

(Continued walking )

When they reached house of her. The boy said goodbye and walked his way back. The girl thought a lot about the moments she spend with him. She was spining in her bed all over round and round thinking about him. ( Soon sports started at their school) The boy was taking part in volleyball. The girl was really happy because she thought he will be in same group which she will be cheerleading. But she found out that he was from another group she was unhappy. She cried whole night thiking he hates her.Another day at the school her friend asked if something was worng.It was so obvious that she cried whole night. Her eyes were sllowen. Her friend meomi asked if something was wrong. Sunshi brust out into tears and made her friend worry about her. Meomi asked again if something was wrong. Sunshi told her it was anish. She told she is wondering why did he changed the group and questioned do you think he hates me? Meomi smiled at her and said you have finally found a person whom you love. She said yes you already knewed about it why are you acting weird. Then her friend replied her there are so many boys you had chrush on before him but you didn't cried for anyone did you? she questioned. She said you are right i never felt or had this kind of feeling for anyone else then anish. Her friend said now can you understand the difference between the person you love and the person you like. She said i am glad to know that i don't like him but i love him. Sunshi laughed and said She is feeling now . While returning gome she saw anish and ami waiting for her. Ami was the one who made anish wait for sunshi. Then sunshi returned home with them. She was happy to be with anish. Everthing that happened between them and the way anish treated sunshi felt like anish liked sunshi.