing in pain as he held his leg that now had a large stab wound in it, along with Tyler standing over his Bols with his Teigu in his hands.

"And then there was one..." Tyler said as he slowly started to walk towards Run.

Seeing his enemy approaching him, Run flew higher in the air and used his wings and to shoot his feathers at Tyler in a last-ditch effort to damage him. Which of course did absolutely fucking nothing to Tyler.

Noticing that his attack wasn't working, Run was about to retreat and report what happened here to the empire, but before he could, Tyler took out his chrome sniper and blasted the wings of Runs back, causing him to fall. *Bam*

Tyler then slowly walked over to the downed Run while ridiculing the Jaegers. "Look at you all. You're the empire's elite Jaegers? Lead by the great General Esdeath herself!? It took me less than two minutes to pick you apart. Well, I guess for people weaker like Night Raid you would pose more of a problem but I suppose I'm just a broken character. Anyway, I got what I came for, to humiliate the empire and break or take their toys." Tyler said as he picked up both Wave's and Bols' Teigu.

"Goodbye Jaegers, we will not meet again," Tyler said as he disappeared, almost like he faded out of existence.


Teleporting back to the alley they 'spawned' in, Tyler created a chair, sat down and started checking the Akame ga kill wiki to find the other Teigu.

After looking them up he felt irritated at what he found. '*Sigh* The wiki tells me who the users are but it doesn't tell me where they are right now. They are going to be annoying to find unless...' Tyler looked into the distance and smiled at the large castle in view.

'Time for a stealth mission' he thought as he made himself invisible and flew to the castle. He was positive that the empire would keep files on where their Teigu users were at all times.


Let's go back to the time when Tyler teleported Esdeath and Ryan to a forest 50 kms away.

Appearing in the forest, The angry Esdeath was about to attack Ryan however, seeing his friendly and innocent smile made her hesitate. Ryan fit all of her husband criteria which was:

I. Must possess a deep well of untapped ability so I can mould him into a general class warrior.

II. Must be fearless and can hunt danger beasts with me.

III. Like me was not raised in or near the capital.

IV. Because I will rule him, he must be younger than me.

V. Has an innocent smile.

"Why did you bring me here? And if your reply doesn't satisfy me, I'll kill you," Esdeath said. "I'll satisfy you any way you want afterwards but for now, I just want to fight you. I know you've been looking for a worthy opponent and I am going to give you what you want." Ryan responded as he pulled out his sword.

"You think you can defeat me?" She asked amused. "Yes, I do but if you really doubt me then how about a bet? If I win, then you are mine, but if you win then you can do whatever you want to me. sound fair?" Ryan asked.

"I was going to do that to you afterwards anyway." She replied as used one of her Teigu's techniques called {Weissschnabel}. This ability creates several icicles from thin air and fires them at her target with a simple wave of her hand. (Image here)

Seeing the incoming ice, Ryan readied his sword and then started deflecting them. As he deflected the spikes, he started running towards Esdeath and when he got close, he swung at her with a strike aiming for the left of her abdomen. Seeing the attack, Esdeath stepped back dodging the strike and with a quick motion using her sword, stabbed at Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan avoided her by ducking under and punching her in the stomach, sending her flying into a tree. *Boom* "Hahaha. Finally, a worthy combatant" Esdeath laughed as she stood up from the fallen tree. After getting up, Esdeath created ice around her wrists and ankles and started to manipulate it so she could fly. (A/N. Yes she can do That)

As soon as she was high enough in the air, she used another technique named {Grauhorn} enabling Esdeath to create a giant horn of ice. Seeing the massive ice meteor coming towards him, Ryan didn't panic instead, he just grinned like a madman. (Image here)

Using his strength he jumped off the ground towards the ice horn's side and as soon as he was beside it, he used it as a platform and ran on the surface of it towards Esdeath.

Esdeath, seeing that {Grauhorn} wasn't going to damage her challenger, grinned as well. She was enjoying this fight, but that didn't mean she would let Ryan win so easily, therefore she began shooting more icicles at him. She knew this wouldn't hit him but she was only trying to slow him down.

The reason Esdeath was doing the was that if Ryan wasn't fast enough then the {Grauhorn} would hit the ground and the impact would severely injure him, or at least that's what she thought. Unfortunately for her, Ryan's body was very tough and something like that wouldn't even leave a scratch.

Ryan noticed what she was trying to do, but wouldn't let it happen. You see even if he would not be hurt by the impact, he would still be back on the ground and she would be in the sky giving Esdeath the advantage of the 'High ground'. To prevent that he began to run faster while also deflecting the ice spikes that were being launched at him.

Arriving at the top of the {Grauhorn}, Ryan jumped into the air and slashed at Esdeath just as the giant ice block hit the ground and made a massive crater.

As Ryan attacked the flying Esdeath, she easily dodged to the left making Ryan speed straight past her. She was about to counterattack but be for she could she felt an impact on her back, sending her plummeting down into the ice crator. *Boom*

Following her fall she coughed up some blood and rolled onto her back. After doing that she was able to see Ryan floating in the spot she just was with his sword glowing a bright blue.

This was one of the features of Ryan's sword. It had the same properties as Thor's hammer, meaning it enabled him to fly, call it back when not in his hand, and of course, only he could wield it.

Esdeath tried to move but because of the impact on the ground, most of her bones were broken. Ryan, still hovering in the air, began to descend towards Esdeath. As he got to the ground he stood beside her head and raised his sword.

'So this is how I die. I suppose I was just too weak.' Seeing Ryan lift his weapon made Esdeath close her eyes and accept her fate. *Stab*

She heard the stab but felt no pain. After a few seconds of nothing, she opened her eyes only to be confused at what she saw.

Ryan was kneeling beside her a handful of silver needles and his sword stabbed into the dirt beside him. Suddenly he tossed the needles into the air and then they flew into Esdeath's skin all over her body. Abruptly a warm feeling fell over her, healing wounds and mending her broken bones.

After she was healed, Ryan took the needles out and then helped her up. "Why didn't you kill me when I was down?" She asked. Ryan simply put on a big smile then grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a kiss. A few seconds later he pulled back and Esdeath had a massive blush on her face.

"We made a bet. I told you if I won, you would be mine," Ryan said before he pulled her back into another kiss.

Being kissed again stunned Esdeath for a second but she quickly started to take pleasure in it so she wrapped her arms behind Ryan's head and just enjoyed the feeling.

And with that, Ryan obtained his waifu.


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2135 Words.

GH0STScreators' thoughts