
Osmosian Gamer(Rewrite Up)

A guy awakens as an Osmosian in the Marvel Universe with the powers of a Gamer. This is his ascent to power in a world of gods.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Powers and Ideas

Looking at the paper clips in front of me, I try to reach out and grab them with the power I gained from Magneto. At first, I can only feel them, but I'm having trouble getting them to move at all. It takes a minute of concentration, but eventually they begin to start shaking. I continue to push my power trying to get them to lift off the ground, but they just shake harder.

For the next 5 minutes I continue to try to get the paper clips to move, before slowly they rise a little bit into the air before quickly dropping back to the ground.

'Damn, it seems like that 1/10 of the power wasn't just for show. I can barely do anything right now, I've got to keep at this and level the power as quickly as possible so that it's actually usable.'

Taking a break from trying to use that power for a little bit, I switch to trying to bring out my bone claws.

'Since it was already at level max, I should be able to use them at the same level as Wolverine right away.'

With a thought the bone claws slide out of my hand. When they slid out, I felt a quick sharp pain in my hand, which throbbed for a second as my slow healing factor healed the holes they left.

Looking at my hand I examine my bone claws. 'They look sharp pretty sharp and I'm not able to test their durability without leaving noticeable marks that will lead to questions. Hmm, I wonder what happens if I absorb metal while having my claws out.'

Wanting to test my theory I grab a few of the paper clips, giving me just enough metal to coat my hand. The metal goes along and covers my claws as well, giving them an appearance similar to what Logan's adamantium coated ones look like.

'So if I can get access to only a little Adamantium or Vibrainium I can coat my claws so that they are much the same strength as Logan's without the drawbacks his have.'

I spend the rest of the night sheathing and pulling out my claws while trying to simultaneously move the paper clips into the air. Before I went to sleep, I was rewarded for my efforts with a couple notifications.


[Skill Gained: Pain Resistance: General immunity to how much pain is felt. As level increases, pain felt is reduced. Toggleable, currently on. Lvl 1/10]

[Skill Leveled: Magnetokinesis: Weight capable of being lifted increased. Lvl 2/10]

[Skill Leveled: Healing Factor: Able to heal injuries faster and gives some resistance to poisons. Lvl 2/10]

'It's good that I can toggle the pain resistance incase I have a need to be able to feel pain. I also don't want to become completely numb and forget the dangers of taking damage.'

After my skill leveled, I tried lifting the paper clips again and was able to do it with little effort and even spin multiple around me in the air.

'So leveling has a noticeable increase in capability. I don't know how much I can lift now, I'll have to test it out later.'

After those observations, I went to sleep dreading that I had to start school tomorrow.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Next Day

I woke up and spent a little bit of time continuing to train my pain resistance with my claws before walking out of my room. Outside of my room, I found a note and some boxes. The note read "Kevin, I noticed you didn't have any belongings when you arrived. I took the liberty of purchasing some clothing for you to wear, so you could have some changes of clothes.-Professor X"

'Well looks like the Professor is clutch, I was in too much of a rush to test my powers and forgot to ask him for some clothes.'

Taking a shower and finally changing into some new clothes I walk into the kitchen to get breakfast. I see that Jean and Scott are already there and chatting while eating. Once I had grabbed my breakfast and sat down they both said "Good Morning" before letting me eat.

After I finished eating, Scott stood up and said "Come on Kevin, we've got to go get your schedule from the principal at school. I'll drive you and Jean."

Nodding I stood up along with Jean and we followed Scott to his car. It was a nice red convertible with four seats. The ride was peaceful and we didn't really talk besides Jean asking some cursory questions about how I felt about going to school after so long.

My answer was obviously "I'm dreading it. School was boring back when I was 10, imagine how annoying it will be now that I haven't gone in so long."

'I more annoyed by the fact that I can't use this time to train my powers. High school knowledge isn't gonna help me beat Thanos and Apocalypse.'

Once we pulled into the school parking lot and parked, Scott left me and Jean to go to his class, while Jean showed me the way to the principle's office.

Once we got there, I knocked on the door, while Jean began to leave while whispering "good luck." The door opened and in front of me stood a relatively tall woman with dark brown hair and glasses. This was Principal Darkholme, also known as Mystique of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

"Hi, I'm Kevin Levin, I'm here to take my placement test."

Her face scrunched up for a second before she replied "Alright, come in and sit down at that desk."

Walking in and I moved to the desk she had indicated and found a pencil and scantron along with a test booklet already there. Sitting down, I looked toward her, with her motioning for me to begin.

