

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


I was back at the office, the huge book in hands, the first thing i did was take it to my office without telling Eclispe, i sat down and open the book curious to what mystery it would hold. When i open it a piece of paper imiditly caugth my attention, it was a drawing of a man that i imidiatly recognized, that was the Troublemaker the news montioned that was the wanted man who was still running.

A demon with white hair, black eyes, black hornes, scars but what really really shick what was written ln the drawing, it wasn't a name no... "The Creator of the demon world." what was the meaning of this, this writting that was the Creator's writting ! i needed anwsers.

was this guy, was a wanted man, the man who created the world we lived in ? could it be truth ? could it be that Eclispe knows.

Maybe that's why he's protecting him, maybe that's why he won't tell me anyphing, those feathers could they be his ? i need to find this man and find out why he's been hiding why he's been acting like this, i need anwsers and i need them now, no more lying.

I grab the drawing, and i walk to Eclispe office to get some anwsers, he was still daydreaming not focusing on his work so i decide to call out his name.


Eclispe : "Oh you're back, that was quick. what are you holding ? a important paper Lucius gave you or somephing ?"

"I'm glad you asked." i put the drawing on his desk and i just see shock in his eyes.

Eclispe : "What...? where did you... get that...?"

"A book, now anwser me. is it true ?"

Eclispe : "I..."

he couldn't say anyphing... he had his head down now...

"Please tell me, what's his name, or at least tell me where i can find him please !"

Eclispe : "Please Katsu... we already tried to many time to speak to him but he doesn't want to hear anyphing... i tried so many times..."

"Please Eclispe ! let me try, i promised i'll get him to talk !"

Eclispe : "You'll find him in the black market..."

"Can i have a name please...?"

Eclispe : "Satanael...Rayshii, that's his name..."

"Thank you, Eclispe...i promise you i'll get hos secret, he's safe, we'll protect him together as a team but you need to trust me on this."

Eclispe : "I trust you...please get him back... we need that man back where he belongs, working with the us..."

I than take the path to the black market, a place that i don't know very well.

Katsu directly spotted the demon who had just won a card game with a merchant apparently, picking up something in exchange for his victory as the other people present looked on. he's not even tying to hide...

She approached quietly, dropping some money on the merchant's table, borrowing the deck of cards in the process before looking at the demon she was looking for as she ran her hand through her blue hair, a slight sneer on her lips, followed by a slight click of her tongue as she shuffled the cards

"Interested in another game? This isn't the end of your little stroll here yet as far as I know."

The demon stared at her with a big smile on his face.

> "But I would never refuse such an invitation! Tell me what you want if you win and what you propose if you lose, madam'?"

Is that really a wanted man talking to me...?

he seems way to friendly...

"Unless you're suddenly not interested in monetary gain, I can assure you it's not rocks in that purse."

She began to hand the cards out with surprising ease for someone we've never seen here before, maybe playing with Lucius taugth her that who knows.

"And for what I want... Say, three questions. In private, of course. I'm just... someone who's basically curious. It's a little gaming habit."

The demon with nothing to lose gladly accepted the conditions of the games, and it must be admitted that during the whole party he admired the choices of the young woman, which he had never seen before. She almost reminded him of Lucius. And even with those abilities he couldn't win this game, the demoness had beaten him.

> "I suppose victory is yours, well I'm a man of my word, if you know of a good place for your questions I'm ready to follow you and answer your questions most sincerely in the hope that it will satisfy your "Curiosity"..."

In fact, that's probably how she used to talk to Lucius when she needed to, he was probably more receptive to her taste in games than in long, serious discussions. So she put the cards back, giving them back to the merchant with a little bonus money for leaving them her table and the deck of cards, the purse went back to her belt, well tied up... And then whoever tried to touch it would probably end up with a broken nose on the ground. Once that was done, she stood up, nodding gently.

"If there's a place where you're sure no eavesdroppers will come, I'll follow you. You know the place better than I do. Definitely."

The demon laughed slightly

>Well, follow me then.

The demon stood up slowly, he led you through most of the market before taking a turn to an abandoned house, he opened the door to invite you inside, he stepped inside and closed the door behind him

>"No one will dare to come in here so this is the safest place I can give us, hope you like the place. "

So much for the house being welcoming, did he live here? Honestly you don't expect him to fall that low, the demon sat on the couch quietly probably waiting for you to ask him your questions.

