
Others Tame Beasts, I Tame Demons

# SUMMONING # PET # RELAXED When Su Yi was transmigrated to a world where everyone was a tamer, he realized that his tamed beast had a unique evolutionary path. While others were trying their best to evolve their Red Fox into a Flame Fox, his Nine-tailed Fox was already reading comics. While others were trying to evolve their Thorny Grass into a Thorny Tree, his Thorny Empress had become a chunibyo. Su Yi looked at his weird tamed beasts and wondered, “Am I really a beast tamer? Aren’t I more like a demon tamer?"

Not Going Up If Not A Full Moon · Eastern
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40 Chs

Team Up?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Su Yi originally did not intend to accept a mission, but when he saw this mission to explore the mystic realm, he was still tempted.

In fact, he had originally planned to go to a mystic realm to train. However, he had previously thought of going to a low-risk mystic realm like the Lake Forest, not such an unexplored high-risk mystic realm.

However, when he thought of the treasures in the high-risk mystic realm, he could not remain calm.

"By the way, why is this an apprentice-level mission?"

Su Yi suddenly thought of something and was puzzled.

Generally speaking, such a high-risk mystic realm was not suitable for apprentice Beast Tamers.

Firstly, it was because apprentice Beast Tamers were too weak and it was easy to suffer casualties.

Secondly, it was because… there was a high chance that a large number of treasures were hidden in this new mystic realm. How could it be possible for apprentice Beast Tamers to go in and claim them? Unless they were elite Beast Tamers with some status, they could forget about it!

Unfortunately, there was no detailed introduction to this mission on the big screen.

Su Yi had no choice but to spend a few minutes downloading the Beast Tamer Association app.

This method of forcing others to download mobile apps was comparable to certain rogue companies.

After registering his account with his Beast Tamer license, Su Yi finally found the detailed announcement of the City Lord's Mansion.

It turned out that the new mystic realm was a restricted mystic realm!

The so-called restricted mystic realm referred to a mystic realm with an unstable spatial tunnel.

As everyone knew, the spatial tunnel was the bridge between the mystic realm and the Blue Planet. In an unstable situation, if it was forced into a higher-level dimensional space, it was very likely that it would collapse due to spatial repulsion, causing this mystic realm to be disconnected from the Blue Planet again.

And Beast Tamers all had their own dimensional spaces.

Therefore, when entering such a mystic realm, one had to first ensure that the strength of the Beast Taming Space was within the range that the spatial tunnel could withstand.

For example, this mystic realm in the announcement could only allow Apprentice Beast Tamers to enter.

The spatial rejection triggered by Beast Tamers above this level was very likely to collapse the spatial tunnel of this mystic realm!

There had been many spatial tunnel collapses in history, and each one had caused great losses.

When the spatial tunnel collapsed, the people in the tunnel were the most miserable. They would fall directly into the endless void and die without a burial place.

Next were those who had already entered the mystic realm. Because the passageway connecting to the Blue Planet had already collapsed, they were almost unable to return to the Blue Planet.

However, Beast Tamers had restrictions, but most extraordinary creatures did not.

They did not cause spatial rejection.

For this reason, when they encountered such a mystic realm, someone had once tried to let his pet enter instead of him.

A new problem arose, however.

After the pet entered alone, because it crossed space, it could not communicate telepathically, so it naturally could not act according to the Beast Tamer's thoughts.

In addition, most pets were not as intelligent as humans. Therefore, many pets treated this as a vacation after entering the mystic realm alone. Even if they stayed inside for half a month, it would not bring any benefits to Beast Tamers.

Not only that, but after pets entered the mystic realm alone, there would also be many unknown risks.

For example, dying in an accident, or staying inside and not coming out.

Yes, some pets with low loyalty or their own thoughts would stay in the mystic realm and not come out.

In any case, the Beast Tamer could not forcefully put them back into the Beast Taming Space, nor could he personally go in to capture them.

The benefits and risks were completely out of proportion. Over time, not many Beast Tamers would dare to do this unless they were really confident in their pets.

"Apprentice-level restricted mystic realm. I wonder what level the extraordinary creatures inside are."

Su Yi muttered to himself.

The spatial tunnel formed was so unstable that generally speaking, the spiritual energy in this mystic realm would not be very sufficient, and the extraordinary creatures inside would not be very strong.

However, the so-called "not very strong" only meant that under normal circumstances, there would not be a large number of extraordinary creatures at the elite level or above.

As everyone knew, all mystic realms were formed after another plane or multiple planes shattered.

The spiritual energy in the mystic realm was thin, so it could not breed high-level extraordinary creatures. However, it did not mean that there were no high-level extraordinary creatures entrenched here before it was formed, when it was still connected to the original plane.

In short, anything was possible in the mystic realm!

Thinking of the risks in the new mystic realm, Su Yi hesitated again.

But after a few seconds' hesitation, he made up his mind. Let's do it!

With the Thorny Ghost Vine's combat strength, he was definitely one of the best among the apprentice Beast Tamers!

Even other apprentice Beast Tamers dared to enter, let alone him.

However, it would be good if he could activate the Frost Guardian before entering the mystic realm.

This was an intermediate defensive treasure. With this treasure, his ability to resist risks would be even stronger.

Unfortunately, activating this secret treasure required 500,000 yuan. He could not afford it now.

"Why don't I borrow some from Senior Bai Zhining? She knows my potential. If I only borrow 500,000 yuan, she should agree…"

At the thought of this, Su Yi suddenly shook his head. "Forget it. This senior's personality is a little cold. Instead of borrowing from her, it's better to borrow from her mother. Although we've only known each other for a short time, I get along better with that deputy city lord's wife."

Although he said that, after he took out his phone, he was still embarrassed to call the deputy city lord's wife.

"Sigh, why am I so thin-skinned? Can't I learn from that shameless Li Xinhao?"

He suddenly wanted to slap himself for not being thick-skinned enough.

After much hesitation, he silently put the phone away.

"Forget it. I'll think of something else."

He shook his head and prepared to leave the Beast Tamer Association.

But at that moment, buzzing, his phone suddenly rang.

He took out his phone to answer it, but in the next moment he froze. Surprise flashed across his casual face.

It was none other than the wife of the deputy city lord he had just thought of—Li Wenyu!

He'd only just thought of her and she'd already contacted him of her own accord. Was there a telepathy?

He exhaled softly and pressed the answer button. "Hello, Aunt Lee."

"Xiao Yi, you've been on vacation for so long. Why didn't you come to my place? That girl, Zhiyan, has been wanting to spar with you a few more times."

"Ah… I was planning to take some time to visit you, but I've been busy cultivating these past few days…"

Su Yi was embarrassed and wanted to explain.

But before he could finish, Li Wenyu chuckled.

"Don't take it seriously. I was just saying casually. I know you're busy too. I called you this time because there's actually something important.

"Two days ago, a new mystic realm appeared in the dense forest in the suburbs. Only apprentice Beast Tamers can enter it. Zhiyan insists on going in to train herself and refuses to listen to me.

"Although it's normal for Beast Tamers to go to the mystic realms to train, I'm still a little worried. Therefore, I want to ask you if you have time to team up with her tomorrow. This way, you can take care of each other."

Bai Zhiyan wanted to enter that mystic realm too?

Su Yi was surprised.

But before he could think further, Bai Zhiyan's voice came faintly from the other end of the phone.

"Mom! I'm not going to team up with him. I can do it alone!"