
Otaku journey!

An ordinary guy by the fulfillment of fate was in front of God, who gave him the opportunity to entertain him, traveling to different worlds! what will the main character do during the journey? start a harem? build a business? everything is possible because he has his whole life ahead of him. Or maybe more than one... --- please take note that this fan fiction has quite big problems with time!

lazy_door · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter-18: The Club?

Chapter-18: The Club?

Watching the car quickly moving away, Hiro decided not to return to the dorm yet, as he wanted to go to the NF (Novel Fly) company and see the progress of the novel's release.

Teleporting to the alley next to the company, he quickly headed in that direction.

When he entered the building, he was shocked by the transformation. Since everything was completely different than when I first visited him. Hiro approached the manager and asked with a smile:

- Good afternoon! Is Yaeko-san busy?

- Hello! Editor-in-Chief, not busy at the moment! - the woman behind the counter replied with a kind smile. During these 3 days, the entire staff was informed by the new identity of the owner, so she answered Hiro's question without question.

- Thank you! - after saying these words, Hiro went to the office of the editor-in-chief.

When Hiro entered the office, he found that Yaeko was not alone at the moment. Next to her sat the owner of light brown hair with a pinkish tinge and golden-brown eyes. She also had hearing aids in both ears. The girl looked no more than 12 years old, which means that the bullying will only begin or not, since her mother has a highly paid position, which does not coincide with the canon at all, since she was a nurse there.

During this short time, he was not noticed, as they were busy with something, so Hiro decided to notify them of his presence.

- Hello, Yaeko-san! - as soon as these words reached them, they simultaneously turned around.

- ... - the girl looked at him curiously.

- Hiro-kun? Hello, what is the purpose of your visit? - Yaeko asked with a smile.

- I just wanted to see how things are going with the release of the novel, and also to ask something. - Hiro replied.

- Okay, give me a minute! - Yaeko said, and started explaining something to Shoko. After a few seconds, Shoko gathered herself and, bowing to Hiro, left the office.

- Now I'm ready, what would you like to know? - Yaeko asked with a polite smile.

- As I said recently, I would like to see the progress of the novel, and also ask something about the company! - Hiro replied with a smile.

- As for the novel, it will be ready for mass release in a week, and now what would you like to ask? - Yaeko asked with interest.

- Well, can NF afford a mass release of books? - Hiro asked.

- I will say right away that we do not have such an opportunity, but we can get the necessary items that will allow us to produce books. I would like to warn you that the production of books in this country is extremely not profitable! There is only one company producing books in our country, and in recent years they have been close to bankruptcy! Just like we did some time ago! - Yaeko replied, sorting through the documents on the table.

- Then can I buy this company and merge it with this one? - Hiro asked, wondering how much a bankrupt company could cost.

- This is possible, since the owner of this company is my younger sister! - after these words, Hiro was a little shocked, but he didn't show it.

- So what's the problem, contact her! - Hiro asked curiously.

- The biggest problem is that the main office is located on the other side of the country, and it will take a lot of money to move it here. - Yaeko said.

- Money is not a problem, are you sure that your sister will agree to sell her company? - Hiro asked.

- Yes, we have already discussed this among ourselves, long before you bought this company! - Yaeko said, remembering the unspoken agreement between the sisters.

- Well, contact Fi and give her all the necessary data, after the negotiations Fi will contact you! - Hiro said, not seeing a big problem.

- It will be done! - Yaeko said with a smile, but at that moment she was thinking of something else entirely: "We'll meet soon, sister! Ha-ha!"

Hiro did not know that there were some arguments between the Nishimiya sisters, after which the younger one made fun of the older one.

- May I ask Yaeko-san? The girl who was here – is this your daughter? - Hiro asked, wanting to know about it.

- Hiro-kun, yes, it was my daughter, her name is Nishimiya Shoko, and in the future I will ask you not to ask me about my personal life! - Yaeko said with a cold smile, and there was no trace of the friendly woman left.

- Um... well, whatever you say! - Hiro answered automatically.

- Thank you for your understanding! - Yaeko said with a kinder smile.

Hiro and Yaeko talked for a while longer, after which Hiro went to the Polar Star .

Walking along the city road, Hiro was thinking about the situation with Shoko, at that moment the idea of creating a hospital came to his mind, which would help not only Shoko, but also his recently familiar Sakura, which was not impossible thanks to the system.

Fired up by this idea, he called Fi.

- Fi, there is a case! - Hiro said, putting the phone to his ear.

[What's the matter, brother?]- Fi said happily.

- Find the perfect place for a hospital and start building buildings for it! - Hiro said excitedly.

[In what quantity are they needed, and in what time should they be built?] Fi asked, while Hiro imagined a girl with a notebook in her hands.

- I'm not sure about the number, but the hospital should be ready by the end of next month! - Hiro said, more confident.

[It will be done! Little brother, you have a gift!]- a happy girly voice sounded from the phone speaker.

- Well, I will prepare it! - Hiro said, then put the phone back in his jeans pocket.

Continuing his way through the city towards the hostel, Hiro came up with another idea, which he started to implement.

[Purchase completed]

{God of Medicine}

Type: Skill

After performing the first stage, he started the second. Hiro entered the alley and summoned his clone, slightly changing his appearance, he created an identity card and other documents necessary for admission to the higher medical university located in Europe.

According to the plan created in a couple of seconds, his clone will stay in this university for about a month, during which time the clone should cause a stir in the medical world, after which it will join his hospital.

Having fulfilled his plan, Hiro went to the dorm with a smile, stopping at the store on the way to buy water.

When Hiro returned to the dorm, it was getting dark outside. After notifying everyone of his arrival, Hiro went to his room, then to the bathroom.

The dinner that Ryoko was preparing today was already set on the table, so Hiro quickly sat down at the table.

During dinner Megumi asked:

- And you will not join the research society? - looking in the direction of Soma and Hiro, she asked.

- Research societies? - Soma asked the girl with curiosity, who suddenly brought up this topic.

- Yes, there are many different societies and clubs in Totsuki... - Ishiki started to explain, but was interrupted.

- Aha! - Ryoko nodded. – In these associations, they study different types of food. And, for example, after classes, they invent new recipes.

- And sometimes they can even take part in competitions outside the academy. - Yuki added.

After listening to them, Hiro thought: "Who would think of calling an ordinary school club a 'research association'..."

- And what associations do you belong to? - Hiro asked.

- I am a member of the culinary community for the study of local dishes. - Megumi said.

Then all the residents of the" Polar Star " told about their clubs.

- Hmm, I think there really are some normal school clubs here. - Soma said in Hiro's direction as he climbed the stairs.

- Do you want to join one of them? - Hiro asked, to which Soma shrugged his shoulders.

- I don't know yet! - the guy said. - And you?

- I won't join, since I don't need it. - Hiro replied with a smile.

- Oh, well, then Megumi, let's go to clubs together tomorrow! - Soma said with a smile.

- Good! - Megumi nodded.

After this short dialogue, everyone went to their rooms.

The next day.

In one of the dorm rooms, an alarm clock was heard ringing.

Hearing the ringing, Hiro opened his eyes. It's 4 in the morning, and since it was his turn to cook breakfast today, he got up early and went for a run.

After returning from training, he took a shower and changed his clothes and went to the backyard to collect fresh food.

1435 words....

I wanted to release it tomorrow, but I finished it today... when I will release the next chapter, I do not know...

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