She observed the place a little, very calmly, she didn't look like someone who was easily disgusted. And to tell the truth, she wasn't expecting anything. So disappointment was not the first thing that came to her mind. After a few moments, she sat down next to him, at a reasonable and polite distance, she did not intend to enter his personal space too much.

"That's fine then, anyway, this precaution is for you more than for me.

So, to the point."

She crossed her arms, then her legs quietly, looking at him while sitting at an angle.

"First question, what do you think about how the world turns out holds, simple but complicated question."

>What do I think about how the world turns? Interesting question...

I'm pretty close to Lord Zaykio and Lucius actually.

Despite the family difficulties that they are I must admit that the council has completely lost their heads, it was not necessary to put someone in charge of this world.

Especially their choice to represent the demons: Eclispe Asonaky can make all the efforts in the world I support that this poor boy is much too young and too inexperienced to be able to take care of our hierarchy properly alone.

But in itself the world still seems stable so there is still hope to be have I suppose."

i suppose Zaykio and Lucius know about him than...

"I take note, I take note. Well, unfortunately for your information I'm not much older than he is.

She patted his arm a little with her fingertips, she was about to start the real questions she had to ask, the one that would probably change this calm atmosphere to a political discussion.

"Well, it's not surprising that you know Zaykio and Lucius quite well.

"Second question. Forgive my rudeness, but I can't think of a better way to phrase it. Satanael Rayshii. Tell me, do you ever plan to take responsibility for yourselves?"

She looked him straight in the eye, she was no longer playing at this moment, it had become much more serious.

"And the third question, which will come right away. If not, why not?"

>"Taking responsibility for myself...?"

The demon looked puzzled at first, trying to pretend he didn't understand, but he realized it wasn't going to work, so he sighed.

> I'm going to assume you're a friend of Eclipse's, I don't know how you found out about me or who gave you my name but I guess it's not my place to ask questions, to answer your question..."

He let a silence fill the room for a moment before answering.

>I do not intend to take my "Responsibilities" into my own hands until this world is in no real danger. I wish to remain in the shadows, you see? I have no intention of being a politician, other people can do that.

I'm perfectly happy with my current life, I can do what I want when I want because I have no responsibilities.

Eclispe has already tried to convince me several times that this world needs its creator, but no matter what you do I will not change my mind.

He smiled slightly

>"I thought it was strange that a complete stranger would be interested in a demon like me, it seems like the past always comes back to remind us who we are."

"If you want to know, he kept your secret. I almost took a certain book on the back of my neck on my way to Lucius' office. I guess I don't need to explain which one it was if I came to you after reading it."

She puts her hand on her bag, resting it on her lap. She didn't want to cause Eclipse any trouble, so she might as well be straightforward.

"So you don't want to go public... Nor do you want to deal with the burden of it."

The young woman sighed a little, her leg, crossed over the other, swaying back and forth a little

"You can call me Katsumi, I just took over a week or two ago, I've had time to meet the others.

But yes, everything always catches up to us, no matter how much we run away..."

She uncrossed her arms and put them on her lap.

"What if instead of going to one extreme or the other, we look for a compromise?

>"I must admit that the fact that Eclispe is keeping my secret is a good thing to know, and I seem to have heard of you, Lucius already seems to like you a lot. Nayl must have given him the book because he didn't know what to do with it and so it ended up in your hands. He should have burned that book, that would have caused me a little less trouble."

Katsumi uh? I have to admit that you intrigued my curiosity, I don't see what kind of compromise could satisfy everyone in this story but I'm willing to listen to your suggestions if you have any."

"Lucius is a good card partner. But he's just as much of a problem as Zaykio when it comes to getting them to sit in a chair once they're in the company of their brother."

She leaned her back a little more against the back of the couch, her gaze almost turned to the ceiling now, but looking patient. She wasn't exactly taking the gloves off, but she wasn't brutal without thinking about it first.

"Well, I guess there aren't a hundred solutions. What you're really afraid of, more than just losing your peace of mind, is the consequences for it, if it all goes to hell, right?"

She ran her hand over one of her blue locks again to put it back in place.

"Let's say I take the boring part. That is to say, the hard management and accounting, but in exchange for your decisional involvement... I take full responsibility for every choice as if I made it myself? You have peace, and I do my job."

Silence take the room as the demon is considaring the offer.