
Osmosian Gamer(Rewrite Up)

A guy awakens as an Osmosian in the Marvel Universe with the powers of a Gamer. This is his ascent to power in a world of gods.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The Screen

[Name: Kevin Ethan Levin

Race: Osmosian



Osmosian absorption: Able to absorb and assimilate DNA of any being to gain 1/10 of their power. Usually causes physical mutations, but does not happen because of the game. If a person has one power, that power is gained at an initial 1/10 strength. If they have multiple powers, Kevin receives some of them at an initial 1/10 strength, and others would require more prolonged contact.

Matter Absorption: Subset of Osmosian Absorption, able to absorb and synthesize the mass, properties, and chemical makeup of matter to change their body into living matter in the shape of the Osmosian. The absorbed matter is as durable as the matter used to make it and can enhance their strength and durability.

Energy Absorption: Subset of Osmosian Absorption, channel absorbed energy through their hands to manipulate technology, Discharge it as an energy blast, or use it to speed up cellular regeneration.

Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through and immunity to mental attacks.]

As I opened my eyes I a screen filled my vision with these words appearing on it. Looking around in an attempt to figure out where I am, finding myself in an alleyway, I'm suddenly assaulted by a rush of memories.

I had the appearance and name of Kevin 11 from Ben 10. I remember living a life on the streets as my father and mother were both killed when I was 10. I scavenged to find what I could, when I discovered my powers. I could absorb energy and matter to empower myself. After I discovered what I could do, I began using my powers to make money. I started off just sending surges through arcade machines to get it to shoot quarters out, but eventually I moved up to ATMs. I hadn't been caught yet, but I'd had some close calls.

Suddenly, another set of memories surged forward. I remember a world where I spent most of my time either reading comics books or watching anime. A world where I was a 22 year old average person, a nobody. In that world, Kevin Ethan Levin was a fictional character from one of my favorite childhood cartoons, Ben 10.

Looking between the two sets of memories I came to a conclusion based on the fact that the Kevin memories remembered the name Stark. I was in the Marvel universe as Kevin 11 instead of just in the Ben 10 universe. It seems like it's still early on in this world's lifespan, as there weren't many superheroes yet with just Iron Man being revealed recently.

'So it looks like I'm not in danger of any major threats yet, since most superheroes haven't even started up yet. Which also sucks because I can't absorb them.'

I figured that if I was in this world, I needed to get as strong as possible as quickly as possible. The problem was, with so few superheroes active at the moment, I didn't have a ton of options for people to absorb.

Before I can think about it too much deeper, I hear a noise, looking up to see Magneto floating above me.

My eyes widen for a second, but before I can do anything he floats down to me and begins talking.

"How would you like to be part of something greater. You may have noticed you are capable of extraordinary things,, that is your mutation, your gift. You are a member of Homo-Superior, the next step in human evolution. I can train you, teach you to use your abilities to show the humans that you are above them." he finishes as he holds out his hand.

'This might be an opportunity to absorb someone's abilities.'

Standing up and reaching out I shake his hand, and as soon as I make contact I begin absorbing his DNA.


[Skill Gained: Magnetokinesis: Control of all forms of magnetism. Lvl.1/10]

The handshake lasted another 10 seconds before I heard a yell of "Magneto let the kid go." as a short burly man rounded around the corner in a orange and dark blue costume with metal claws sticking out of his hand.

I let Magneto's hand go as Wolverine jumped at Magneto. His effort were in vain, however, as while he was in the air Magneto waved his hand and Wolverine was suspended.

"Logan don't you ever learn. I can control your body on a whim. You will never be able to beat me." Magneto drawled.

Wolverine snarled and struggled to move, but he was stuck. While Magneto was paying attention to him, I began to try to sneak away, but before I could he turned his attention back to me.

"Come boy let us be off."

Luckily before I had to respond, a lightning bolt was shot towards Magneto, splashing off of his magnetic shield, but giving me the opportunity to dash out of the alleyway and run down the street.

Behind my I could hear Magneto expressing anger, but I was already gone, running as far as I could. I ended up turning down a corner and found my way blocked by someone who could only be Cyclops.

"Hey come on, we've got a jet this way we can use to escape." He called to me.

'Ugh I hated him in the comics, but I can't look a gift horse in the mouth.'

