
Osmosian Gamer(Rewrite Up)

A guy awakens as an Osmosian in the Marvel Universe with the powers of a Gamer. This is his ascent to power in a world of gods.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

New Student

Author's Note

It's looking like most people want the second option. I'm not addressing it in this chapter, so I'll still give it some time though.

Also, in regards to people like Rogue and Nightcrawler's accents, I don't think I'm going to even try. I would keep forgetting to do it and it's weird to write.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As I woke up the next morning, I could hear some noise coming from the entrance hall. Getting dressed, I walked out of my room and towards the sound of the voices to see Xavier sitting in his chair next to someone covered in a lot of clothing with a hoodie.

'So this is when Nightcrawler joins. That means more people will be joining soon, with more powers for me to absorb, but this is one I've wanted in particular.'

As I walk out of the shadow of the doorway, the Professor spots me and calls me over saying "Kevin come meet our newest student, Kurt Wagner. Kurt will be joining you all in training from now on."

Turning to the guy standing next to him, I stick out my hand while saying "Nice to meet you Kurt, I'm Kevin."

He hesitates for a second before reaching out with a blue, fur-covered hand and meets mind. As he reaches out he looks up and his hood falls back, giving me a view of his face. As his hand reaches mine, he appears to be looking at me to show some sign of fear. Seeing none, he says "Nice to meet you too." and shakes my hand.

With contact, I begin absorbing the power I probably wanted the most since I got here.


[Skill Gained: Phase-Shifting: Through the action of shifting into another dimension for a brief moment, you are able to teleport somewhere in your line of sight or you have been before within a certain range. Current Range: 0.2 miles Lvl 1/10]

[Skill Gained: Neyaphem Physiology: Grants increased agility, reflexes, balance, and the ability to cling to surfaces. Physical changes toggleable. Currently off. Lvl Max]

As soon as those messages appear, I get a sudden feeling of awareness. I can feel the way my body moves a lot more clearly, and I feel a lot more balanced.

'It's good I was right about the tail and fur being toggleable. I don't really want to have to deal with trying to hide them. I'll have to get to work increasing that range, however.'

After releasing Kurt's hand, I turn to the Professor to ask him something, but before I can, Scott and Jean walk in and the Professor introduces Kurt to them as well. After the initial surprise about Kurt's appearance, they aren't really phased by it. Scott does ask about his power, which gives me my first look at teleportation. The faint of brimstone in the air stings my nose a little bit. 'I guess I'll have to get use to it as I practice with my teleportation.'

Xavier proceeded to give Kurt his holo-watch, which actually makes me wonder who made it for him. He tells him he will be using it to go to school and then Scott drives us all to school.

School passes as it does every other day, although I managed to get more continuous information with my telepathy now instead of just flashes.

It was at the end of the day when it was time for the football game that anything interesting happened.

Everyone else was staying for the football game, so I decided I would just walk home, when I remembered that I had just gotten a new power. The Xavier Institute was something around 0.4 miles away from Bayville High, so I started walking the first half before I got close enough to actually test my power.

With a thought, I vanished in a puff of grey smoke, before appearing inside of my room. The sensation was weird, for a brief second everything shifts, before I appear where I wanted to go. It was a little disorienting, but it wasn't that bad. I then teleported several more times around my room to try to get used to it, before teleporting into a nearby alley outside of the school so I could walk in without anyone wondering how I had managed to get into the school without walking through the front door.

'Phase-Shifting will probably be the skill I max out first. It's too useful not to use, I just need to find somewhere secluded so I can practice away from people's sight. I need to extend that range as soon as possible, Kurt's able to teleport around 2 miles and I want to surpass that.'

I stayed in my room for a little while before I heard a commotion outside. Walking out, I see Jean arguing with Scott.

"You've got to be more careful Scott. You could've seriously hurt someone and exposed us if it wasn't for the Professor's telepathy."

'Oh yeah, Scott accidentally blows some shit up today at the game. It wasn't that important, but I might need to sit down and take some time to try to catalogue everything I remember from my past life. Actually, I can take this time to try to organize my mind with telepathy at the same time.'

"Sorry Jean, it was an accident. You would have accidents too if you had a bazooka packed behind your eyes."