The test took about 45 minutes and wasn't that hard as I still remembered most of the stuff from my first time in high school. As I finished I gained a skill though.


[Skill Gained: High School Knowledge: The basic knowledge a high school student should have. Lvl 8/10]

Not a very useful skill, but I'll take all the skills I can get. Getting up and bringing the scantron to the principal, she put it through the machine before looking at the results.

"You passed well enough to be placed into the 10th grade. Your schedule was already made in preparation for your passing, so go to class."

Nodding my head, I reach out and take the schedule, trying to brush against her hand in an attempt to absorb her abilities, but the contact isn't long enough for me to gain anything.

Trying again, I reach my hand out for a handshake while saying "Thanks for taking the time out of your day to do this."

She looks at my hand for a second before saying "I don't shake the hands of my students. Now get out of my office and get to class."

Sighing, I walk out of the office.

'I guess I can't have it easy in gaining all abilities. Would've been nice to have shapeshifting though, it's so useful. Guess I'll just wait till we have a fight and I can make prolonged contact.'

The rest of the day passes quickly as I go to each of my classes and mostly zone out. I made a realization while sitting there, not paying attention to the teacher, that I needed an ability that I was able to practice in class without it being obvious what I was doing.

'Maybe I should risk it and try to gain Jean's abilities. I can't remember if Rogue ever absorbed Jean's ability in the show, but I'm sure she had to and nothing bad happened.'

Tabling that until later tonight I walk out of school to see Jean and Scott waiting. Walking up to them, Jean asks "So how did it go?"

"It was boring, I don't know why the Professor insists on us going here."

Jean laughs as Scott defends the Professor by saying "I'm sure this information will be useful in improving mutant and human interactions when we eventually reveal ourselves."

Shrugging my shoulders, I say "Whatever you say. let's go home, I'm tired."

Scott drives us back home, and once we enter the entrance hall, Scott says "Come on. We've got combat training now with Logan."

We make our way towards the Danger Room, while making a stop to change clothes. Jean and Scott come out in their uniforms, while I come out wearing regular clothes since I can change them to metal anyway.

When we enter the Danger Room, we see Logan standing in the middle. Looking at Logan gave me an idea on how I could use my powers, but I'd have to wait to try it out.

"Alright, we're going to be testing how you three function as a team. I'm going to put you on a course, you've got to work together to make your way through it. Got it. Good."

Without giving us time to respond, he leaves to enter the control room.

"That's Logan for you." Jean says.

After a half a minute, the room changes as a laser is suddenly shot at Scott. He reacts quickly and shoots a laser back at it, counteracting it and shooting his way all the way up to the turret that was the source of the laser, destroying it.

I quickly dive down and touch the metal floor, allowing the metal to coat my body. Before I can get back up, I'm pushed back across the room by another turret's laser. Quickly recovering, I jump out of the way and charge the turret, punching straight through it. I hear a sound behind me and turn around to see a robot suspended in the air, with Jean holding her hands to her head.

"Nice save Jean." I say, although I'm a little annoyed I didn't notice it. 'Something to work on.'

Jean and Scott continue to destroy robots, with me doing the same while trying to work on shifting my limbs into weapons. After destroying several more robots, I finally succeed in changing my left arm into a sword.


[Skill Gained: Osmosian Body Modification: Allows the user to shape various body parts when matter is absorbed. Lvl Max]

'Huh, I guess its maxed out since it's an innate ability.'

Using my newly discovered skill in shaping my hands, I destroy the rest of the robots coming for me with a hammer made out of my hands.

Once the simulation was finished, Logan comes back down and gruffly says "So kid, you figured out a new use for your powers."

Nodding I reply "Yeah it seems like when I absorb a material, I can change the shape of my limbs into weapons."

"Alright good I expect you to practice using that in combat some more. I'll teach you a martial arts style that works well with varying weapons. That's all for today's session, but we'll be starting more hardcore sessions soon." Logan then leaves the room, going to do whatever the hell he does all day.

Jean and Scott similarly leave to go take a shower and rest, so I do the same before going back to my room. As I sit down to begin practicing some more with my Magnetokinesis, I think about the idea I had for my powers when I looked at Logan.

'If this works, it will increase my strength a ton and I can use a similar principle to make some money so I don't have to rely on Xavier.'

Can you guys guess what idea he's had and why it relates to Logan? He's made some progress in increasing his skills, but he will start making a lot more soon.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts