

Tranque and Zwyah are 16 year old brothers in the year ????? and they will do whatever they can in this colorful world to stop Tantekuno from corrupting the world. Tranque is a swordsman with a long black ponytail a shirt, a trench coat, pants, ans shoes in all black Zwyah has short, spiky hair and weilds a crossbow. He wears a black vest and a brown overcoat Sorentaku wears red Dragon armor and wields a 3 pointed spear. She has long yellow hair These main three will do whatever they can to help the world and eternally bring it to peace!

GinisGod · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Adventure Continues

"Calm down! don't worry" I said reassuringly as I tried to pat Teekee on the head (I say tried because my arms were too short)

"Hmmm...Maybe I should just relax. How about we take a break a Bōbe forest? I mean nobody is gonna hurt my family and I'm usually the one they forget so we do have some time to spare before they get worried" Teekee said as he started moving closer to me


"Yeah that's a great idea! The Pixies and the beautiful streams of water running along the side lines. The singing of the Pseunderbirds and the luminescence of the Bumbilya, and not to mention the scent of the Gehaktbrood and Oderum Suum" I said as I tried to wrap my arm around him (but once again my arms were too short)

"But we'll have to be careful for the not-so friendly creatures that lurk in there" He remarked

We went off to BōBe forest. We went off through the northern city (Which actually has a more complex name than Hit. The real, full name is Hitorakk'su) and when passing by some villagers looked at us strangely. They hid their kids and backed up from us. The slammed their windows shut immediately. I was a bit confused as to why, at first I thought it was because of all my dangerous battles but then I turned around and realised that Teekee was dressed in a biker outfit with a fake mohawk strapped to his head.

"Where the hell did you get that!?" Me and Soren shouted in unison

"Stole it" Teekee replied nonchalantly

My shock was ineffable. I just stood there with my jaw hanging open and Soren just scoffed and looked away.

"Well put-it-back!" I said under my teeth

"NNNNNNNNNno" He said.

"I said put it back!" I yelled

"I said NNNNNNNNNNNNNno!" Teekee said

"I said....put it ba-*smack*"


I looked at my hand



"MY HAND!" I shouted

"That's what you get for slapping a sapient rock" Teekee said like he was disappointed

"I thought Teekee were supposed to be kind!" I said as I blow my hand.

"Well the thing is 10% of our population actually have Teekee like me, no we don't astray from they cheery, kind, and *good looking* way of the Teekee but we might like human clothing so much that we steal it and refuse to return it" Teekee said

"So in other words....you're gonna be completely obdurate now?" Soren asked

"Only when you tell me to put the stuff back, yes" He replied

The sun began to look over the horizon, shining a bit of it's radiant light. I turned away, biting my lip from the pain and I see a white and green dot. I squint and it looks like some clown with a fake red nose. He was carrying two swords that look like a mixture of a Lombardian Cleaver and a Falchion with semi circular hole directly under the blade. They were about 2 1/2 feet long and and 1/2 a foot long. He had two claymores in an X formation on his back, and he had two Japanese Nodachi in a parallel line formation.

He wore a white overcoat

He kept walking closer until he saw Teekee behind us. He them started running towards us so fast not only was he leaving a trail of smoke but every step he took he cracked the ground. He finally caught up to us. He stared at a kid hiding behind a barrel. His eyes reflected the immense fear he felt. The clown person was still smiling so I couldn't tell how he truly felt. His hair was a lime green. It was spiky at the top and they go down into long, spiky hair. All the way down to his knees. He seemed to be about 6'2, almost as tall as Teekee (Soren and I are around 5'11)

"I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to return those clothes" He said, still maintaining the giant smile on his face (He looks likes he's tryna be in a toothpaste commercial)


"AND the mohawk" He interrupted


"No" Teekee said

"Would it help if I..."

"Let me keep it? Definitely!" Teekee said as he started to walk off.

"WHAT!? NO! I was gonna say, 'Would it help if I tell you my name?'" He said

"Uhhhhhmmm.....I guess!"Teekee said as he slowly turned around without moving his feet of the ground.

"I am, Daikuro Yōmata, the protector of this area!"

"Okay, cya" Teekee said

Shadows washed over his eyes, though he was still smiling, I could tell he felt....sorry.

