
It is there..

In the center of the first planet to ever contain life exists a... thing.

It has always been there, before creatures capable of intelligence, before bacteria, before primordial soup—before life itself.

It has always been there, stationary. It has been there for millennia, having creatures come and go, structures, natural disasters, beautiful phenomena, and horrifying world-ending extinctions, all for it to be repeated again. But one thing always stayed the same, and that would be, well, it. Seeming inanimate yet at the same time alive; it doesn't have a pulse, yet you could feel it pulsate, if you could ever get close to it, that is. Everything within a meter of its reach lay barren, leaving it to levitate, oscillating in mid-air. It looked like a square, but also a triangle, sometimes a sphere; it would look like things straight out of nightmares, at other times like the incarnation of beauty itself... that is to say it didn't have a defined shape, it would vibrate yet stay perfectly still, it doesn't have a specific colour either. Leaving its form and colour up to interpretation. Everything around it was completely still, as if air itself ceased to exist. If you could get close to it, you would hear humming, but not just humming. You would be able to hear the most serene tunes, but also the most bloodcurdling noises imaginable, leaving you in the state of unease by its mere presence, yet at the same time feeling calm, but also sad and angry, sometimes happy. Some would have their vision blurred if they tried to look at it, others would see extremely detailed forms and colours, others would be able to see the vastness of space itself. But one thing was certain, everything that would cast their gaze upon it would feel one thing... dread... extreme dread.

And soon.. insanity

Many creatures have encountered it before, some sentient, some not, from highly advanced civilizations to unworldly creatures with abilities far greater than ever thought possible. No matter what would come across it, it didn't matter, for they would all end the same way.

Fear that would strike them to their very core, inexplicable to anyone, as if staring at a higher existence far surpassing the laws of the universe. A flurry of emotions would come forth: sadness, anger, love... and eventually inner peace, for their ability of thought would cease to exist..

As more and more creatures bumped into it, something odd began to happen... It began... extracting them... What exactly would be hard to pinpoint... It's behaviour remaining unchanged, yet, as if the universe itself was bending to it, turning the comatose beings surrounding it into light, beautiful, glorious lights shining and sparkling into a beautiful conglomerate of different hues, perfectly in harmony swirling in the air, before forming a stream and crashing into it for it to devour, as if it was its right to do so in the first place. But one thing is certain... With each being it consumed.. Its grandeur grew with it.

Hi! Thank you for reading so far.

This is my second attempt at writing anything, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Please do tell if you are enjoying the premise so far, if you have any ideas do comment, I would love tl hear them. You could also try to speculate what it is and what its purpose, if it even has a purpose etc. Honestly I need help with the direction I should head with it. I have multiple ideas but I can't execute them all. I'm also debating if I should fully head into this one story or if I should make this novel into short stories that could be expanded upon in another time so please, if you have any ideas on where you want to see tis head towards do tell me!

I will read and respond to some comments so do reach out for anything you want!! <3


Junielovesyoucreators' thoughts
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