
Oshi to Oshi

Make sure to check the auxiliary volume! Niimi Kousei is an avid high school student and passionate Vtuber who spends his time streaming and admiring idols, with his favorite group being "Lucky Star." However, his world turns upside down when he discovers that not just one, but three of his beloved idols are fellow students at his school. upon accidentally encountering each of them, he notices his own Vtuber persona on their phone wallpapers. Surely it’s not pure coincidence that they watch my stream… right?

Yamiru · Realistic
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53 Chs

Truth or Dare

"I just have to survive this event, and it'll be over... That's all," I thought to myself, trying to stay composed amidst the escalating dares.

"Hehe~ Now then, Kou-kun!" Chiaki's mischievous grin sent a shiver down my spine. "Truth or dare?"

Without thinking too much, I quickly replied, "Dare!"

"Ohh?~ You're up for a dare already? I see, I see~ Then... I dare you to say 'I love you' to Shiiki ten times!" Chiaki's mischievous expression widened.

"Eh?! Chiaki!?"

"Hehe~" Chiaki giggled, clearly enjoying the mischief she had unleashed.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what lay ahead. With a slightly reluctant expression, I changed my avatar model to a more romantic one and looked directly to Shiiki.

"I love you, Shiiki," I uttered, repeating those words ten times.

Shiiki's face turned beet red as she covered her face with her hands, clearly caught off guard by my confession.

The chat exploded with a mix of amusement, jealousy, and playful threats.

"Kou-kun, don't you dare steal her from us!"

"I'm gonna find your house, Kou-kun!"

My inbox was soon flooded with more playful and jealous messages from viewers

"Ahh, I have a feeling I'm going to be targeted, aren't I..." I muttered under my breath, sensing the impending mischief that awaited me.

Meanwhile, Shiiki seemed lost in her own little world, a dreamy smile on her face. "Hehehe, Kou-kun loves me..." she whispered to herself, lost in her own fantasy. Yukimi gave her a gentle shake, bringing her back to reality.

"Gah! A-Anyway, next..." Shiiki regained her composure and turned to me. "Truth or dare?"

Taking a moment to consider my options, I decided it was safer to go with the truth this time. "I pick truth."

"I see, then do you have a crush on someone?" Shiiki asked a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I couldn't help but smile at the question. It seemed like a relatively easy one to answer. "Yes, I do," I replied, my voice filled with a hint of amusement.

The chat exploded with excitement.

"Ohhh~ Kou-kun actually has a crush?!"

"Spill the tea, Kou-kun!"

"Who's the lucky person?"

"I'm sorry, chat, but I can't reveal her name," I replied with a playful smile.

The chat erupted with speculation and guesses.

"I bet it's someone from LuckyStars!"

"Yeah, it must be!"

"I heard he bought a front-row ticket to their concert!"

"Sorry, I can't reveal her name for now. Let's just enjoy the collaboration with Happy World Smile!"

Shiiki laughed, "You're such a tease, Kou-kun!"

Yukimi chimed in, "Yeah, leave some mystery for the fans, right?"

As the chat continued to speculate and have fun, I felt relieved that I had avoided sharing too much personal information.

"Anyway, your turn, Yukimi! Go ask Kou-kun! Chiaki said, patting her shoulder.

"A-Ahh! Okay..." Yukimi then asks me, "Truth or dare?"

Let me play with fire for a bit. "Alright, I'll take the dare."

Yukimi hesitated for a moment, clearly unsure of what dare to give me. Finally, she grinned mischievously and said, "I dare you to do your best impersonation of an angry cat!"

"An angry cat? Let's see..."

I cleared my throat and tried to mimic an angry cat's hiss as best as I could.

"Hiss, hiss!" I said, making claws with my fingers and pretending to swipe at the air playfully.

The chat exploded with laughter and various emojis.

"OMG, that's adorable!"

"Kou-kun the fierce cat!"

"He's so cute!"

Yukimi giggled, "Well done, Kou-kun! You make a pretty convincing cat."

"Do you perhaps like cats?"

Shiiki blushed slightly and replied, "Well, I do love cats!"

After a lively and entertaining truth-or-dare game, it was time for me to bid farewell to the collaboration. I expressed my gratitude to the Happy World Smile members for the amazing experience we shared. They thanked me in return and wished me the best in my future endeavors.

The HWS members performed their last song with enthusiasm and passion, captivating the audience with their talent and energy. The chat was filled with positive comments, expressing admiration for the collaboration and the incredible chemistry between us.

I watched the performance with a smile on my face, feeling grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such amazing individuals.

"I should do more collaborations like this," I thought to myself.

Just then, my phone buzzed with a notification from Discord. I quickly checked the message and discovered it was from the manager of the Happy World Smile group. Curiosity piqued, I opened the message and read it silently.

"Thank you for collaborating with us, Kou-kun! It was such a pleasure to have you as a part of our event. The energy and enthusiasm you brought to the collaboration were truly remarkable. We received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our fans, and it was evident that everyone enjoyed the stream immensely. We hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with you again in the future. Once again, thank you for being a part of this memorable experience!"

Heh, guess it's not bad.