"Alright you've gotta be better than the dude who looks evil in the purple cape." I reply as I follow him a little ways until we reach a clear area. When we get there he presses a button on his wrist and the X-Jet is revealed to me. Looking at it in awe for a second, I recover and run up the steps into the jet. Cyclops had went on board before me and was already in the cockpit, and began taking the plane off the ground.

We quickly flew out of whatever countryside I had just found myself in and I was somewhat surprised we weren't further hindered by Magneto or the Brotherhood. It looks like Storm and Wolverine managed to distract them long enough for us to escape.

As we continued flying I took this opportunity to move up to the front where Cyclops was and ask him "So who are you and where are we going. I'm grateful and all for getting me away from the supremacist and all, but I'd like to know who you are."

Cyclops tilts his head, but otherwise doesn't turn to me as he answers "So he gave you the whole mutant supremacy sales pitch huh. Well my codename's Cyclops, but my name's Scott Summers. As for where we are going, we're on our way to Xavier's institute for Gifted Youngsters. It's a place for mutants like you and me."

'It seems like Cerebro and whatever detection system Magneto uses mistook me for a mutant instead of an Osmosian. I mean they're pretty much the same thing, both being human subspecies, but Osmosians have much more uniform abilities.'

"So mutants are what we are called. Do all mutants have the same powers or are they all different?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"Every mutants got a unique power. Mine, for example, is the ability to shoot lasers from my eyes. Can't turn it off though, hence the visor." he says as he taps the ruby color visor.

'I don't know when I want to absorb his powers. If I can't control them right away, and they shoot out it could lead to a lot of questions. I'll have to wait till I decide if I'll tell them what my real power is, or just pass it off at matter absorption.'

Nodding, content with the answers he gave, I sit back and wait the rest of the ride. Eventually, we make our way into the hanger at the Xavier Institute. After the jet lands, I get up and walk out along with Cyclops to the view of a bald man sitting in a wheel chair next to a beautiful redhead.

"Welcome Kevin. I am Professor Charles Xavier. This is my school for mutants such as yourself to find a safe haven and learn to use their abilities responsibly" the bald man said.

"And I'm Jean Grey, I'm a student at the institute like Scott and potentially you." the redhead next to him chimed in.

"So were the feral man and wherever that lightning came from part of your school or the Magneto guy's team?" I asked.

Jean laughed a little at the term "feral man," but answered "those are two of our instructors, Wolverine and Storm."

"So do you think you're going to be joining the school?" Scott questioned.

This was something I had been thinking about. I don't really want to deal with Xavier, a good deal of the decisions he made in the comics were questionable and he kind of reminds me of the manipulative Dumbledore trope, but I needed training. It also means I'd actually have to go to school, which would not be fun as I'd already finished it in one of my lives and hadn't gone since elementary in this one, but I wouldn't survive as I was right now. The only reason I even escaped Magneto was because of the X-Men. Joining the school would give me a lot of exposure to different powers I could absorb, and combat training.

"Guess so, it'll be weird going back to school again after so long, but I guess I'll deal with it." I reply with a shrug.

"What do you mean you haven't been to school in so long?" Jean and Scott ask at the same time.

"My parents both died when I was like 10 and I've been living on the streets ever since. Never really had a reason to go to school." Once again with a shrug I say. I can be detached from it, I've got a whole another life's memories of a good home life, I can push this life's memories down.

Jean, Scott, and Xavier all look shocked at that, although I noticed that Xavier had been looking at me strangely for a little while now. Probably because he hasn't been able to read my mind. Jean probably would've noticed by now, but now she's distracted by what I just said. Or maybe she did notice and just didn't mention it.

Jean rushed forward and gave me a hug, while Scott just put his hand on my shoulder.

'Huh, maybe he isn't such a bad guy in this universe. He didn't really get all that bad till a lot later in the comics anyway. I'm gonna have to learn to differentiate between what someone did in the comics and what they do now.'

"It's fine, I've had years to get over it and living on the street wasn't all that bad. It'll be nice to have a good place to sleep now though."

After a few second, Jean lets go of me and the Professor motions for us to follow him and he begins to wheel his way into the institute. Jean, Scott, and I follow after him as I take my first steps into my new life.