

Tranque and Zwyah are 16 year old brothers in the year ????? and they will do whatever they can in this colorful world to stop Tantekuno from corrupting the world. Tranque is a swordsman with a long black ponytail a shirt, a trench coat, pants, ans shoes in all black Zwyah has short, spiky hair and weilds a crossbow. He wears a black vest and a brown overcoat Sorentaku wears red Dragon armor and wields a 3 pointed spear. She has long yellow hair These main three will do whatever they can to help the world and eternally bring it to peace!

GinisGod · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

The Battle Continues!

Soren turned half of her armor blue and the upper half of her spear turned blue aside from the yellow, oval shaped gem in the middle.

"That move was supposed to knock her out! How is she still standing!?" Ekibyō thought

"She musn't have much energy left! I can't keep fighting for much longer!" Ekibyō said turning into his taller, more muscular and brutish form.

Ekibyō rushed at Soren and threw a right hook, she grabbed it with her hand and stabbed him with her spear and stabbed him in the stomach. Ekibyō tripped her, causing her to fumble her spear and swing upwards, it may have hurt Ekibyō but she had lost her grip. He then grabbed her by the leg and slammed her onto the ground. He drew out his sword and attempted to strike, but she teleported away fast enough. She appeared behind him and swung her spear, Ekibyō blocked it with his sword and jumped back. He swung his sword at her, she blocked it, splitting the ground below them.

She covered her spear with blue flames and swung.

Ekibyō blocked it and swung back, she deflected the blow and countered, at first they clashed slowly before the started attacking with more haste. He cut her right across her chest, Soren stabbed him in the shoulder, he punched her in the face, she kicked him.in the stomach. They hit each other more and more often, they started leaning toward each other. They both had their feet stamped into the ground, they pushed off each other and stared into each other's eyes.....there was an awkward silence, they both narrowed their eyes and the pure force of their gazes caused the sky to split and the ground below them to crack and break. They kept looking at each other, causing more destruction. They leaped at each other and clashed once before once again jumping back.

Ekibyō teleported behind Soren and threw his arm all the way back for a full force punch. She turned around and blocked, but even though she blocked she felt a pain emerge from her back.

"Damnit! The force of his punches mixed with this disease isn't killing me!" Soren thought

He lifted up his fist and started pounding Soren. She kept on blocking as Ekibyō continued to punch her again and again, he lifted up left leg and propelled himself forward, Soren was getting pushed back more and more. Her legs started shaking as Ekibyō rushed her down. He punched her in the face so hard it seemed like time slowed down, he jumped behind her and kicked her in the back, sending her flying. He ran at her while she was in the air and punched her into the ground, the rebound lifted her high up enough for Ekibyō to kick her in the neck, practically tossing her into the air before he jumped up and slammed her into the ground.

He jumped down, preparing to strike her down. Soren stumbled into a stance as just watched Ekibyō come down. When he threw his punch she stabbed his shoulder and jumped behind him. She stomped on his back. She pulled out the spear from out his shoulder and lifted it up, ready to stab him in the head. He started charging up, he banged on the ground, throwing Soren off balance. Then he elbowed her in the cheek and followed up with a kick to the back of the neck. He prepared to stomp on the back of her head but she spun around and kicked him in the chin and slammed him back onto the ground.

He got up and drew his sword, he swung his sword rapidly, Soren did the same with faster speeds. She turned around and hit Ekibyō in the jawbone with the back of her spear then she tried to bash it into his forehead. He started fumbling due to the force but he used that to punch Soren across the face. She rushed back and jumped into the air, she swung her spear rapidly, sending out blue cresent blade beams.

"Drago Dio Ira! (Dragon God's Wrath)" Soren shouted as all the blade attacks started spinning and turned into chinese dragons made purely out of energy.

They started chasing Ekibyō, crashing into the ground, they twisted and turned trying to get to him. They were quick, he saw that they could quickly turn paper thin to gain speed. They whipped around like lassos for one second, then ram through the ground like monster trucks the next. He cut one's left eye and kicked the other one in the forehead but that was only 2 out of many, what made it worse for him is that they instantly healed after he hit them.

He swung his sword around rapidly around him, sending out red cresent blades, he had done it so fast it seemed like his right arm dissapeared. He'd temporarily blown away the dragons for a second before they reformed from flames and dove back at him. He threw a powerful swing and even though it missed, the force was strong enough to blow half the dragons off. One had brushed off the side of him and he had managed to cut it before it flew off, not like it mattered. One came up from below and bit his leg, It went far left and prepared to slam him to the ground. As soon as he got close to the ground he let out his aura, it may have not been like Shi's but it destroyed all of the dragons, there was nothing left of them but a few little sparks.

Ekibyō swung his sword a bunch and Soren blocked it with her spear. He threw a punch with his other arm and she blocked it with a kick, propelled herself up and spun around and threw a punch, he threw one back.

"HAAAAAAAAAA!" They both yelled in unison as their fist clashed, causing a shockwave to erupt from their collision.

Ekibyō stomped on Soren's foot. and punched her repeatedly with his left arm. He lifted up his sword arm to swing.

"Drago Arti....(Dragon Arts)" Soren murmured as she pointed the end of her spear towards Ekibyō's chest

His eye widened as he paused.

"Lo sguardo.....sacrificale della vita!!! (Life's Sacrificial Gaze)" Soren shouted as a blue ball of energy quickly formed and zoomed inside his chest and a concentrated shockwave erupted from his back.

The shockwave and the sparks from earlier started dancing around each other, but it was no simple spiral they did, not a simple ascension nor descension either, it looked more....ceremonial than anything. They bounced up and down then shaked a bit then when back to bouncing. A ring made up of 15 blue circles surrounded the dancing sparks. The circle the sparks created expanded and the outer ring of circles just slides back with them. The sparks began joining together, and swirling around and formed a giant Dragon.

"Drago Dio Umbra! (Dragon God's Shadow)" Soren shouted as the giant Dragon roared

At first they thought the battle was about to end,

But really,

this is only the beginning.

Fun Fact: Soren is one of the only characters (there will be more soon) that have move names in languages aside from Japanese! Drago Dio Ira is Italian by the way!v

spoiler alert below!!!

All of Sensō's moves are in German!

GinisGodcreators' thoughts