He put his foot in between Teekee's legs,

He spun around, placing himself in front of Teekee. He lifted his arm back and swung, it seemed like everything went I'm slow motion. Though he seemingly held back, there was still a lot of power and air pressure around his arm.

Before Daikuro's fist could land Teekee tensed up and suddenly his arm started spinning around at high speeds. Bits of his arm popped off, they weren't bleeding but the were cleanly separated. Time resumed and when the fist landed, it did absolutely nothing to Teekee. Daikuro's face became slightly more stern, but he still had that damn smile.

"Hmph" went Daikuro

"How'd you know?" He asked

"Only those who dress as clowns have such abilities" Teekee said, I could feel that confidence in his voice.

"You two, I bet you're confused aren't you?" Teekee said

"Well you see, this guy's ability isn't so much reality warping, but displacement. If you find that confusing then let me explain. When I say displacement I mean he can safely move and warp things by will"

"He can make things float, pop of body parts, teleport things and make them swap places. I didn't know this when he went to punch but I knew it would be okay to do what I did because again, nobody with powers like his wouldn't dress like a clown" Teekee

Daikuro started sweating nervously

"I spun his arm around so it would lose momentum and force, no matter what ability he had"

"Explaining my ability and your little secret as to how you stopped me in front of my face, a ballsy move, what makes you think you could do that TO THE MIGHTY-"

"Because I know you can't counteract it" Teekee said

It was at that moment that Daikuro started sweating so intensely it looked like every water inclusive phenomena and/or natural disaster all happened on his body at once.

"Anyway, I got a forest to go to, cya!" Teekee said as he walked away

We just causally walked behind him, passing that clown guy. When we got pretty far away, about 10 yards away, a red Hawaiian jacket with yellow flowers came at us at high speeds. Before it bopped me in the back of my head it had stopped mid-air. It had a fake extra tag on it that said, 'For Teekee'. The tag somehow got ripped off along with the real ones and Teekee took off the leather jacket and mohawk and put on the Hawaiian jacket.

"I luv iiiiiiiit!" Teekee sang.

"Wait a minute...." I said as the forest started coming into view

"Do you have physic powers?" I asked Teekee


"So then how'd you-"

"No. No. No. No No. No. NO." Teekee said as he turned around, again without moving his feet off the ground. (God do I hate it when he does that)

"I know you did NOT just ask ME that"

I just stood there, somewhat confused.

"W-Do you speak Japanese!?" He asked

"あなたは私にそれを尋ねただけではないことを知っています (Anata wa watashi ni sore o tazuneta dakede wanai koto o shitte imasu) I know you did NOT just ask ME that" Teekee said

"I am literally a rock possessed by psychic energy, and you asked me if I had psychic powers?"

".....You know what, it's fine, it's time to continue on our way, we're not too far from the forest" Teekee said.

"Ummmm, So....Do you like music?" Soren asked

"Only tribal music, at first I made that choice due to the Teekee tradition, but now it's---for safety purposes" Teekee said slowly

"S-SAFEty purposes!? You don't even have ears!" Soren exclaimed

"It's not like that, it's because of this group called "Rizumu no kyōi (The Rhythmic Wonders)" Teekee explained

"It's a group were major styles of music like , Rap, Hip-hop, Classic, Jazz, Techno...Pop.....uhhhh...Rock, Metal, and my concern, Kpop they....people are given powers from the styles of music and..." Teekee said

"What do you have against Kpop?" I asked

"It's not that I don't like Kpop, it's just that, the girl that inherited the power of Kpop, Taijomo Usumona, note I said that the "traditional" way so Usumona is her first name...." Teekee said, sorta speeding up after 'note'

"Just like everybody else, Usumona can sense whenever somebody listens to their specific type of music, AND they know exactly who they are-and if I were to listen to Kpop, for an infinitesimal amount of time, she would know!" Teekee said quickly

"She would take me, and she would make me dress up as from weird, cat person, she would never leave mE BE! SHE WOULD MAKE ME DO SO MANY TERRIBLE AND LEWD THINGS AN-"

"Stop. First of all, you are a giant rock head with a toddler sized body, there's nothing lewd about you, and two, what about the other genres?" I asked as I put my pointer finger in his face

"Well, Baxton Magouphin, the ruler of classical music would enslave me and make me dance or do maid work, Gothe Malicion, ruler of Pop would dress me up and make me some weird, bootlegged, doll looking thing with fake blue and yellow hair and kawaii sticker eyes like those dolls you'd see for like 7 year old children" Teekee said