"I know I know, just be more careful next time."

"I will."

Walking up the the two I ask "So what happened, Scott blow something up?"

Jean turned to me, answering "His glasses fell off when he got into a fight with Duncan and some of the football players and blew up a propane tank. The Professor managed to erase everyone's minds of what happened though."

'You know, if it wasn't for Gamer's Mind I would be worried about that casual display of mass mind control. As it is, I don't really care if he feels like erasing some random people's minds, and since he can't do it to me if he wants to protect the mutant secret that way, he can do what he wants.'

Scott bit back "Sorry I didn't let your 'boyfriend' pick on some kid."

Jean sighed before saying "Duncan is not my boyfriend. Just because we are friends and he asked me out once does not make him my boyfriend."

'Huh, so maybe my knowledge isn't 100% accurate. I'm pretty sure Jean was dating Duncan when this happened.'

"Well sounds like you guys had an interesting day."

"Yeah and the kid I was protecting, he's a mutant. He's got the abilities of a toad. I invited him to come visit the school today." Scott replied.

"Well I don't know how those powers would be very useful, but cool. I'm gonna head back to my room, just wanted to see what the commotion was about."

Waving goodbye, I walk back to my room, and once I entered, I resume teleporting between my room and the farthest point I could teleport. I repeated this over and over again, devoting all of my time for the next 3 hours to improving this skill. And eventually, I was finally rewarded for my efforts.


[Skill Leveled: Phase-Shifting: Through the action of shifting into another dimension for a brief moment, you are able to teleport somewhere in your line of sight or you have been before within a certain range. Current Range: 0.4 miles Lvl 2/10]

'Finally, another level. It was worth the time, being able to teleport double the distance I could before will help me a lot.'

I sat down and spent 10 minutes practicing with my Magnetokinesis, succeeding in lifting the metal bed frame and spinning it around my room, before I hear an alarm blaring.

On the loudspeaker, the Professor's voice is heard as he says "X-Men, Todd Tolansky has managed to find his way into the Danger Room and it's defense protocols have activated."

'I'm not even going to bother with this. Jean, Scott, and Kurt can handle it. I don't really feel like being in the vicinity of someone with Toad's hygiene.'

I return to practicing with my Magnetokinesis, continuing to move my bed frame along different axis, when I hear a knock on my door.

Getting up and opening it I see a somewhat irate Scott scowling as he says "Kevin where were you. Todd found his way into the Danger Room and we were supposed to help him. Didn't you hear the alarm and Professor's message."

Shrugging my shoulders, I reply "Sorry I had headphones on, didn't hear any alarm or message."

That seems to annoy him for a second, before he says "Well keep one ear out next time. You never know when we could be called away on a mission, you need to always be prepared."

"Sure, I'll do that Scott, I'm gonna get back to doing my homework though, so good night."

Scott looks like he wants to say more, before he nods his head and leaves, as I close the door and return to my practice.

'Well time to get back to work.'

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV Change 3rd Person

Todd runs away from Xavier's school before rounding a corner and finding Mystique waiting for him.

"So did you manage to learn anything about Xavier and his student's." Mystique asks impatiently.

"Uh, maybe. I don't know, I can't remember anything." Toad answers.

Mystique's face takes on an angry look, before she hits Toad over the head saying "You idiot. Xavier wiped your memories. You didn't manage to learn anything useful. Now get out of my sight." Toad nods before running away.

After he leaves, Magneto comes out of the shadows behind Mystique.

"So we still don't know what Kevin's powers are. He could be incredibly powerful and a help in furthering mutants taking their rightful place in the world, or incredibly weak and no help to us at all. We need more information. Soon, I will be sending you some help, hopefully they will be able to find out more information. It may soon be time to retrieve Rogue." Magneto informs Mystique before fading back into the shadows.

At the mention of Rogue, Mystique had a complicated look on her face before it shifted back into a neutral one. She quickly shapeshifted into the shape of a bird, before flying away into the night.

I'll be making the chapters longer soon, but this one served as a kind of transition from Kevin adjusting to his new living place, to the beginning of X-Men evolution, with changes. Kevin will have a much bigger impact on future events, this was just an instance where it would be pointless for him to intervene. That won't happen often at all.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts