
Orin Origins

Power, Glory, Fame, or even World Domination. Only one person can obtain one of these or even all, many have tried to claim this feat, waging wars, bribing government officials, or even committing acts of terrorism. The story follows the adventures of a young boy called Jinjuso and his crew of misfits in his quest to find the mysterious power left behind by the goddess Anathemia. His quest is not an easy one as many other people stand in his way and try to obtain this power to use it as a source of evil or good, the people who search for the mysterious power known only as Orin are called adventurers. Will he be successful? How will he use it? What is this so-called power? Read and find out!

DerangedDragon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Segment 12

Down in the woodland stood Kariya and company about to get back what was taken from them when Timothy valiantly stays true to his mission and stands to protect Curzon whilst he eats, but Kariya's sticky webs swiftly pin him against the wall. "Ok fatty your going to give us back your food or else we'll have to beat it outta your fat stomach so whaddaya s..", Timothy still pinned to the wall interrupted saying, "n-no you c-c-can't have the f-f-food back" He was trying his best to break free from the webs but all his efforts seemed to be for naught, "listen squirt, no matter what you try you cant break free my web they're like superglue, well unless you have fire or something, but I doubt a skinny rat-like you could muster the power of flames anyway, only the hottest flames can burn through my webs though," Kariya said this as he guffawed menacingly. Curzon sat there silent as if he hadn't got a clue as to what had been going on he seemed troubled but he still didn't utter a word. "Come on, please we all have o-o-our reasons for doing what we do It's not like he's taken your f-food f-f-for the sake of taking it" Timothy stated. "That doesn't mean you have to be selfish jerks though does it, and just like you said we all have our reasons for what we do, so that means I'll take what's mine", Kariya angrily exclaimed. In the middle of the Dharnum plains atop the rock stood Cisterna she was telling Yoji to get a move on as she watched him forcefully escort some wannabe adventurers to her. After a few more minutes the adventurers and Yoji arrive at the rock, "So are these the rule-breakers caught by the Hidden Ninjas Conclave no?" said Cisterna suspiciously, she continued, "or were you just simping to impress your queen yes?" "n-no nothing of the sort your excellency," Yoji said sweating nervously "the Hidden Ninja just caught these scum up to no good" continued Yoji. "So what exactly did they do hmm?" asked Cisterna, Yoji looked up to his left and said "well this Animal abuser here was attacking cattle hoping to get free food, I think that's pretty self-explanatory", Yoji looked at the boy, he was whimpering uncontrollably, he gritted his teeth at the boy and frown then he shouted, "WELL WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO SAY FOR YOURSELF ANIMAL ABUSER!" the boy shrieked and said "I'm so so sorry but I couldn't help myself I was just so hungry please forgive me", "When you hurt nature you hurt me so no you fail, and couldn't you have just stolen someone else's bread and fish no?, I didn't say you couldn't, I said you couldn't mess with nature, which are your surroundings, capiche?", said Cisterna in a convicting tone, the boy sighed, "Well what about the other one Yoji" Yoji looked up to the girl standing next to the boy and said, "Well her criminal offence your majesty certainly wasn't as bad as the boys all she did was pick fruits of trees, but this is your court of law so I leave it up to your Jurisdiction", "Well whilst it may not be as severe as the boys breach it is still a breach of the rules therefore that is still a fail no", as Cisterna explained this the girl fell to her knees and started balling her eyes out, "I'm so sorry Cisterna, sorry, sooory" she said, Cisterna was feeling sorry for the girl she came off the rock crouched down to the girl and gracefully said, "oh please don't cry, I know you tried your best remember you always have next time and I'll put a good word in for you, but a fail is a fail those are the rules sweetie", as she said that she softly wiped the tears from the girls eyes the girl was instantly soothed as she looked at Cisterna's silky, smooth lips move in rhythm as she said that to her, and her loving eye look into hers like an angels rhapsody. Cisterna rose to her feet and then the crying girl shortly followed and said, "I'll try my hardest next time Cisterna I promise!" Cisterna smiled.

Back down in the woodlands stood Kariya and company, "yo Kariya I'm growin tired o'dis les not explen ourselves to deeze lot any longer", the navy blue-haired boy explained, "you know what your right Lend so what are we going do about it?" Kariya asked, "Why don't we put a cotton in it?", suggested the puffy pink-haired girl, "Yeah I agree Cheryl let's do just that", Kariya started moving towards Curzon, Curzon backed away, "oh no I can't do anything, man Jinjuso and Gazu where are you?" Timothy thought this to himself as Kariya, Lend, and Cheryl came closer and closer to Curzon, Kariya raised his fist, and then just as he was about to punch down Jinjuso called out from behind and said, "yo Curzon we've got your food well just wait a bit if you want while you have an audience with these fellas", Kariya turned around and said, "get lost", commandingly Gazu shouted louder than ever before and said, "DON'T TELL MY RIVAL TO GET LOST STICKY HEAD", "hey don't call me STICKY HEAD", shouted Kariya, "make me", replied Gazu, Kariya grumbled in return, "well I guess we'll have to beat them to ash then", said Jinjuso. As soon as Jinjuso proposed this Curzon finally broke his silence and said "Everyooone stoop I understand where both Kariya and Timothy are coming from but I know that what I did was unfair and just as much as I want toooo passs they waaant to pass, so Jinjuso please give them two loaves of bread and fish to make up for what I did" "but Curzon are you sure will you be ok" Jinjuso asked concerned, Curzon just nodded so Jinjuso went over and gave two loaves of bread and fish to each of them Lend and Cheryl took their share with disbelief written over their faces whilst Kariya grabbed his share of Jinjuso's hands roughly as he did this he looked at Jinjuso and Curzon angrily and said, "I won't forget this, alright c'mon guys were leaving" they stormed off. "What's their problem", Jinjuso asked, "weeel iits a looong story" Curzon stated. Curzon and Timothy told Gazu and Jinjuso everything that happened, and before long the third and final day was ending, then the loud whistle blew loudly spreading its cry all over the plains for all to hear, and with that, it was time for everyone to assemble back in the middle to hear the results.