"· ·" <-----My face when he said



"Makouri Bo the Jazz man will literally not leave me be until I start singing, "budoopbeebeepboop" or something weird and...jazzy"

"Antonio Markeez, Rap and Hip Hop dude, will try to make me a "gangsta" or at least have my act like one just so I can be a back up dancer for one of his vevo rap videos" Teekee said

"Well wh-"

"Rock and Metal don't have a current ruler and Ama Occidere, ruler of techno....*sniff sniff* dOeSn'T lIKe tEeKeE! Wuhhhhhhhhh!" Teekee cried

Soren was trying to comfort him and I was ready to run away.


(25 minutes later)

We reached the forest and it. Was.Beautiful! The pixies seemingly lit a path to a nice little pond created out of a waterfall. It was night time so the the aqua blue light of the pixies mixed with the canary yellow lights the Bumbilya puff out even more beautiful to look at. I picked a Gehaktbrood leaf off and took a bite. It was extremely crunchy, and as rumors say, if you bite abnormally crunchy Gehaktbrood leaf, you will be blessed with luck. The plant taste like meatloaf, smelled like it too. The only reason nobody uses these plants and animals for food in my area is because of the extreme preparation required.

The birds were singing, flowers were blooming.

"On days like these, kids like you" Kid says as he magically appears behind me.


Everything turned black for a quick second. Then it all came back and Kid's eyes were shadowed out and he had a huge, wide, flat smile on his face

"Should be burning in hell" Kid said as he slowly disappeared

I was incredibly confused but I just went back to walking (guess nobody else heard or saw that)

We sat by the pond and we stared at our reflections. Suddenly, an aqua blue light appeared in the ocean blue water. Then another, then another, and then....another. Until the whole pond was aqua blue.

"Awwwwww! it's so bew-tee-ful! It's like all the Pixies are doing this as like..an invitation or a welcoming!" Soren said, her eyes lit up

"Soren" Me and Teekee said in unison (I have no idea as to how he knew her name)

"That means they're dead" We said

He face broke out into a one of disgust, fear, and regret.

"They drowned" I said

"They didn't even know we were here" Teekee said

"Well maybe-"

"No Soren, let it go" Teekee said.

"Mumwamumamwyumamwumwa!" Soren cried

Then, something popped up in Soren's head.

"Why were you crying about Ama Occidere not liking Teekee?" She asked

"Well um I just uhhh..." Teekee said

"WwEl I weAllY jUsT wAnNa gWet a hWug fWoM hIm! mAyEe i- I just-"

"No Teekee, let it go" She interrupted

Suddenly, the water started rising like a fountain. There was a faint, blocky, rainbow that was inside.The water fell and out came. A white man with a black chin strap on his mouth and a black hoodie on. He had black pants, socks, and athletic shoes.

"That's-That-" Teekee stuttered out

"Ama Occidere!" Teekee said.

"CAN I GET A HUG? CAN I GET A HUG CAN I GET A HUG?" Teekee asked frantically.

"No, No, and No!" He answered as he walked past.



Ama walked away as he murmured, "Prestissimo"

A crimson red aura of transparent psychic radiated from Teekee. He lifted up his arm as if he were reaching for something but he slowly dragged it away. A ball of the psychic energy formed in front of him.

"Goodbye" Teekee whispered

"Evigilans vermiculus! (Crimson Awakening) " Teekee shouted as the ball of energy turned into a blast

"Cecidit Constant! (Constant beat) Ama shouted as a wall of rainbow blocks appeared.

BOOSH! The wall was instantly destroyed, the remaining impact sent Ama flying. Trees and the ground got wrecked by the force of the attack.

"Dissectum semoto! (Crimson Reach)" Teekee shouted as rubble was sent flying at Ama. Knocking his head around and pounding his chest.

He fell flat onto the ground

"Ay, Occidere, you good?" said a voice in Ama's head

"Yeah...." Ama said faintly in his mind

"Did you get him?" The voice asked

"Yep, he should be over there soon" Ama replied in his mind

"Heh, we got us some moneh! Well I'll cya later! Thanks U-" Whatever connection they had must've broke up before he could finish.

Ama just laid there, silently.

I guess that's a no go on the break" Teekee said.